Agent Assist integration

Agent Assist includes multiple features to help your human agents respond to end-users in real time during a conversation. Suggestions are suited to your individual company needs since they are based on your own provided data (through uploaded profiles). Agent Assist can be used with both Voice and Chat conversations.

Agent Assist platform settings

This sections shows you how to configure Agent Assist platform settings.

Add an agent

To add an agent, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings > Developer Settings > Agent Assist.

  2. Click + Add Platform. The Add an Agent Assist platform dialog displays.

  3. Enter a name for the new platform. This is a mandatory field.

  4. Select CCAI Conversation Profile. This is the only option available.

  5. Click Create. The new platform appears in the Agent Assist platform.

Edit an agent

To edit an agent, follow these steps:

  1. Click Edit to edit or upload a JSON key to a conversation profile.

  2. When CCAI Conversation profile is selected, a keys section with associated JSON keys displays. Each key displays one of the following validity status values::

    • Valid: Indicates that the conversation profile exists and is accessible.

    • Invalid: Indicates that the conversation profile no longer exists or is inaccessible. For example, the conversation profile has expired or been removed.

Agent Assist for voice calls

Agent Assist for voice includes the following features:

  • Knowledge assist: Provides appropriate document suggestions to the human agent. The agent can examine suggestions and decide which documents to read or to share with the end-user.

    The knowledge base for knowledge assist is set up in the Google Cloud Agent Assist console. The following tutorial walks you through the steps to create a knowledge base: Agent Assist - Knowledge Base.

  • Real-Time Call Transcription Transcribe calls in real time for agents to reference during a call or for analysis after the call.

  • Real-Time Sentiment Analysis: Analyzes messages from both the human agent and end-user to determine emotional intent. The score is visible in the agent adapter.

Turn on Agent Assist for calls

To turn on Agent Assist for calls, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Call > Agent Assist.

  2. Click the Agent Assist toggle to the on position

  3. Check the box next to Agent Assist features to be enabled.

  4. Click Save agent assist.

Agent experience

The following sections explain the agent experience for each Agent Assist service.

Knowledge assist

This feature follows a conversation between a live agent and a end-user and provides the live agent with relevant document suggestions. Agents are alerted to knowledge assist document suggestions when the Agent Assist icon in the agent adapter has a green dot next to it.

  1. Click the Agent Assist icon to view the suggestions in the Knowledge tab in the agent adapter.

  2. Click the External Link icon next to a suggested article to share a document with the end-user.

Real-Time sentiment analysis

Sentiment Analysis evaluates the conversation between a human agent and end-user to determine emotional intent. The analysis is generated in real-time to display the sentiment of the present session, or as a one-time score upon Virtual Agent escalation. Sentiment Analysis is available for both Voice and Chat.

For Voice: The Sentiment feature panel displays on the Agent Adapter during a live session.

Sentiment Analysis breakdown

The Real-Time Sentiment Analysis displays 3 scores: last, session, and previous leg.

A (--) displays when no score is available.

last sentiment score for the last consumer response (updates in real-time)
session current average sentiment score (updates in real-time)
prev. leg average sentiment score of the previous segment

There are three sentiments types (neutral, happy, and negative) in the Real-Time Sentiment Analysis and scores displayed fall into the following ranges:

  • 40-75 = Neutral

  • Over 75 = Happy

  • Below 30 = Negative

During the session, the Real-Time Sentiment Analysis scores are sent the to the Agent Adapter. After the session, the session's average score will be posted in the CRM ticket.

Session summarization

Session summarization automatically creates a transcript of the agent and end user conversation during a call, which is displayed in real-time under the Transcript tab in the agent adapter. When the call goes into wrap-up, the session transcript becomes available as an attachment in the notes area of the agent adapter.

Agents can also add notes related to the call in the disposition notes field. Agents can further improve their notes by using the automatically generated session summary feature, which provides a brief overview of the call, including key points discussed and any resolutions or solutions agreed upon.

After the summary is added, the agent can save the disposition summary, which will be shared with the CRM based on the preferred company configuration. Overall, this feature provides agents with a comprehensive and efficient way to manage their conversations with customers, ensuring that all important details are recorded and accessible.

Disposition and summary display

  • When a call is initiated, the Transcript tab will display the transcript of the conversation in real-time.

  • When the chat goes into wrap-up, the session transcript will be available as an attachment in the notes area of the agent adapter.

  • In the disposition notes field, you can add any additional notes related to the call, such as the resolution or solution.

  • If you'd like to add the Automatically Generated Summary to the disposition summary, click the Insert Summary button.

  • Review the summary and make any necessary edits.

  • Save the disposition summary. Based on your company's CRM and external storage configuration, the disposition summary will be shared with the CRM as configured.

Enable summarization

To enable summarization, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Call.

  2. Go to the Agent Assist section.

  3. Click the Agent Assist toggle to the on position.

  4. Select Session Summarization.

  5. Click Save agent assist.

Agent Assist for chat

Agent Assist for chat sessions includes the following features:

  • Smart Compose: CCAI Platform monitors a conversation in real-time and provides suggestions to human agents that auto-complete their responses to end-users.

  • Smart Reply: Automatically provide chat responses to your human agents in real-time during a conversation.

  • Knowledge Assist: Provides appropriate document suggestions to the human agent. The agent can examine suggestions and make a decision about which documents to read or to share with the end-user.

    The Knowledge Base for Knowledge Assist is set up in the Google Agent Assist Console. The following tutorial walks you through the steps to create a knowledge base: Agent Assist - Knowledge Base.

  • Real-Time Sentiment Analysis: Sentiment Score is a feature that analyzes messages from both a human agent and consumer to determine emotional intent. The score is visible in the Agent Adapter.

Turn on Agent Assist for chat

To turn on Agent Assist for chat, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Chat > Agent Assist.

  2. Click the Agent Assist toggle to the on position

  3. Check the box next to Agent Assist features to be enabled.

  4. Click Save agent assist.

Agent experience

The following sections explain the agent experience for each Agent Assist service.

Smart Compose

Smart Compose auto-completes an agent's chat responses using context from the ongoing conversation. This feature provides suggestions at the end of the words being typed to help finish the sentence.

How it works: Suggestions to complete the words or sentences appear after the typed message in lighter font color.

A tab key icon is displayed at the end of the autocomplete suggestion. Click the tab key on the physical keyboard to place the suggested autocomplete text content in the agent chat entry field.

Smart Reply

Smart Reply suggests chat responses to the agent using context from the ongoing conversation. While Smart Compose suggests characters to complete a partially-typed response, Smart Reply suggests entire responses in bubbles above the text entry box.

How it works: Suggestions appear above the text entry field. Select the suggestion that you want and paste it into the field and send the reply to the end-user.

Knowledge Assist

This feature follows a conversation between a human agent and an end-user and provides the human agent with relevant document suggestions.

How it works: The Knowledge Assist button is located in the top right hand corner of the Agent Adapter. A pink circle indicates that articles are available. Click the icon to show the articles. The icon expands to show a list of articles.

Click the Share button next to the article to send it to the end-user.

Real-Time Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis evaluates the conversation between a human agent an end-user to determine emotional intent. The analysis is generated in real-time to display the sentiment of the present session, or as a one-time score upon Virtual Agent escalation. Sentiment Analysis is available for both Voice and Chat.

Sentiment Feature Panel

For Chat: The Sentiment feature panel will be displayed in an open state by default for all new chats. Click the X or the Sentiment Stars Icon to open or hide the panel.

Sentiment Analysis breakdown

The Real-Time Sentiment Analysis displays 3 scores: last, session, and previous leg.

A (--) displays when no score is available.

Score Description
last Sentiment score for the last consumer response. Updates in real time.
session Current average sentiment score. Updates in real time.
prev. leg Average sentiment score of the previous segment.

There are three sentiments types (neutral, happy, and negative) in the Real-Time Sentiment Analysis and scores displayed fall into the following ranges:

  • 40-75 = Neutral
  • Over 75 = Happy
  • Below 30 = Negative

During the session, the Real-Time Sentiment Analysis scores are sent the to the Agent Adapter. After the session, the session's average score will be posted in the CRM ticket.

Session summarization

When a chat enters wrap-up, the agent adapter displays an auto-generated summary of the conversation between the agent and the end-user. This summary provides a brief overview of the chat, including key discussion points and resolutions. The agent can optionally add their own notes to the summary. To keep the summary, the agent clicks Insert summary before saving the wrap-up screen. A saved summary is recorded in your CRM app or in external storage, depending on your configuration.

Enable session summarization

To enable session summarization, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Chat > Global Setting.

  2. Go to the Agent Assist pane.

  3. Click the Agent Assist toggle to the on position.

  4. Select Session Summarization.

  5. Click Save agent assist.