CRM default administrator

The CCAI Platform CRM package sends multiple pieces of data during a support interaction, and all data interactions that take place in the CRM are assigned to a user. This feature provides the ability to define a CRM administrator to represent the default user for all CRM actions and events where a specific agent has not been identified or assigned. This will replace the default behavior where an agent is randomly selected for such events. If this feature is not used, CCAI Platform will randomly assign the ticket or case to any user.

Depending on the CRM, an administrator email, API or administrator token combination are required to enable the default user option.

After enabled, the times when tickets will be assigned to the administrator rather than a random user are:

  • Ticket or case and contact creation when a new chat is initiated before an agent is assigned to the chat

  • Voicemail tickets or cases before receiving a callback call

  • Call ticket or cases for abandoned calls (if enabled)

Zendesk configuration

These steps require administrator permissions in both Zendesk and CCAI Platform.

  1. Follow the steps to generate a new API token in the Zendesk help center.

  2. In the CCAI Platform Portal, go to Settings > Developer Settings.

  3. Enter the API token you just created in Zendesk in the API Token field.

  4. Enter an email with administrator permissions in Zendesk in the Zendesk user email address field.

  5. Mark the checkbox for Default User.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Zendesk troubleshooting

  • If "Zendesk user email address" and "API Token" combination is invalid, an error message is shown and values are reverted to previous setting values (other settings are saved). If values were blank before, it will revert to blank values.

  • If "Zendesk user email address" and "API Token" combination is invalid on save, the "Default User" checkbox will get unchecked.

  • If either "Zendesk user email address" or "API Token" is empty, the "Default User" checkbox will be disabled.

Salesforce configuration

An account with administrator privileges is required for this feature.

  1. From the administrator portal, go to Settings > Developer Settings.

  2. Check to be sure all fields are completed in the CRM section.

  3. Be sure your Salesforce organization ID is 15 digits, not 18. Ex: instead of 00D0O000005Jj18UAC, remove the last three characters to be 00D0O000005Jj18.

  4. Navigate to the bottom of the page and enter your individual Salesforce login URL. This URL is your custom domain, not your lightning domain. Example:


  5. Click Save Login URL.

  6. Click the Link button and enter your Salesforce administrator credentials in the display and click Log In.

  7. Once you are logged in, you will see the login listed as Active in green under Connected administrator users.

  8. Repeat Step 6 with another administrator account for redundancy is the first account is disabled.

  9. Go to CRM > Default User and check the box for Use the Admin user for all ticket creation/updates... option.

  10. Click Save Changes.

Salesforce troubleshooting

  • If "Salesforce administrator token" is not linked "Default User" feature is disabled, the checkbox is disabled and you can't check or clear the box.

  • If "Salesforce administrator token" is linked then "Default User" feature is enabled, you can then check or clear the box.

  • If "Default User" is checked and "Salesforce administrator token" gets unlinked then "Default User" will get unchecked and disabled.

  • If possible, it's best to use a Salesforce administrator account that is not tied to a specific user as individual user accounts are prone to being disabled without understanding the underlying connections.