CCAI Platform WFM reporting

CCAI Platform WFM provides a number of reports that are typically used with a CCAI Platform WFM solution.

Agent adherence report

The agent adherence report lets you to monitor agents' adherence to their schedules over a period of time. This report lets you monitor compliance of agents in a specific skill group over a designated timeframe. The report is generated daily at 12 AM US Eastern Standard Time. You can access it in the WFM portal by going to WFM Reporting > Agent Reports.


  • Skill group: Displays the report only for a specific employee.

  • Date range: Displays the report for the selected employee for the specified date range.

Exporting the report

Click the export icon and the report downloads to your computer.


Metric Description
Late Sign In Count This agent's number of late sign-in occurrences. The aggregate number of this agent's late sign-in occurrences during this period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Early Sign Out Count This agent's number of early sign-out occurrences. The aggregate number of this agent's early sign-out occurrences during this period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Scheduled Time The aggregate duration of this agent's shifts during this time period. The aggregate duration of all agents' shifts during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Logged Time The agent's aggregate logged time in the contact center during this time period. The aggregate logged time of all agents in the skill group during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Sign in % The ratio between Scheduled Time and Logged Time. The average Sign-in % for all agents in the skill group during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Adherence Time The aggregate time the agent was in adherence during this time period. The aggregate time all agents in theskill group were in adherence during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Adherence % The ratio between Adherence Time and Scheduled Time. The average Adherence % for all agents in theskill group during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Time out of Ad- herence The aggregate time the agent was out of adherence during this time period. The aggregate time all agents in the skill group were out of adherence during the specified period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.

Agent adherence group report

The agent group adherence report extends the agent adherence report. It lets you monitor compliance of agents in a specific skill group over a designated timeframe.

The report is generated daily at 12 AM US Eastern Time and can be accessed through the WFM Reporting > Agent Reports tab.


  • Skill group: Displays the report only for a specific employee.

  • Date range: Displays the report for the selected employee for the specified date range.

Exporting the report

Click the export icon and the report downloads to your computer.


Metric Description
Late Sign In Count This agent's number of late sign-in occurrences. The aggregate number of this agent's late sign-in occurrences during this period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Early Sign Out Count This agent's number of early sign-out occurrences. The aggregate number of this agent's early sign-out occurrences during this period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Scheduled Time The aggregate duration of this agent's shifts during this time period. The aggregate duration of all agents' shifts during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Logged Time The agent's aggregate logged time in the contact center during this time period. The aggregate logged time of all agents in the skill group during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Sign in % The ratio between Scheduled Time and Logged Time. The average Sign-in % for all agents in the skill group during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Adherence Time The aggregate time the agent was in adherence during this time period. The aggregate time all agents in the skill group were in adherence during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Adherence % The ratio between Adherence Time and Scheduled Time. The average Adherence % for all agents in the skill group during this time period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.
Time out of Adherence The aggregate time the agent was out of adherence during this time period. The aggregate time all agents in the skill group were out of adherence during the specified period is displayed at the bottom of the column on the last page.

Daily IDP report

The daily IDP report lets you compare the WFM's forecasts to actual call count, service level, headcount, and other metrics. This report is generated daily at 1 AM US Eastern Time. You can accessed it on the WFM Reporting > Agent Reports tab.


  • Day planner: Displays the report only for WFM campaigns in the specified day planner.

  • Date range: Displays the report for the selected employee for the specified date range.

Exporting the report

Click the export icon and the report downloads to your computer.


Metric Description
Contacts Forecasted The number of calls forecasted for this period. At the bottom of the column there's the forecasted number of calls for the entire day.
Contacts Offered The number of calls offered to agents during this period. At the bottom of the column there is a total number of calls offered to agents during the entire day.
Contacts Handled The number of calls handled by agents during this period. At the bottom of the column there is a total number of calls handled by agents during the day.
Forecast Deviation The difference between the forecasted and the handled number of calls. At the bottom of the column there is the average forecast deviation for the day.
Forecasted AHT Forecasted average handle time (AHT) for this period. At the bottom of the column there is the aggregate forecasted AHT for the day.
Actual AHT Actual average handle time for this period. At the bottom of the column there is the aggregate actual AHT for the day.
AHT Deviation The ratio between Actual AHT and Forecasted AHT. At the bottom of the column there is the average AHT deviation for the day.
Forecasted Service Level % The forecasted service level for this period. At the bottom of the column there is the average forecasted service level for the day.
Actual Service Level % The actual service level for this period. At the bottom of the column there is the average actual service level for the day.
Forecasted Headcount The forecasted number of employees for the period. At the bottom of the column there is the aggregate forecasted person hours for the day.
Actual Headcount The actual number of employees for the period. At the bottom of the column there is the aggregate actual person hours for the day.
Staffing Differential The difference between Forecasted Headcount and Actual Headcount. At the bottom of the column there is the aggregate staffing differential for the day.

Productivity Report

The productivity report lets you measure agent productivity by monitoring their adherence and call count. This report is typically used by supervisors to measure the productivity of their agents and to ensure that they are adhering to schedules and meeting call count goals. The report is generated daily at 3 AM US Eastern Time. You can accessed it on the WFM Reporting > Agent Reports tab.


  • Skill group: Displays the report only for agents in the specified skill group.

  • Date range: Displays the report for the selected employee for the specified date range.

Exporting the report

Click the export icon and the report downloads to your computer.


Metric Description
Scheduled productive hours The duration of this agent's shift.
Actual hours The actual working time logged by the agent in the contact center.
Delta Difference between Scheduled Productive Hours and Actual Hours.
Inbound Calls Count The number of inbound calls the agent made during that day.
Inbound Calls AHT The number of inbound calls the agent made during that day.
Outbound Calls Count The number of outbound calls the agent made during that day.
Outbound Calls AHT The average handle time of outbound calls the agent made during that day.
Unidentified Calls Count The number of calls the agent made during that day that cannot be classified as either inbound or outbound.
Unidentified Calls AHT The average handle time of calls the agent made during that day that cannot be classified as either inbound or outbound.
Total Calls Count The total number of all calls the agent made during that day.
Calls AHT The average handle time of all calls the agent made during that day.
Total Contact Time The aggregate time the agent spent on calls during that day
Signed in Unproductive Time The aggregate time the agent spent on non-productive activities during the shift. Calculated as Actual Hours - Total Contact Time
Total Unproductive Time The difference between Scheduled Productive Hours and Total Contact Time
Productivity % The ratio between Total Contact Time and Scheduled Productive Hours.