Web SDK API reference

This page contains the API methods of the web SDK.

Initialize the web SDK

Use the following code to initialize the web SDK:

    const ujet = new UJET({
      companyId: '',
      // ...


This section contains the options that you can pass when you initialize the web SDK.



To retrieve companyId from the CCAI Platform portal, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the CCAI Platform portal with an administrator account.

  2. Go to Settings > Developer settings

  3. Copy Company Key

    new UJET({
      companyId: '{ COMPANY KEY }',



Tenant is the subdomain of your CCAI Platform instance, also known as your environment. For example, if CCAI Platform portal is https://acme.ccaiplatform.com/, then acme is the tenant. See the following example:

new UJET({
  companyId: '....',
  tenant: 'acme',



host is the API endpoint that is used by the web SDK. If you have set tenant, there is no need to set host.

new UJET({
  companyId: '....',
  host: 'https://acme.api.ccaiplatform.com',

If you have set tenant, and not host, the web SDK will configure the host value according to tenant. See the following example:




authenticate is a function that returns a JWT token with a promise. See the following example:

new UJET({
  // ...
  authenticate: getAuthToken,

function getAuthToken () {
  return fetch('/ujet/token').then(function(resp) {
    return resp.json()

Authentication is required in the web SDK, but the authenticate option is optional. You can call ujet.authenticate in the created event:

var ujet = new UJET({ ... })
ujet.on('created', function() {
  getAuthToken().then({ token } => {
    ujet.authenticate({ token })



The default language for the end-user. See the following example:

new UJET({
  // ...
  lang: 'ja',



See the following example:

new UJET({
  companyId: '....',
  user: {
    identifier: '...',
    name: '...',
    email: '...',



The launcher option can be false or an object. See the following launcher options:

right: string,
bottom: string,
cssText: string,
chatIcon: url,
closeIcon: url,
style: {
  '--background-color': color,
  '--icon-color': color,

To disable the CCAI Platform default launcher, you can set this option to false. See the following example:

const ujet = new UJET({
  companyId: '...',
  launcher: false,
// use your own button: `<button id="start-chat">Chat with Me</button>`
document.querySelector('#start-chat').addEventListener('click', function() {

Alternatively, you can customize our built-in launcher. See the following example:

new UJET({
  companyId: '...',
  launcher: {
    // cssText: 'body{color:red}',
    // chatIcon: 'https://example.com/logo.svg',
    // closeIcon: 'https://example.com/static/close.svg',
    // right: '50px',
    // bottom: '50px',
    style: {
      '--icon-color': '#FFF',
      '--background-color': '#F1684A',


Your company's logo URL. See the following example:

new UJET({
  logo: 'https://example.com/logo.svg',



Use the style option to customize the web SDK widget. See the following example:

    new UJET({
      // ...
      style: {
        // links: ['https://example.com/font.css'],
        '--primary-font': '',
        '--primary-color': '',
        '--link-color': '',
        '--logo-shadow': '',

For style.links, contact Support to enable.



Custom data can be sent with a chat when the chat is started. See the following example:

new UJET({
  // ...
  customData: {
    version: {
      label: 'Version',
      value: '1.1.0'
    platform: {
      label: 'Platform',
      value: navigator.platform



If disableAttachment is set to true, the web SDK won't allow the end-user to upload photos, videos, or other attachments in chats. See the following example:

    new UJET({
      companyId: '....',
      disableAttachment: true,


Position right of the widget, not the launcher. Adjust this value according to launcher.right. See the following example:

new UJET({
  right: '50px',



Position below the widget, not the launcher. Adjust this value according to launcher.bottom. See the following example:

new UJET({
  bottom: '150px',



Use the translation capability of the web SDK. See the followint example:

new UJET({
  translation: {
    "en": {
      "ujet_start_title": "English!",
      "ujet_greeting": "Hi there!"
    "es": {
      "ujet_start_title": "¡Español!",
      "ujet_greeting": "¡Hola!"
    "fr": {
      "ujet_start_title": "Français!",
      "ujet_greeting": "Salut!"
    "de": {
      "ujet_start_title": "Deutsche!",
      "ujet_greeting": "Hallo!"
    "ja": {
      "ujet_start_title": "日本語!",
      "ujet_greeting": "こんにちは!"


This section contains the methods of the UJET object:

.on(event, callback)

Run the callback when receives the given event:

ujet.on('ready', function() {
  console.log('widget is ready')

Find all events in events documentation.

.off(event, callback)

Remove the given callback from event listeners.

function ready() {
  console.log('widget is ready')

ujet.on('ready', ready)
ujet.off('ready', ready)


Send token value to the widget. This method is usually called in created event:

ujet.on('created', function() {
  fetchToken().then(function(token) {
    ujet.authenticate({ token: token })


You can also pass a function to the .authenticate method. This function should return a promise of the token:

ujet.on('created', function() {
  ujet.authenticate(function(callback) {
    return fetchToken().then(function(token) {
      return { token: token }

.start({ menuKey, ticketId })

The widget is started when the end-user clicks the launcher, but it can also be started with the following code:

// if end user stayed in the web page for 10 senconds
setTimeout(function() {
  ujet.start({ menuKey: 'help' })
}, 10000)

If .start with a menuKey, the widget goes directly to that queue.


.open is similar to .start, but it won't accept any parameters.

setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000)


Minimize the widget programmatically:

ujet.on('chat:status', function(status) {
  if (status === 'timeout') {


Destroy the web SDK. That is, remove it from current web page.

.registerHook(event, fn)

The event in .registerHook is different from the one in .on. This function is usually used when you want to use your own launcher:

// <button id="launcher">Click to open</button>

const ujet = new UJET({
  // ...
  launcher: false,

const launcher = document.getElementById('launcher')
launcher.addEventListener('click', function() {
  if (ujet.status === 'open') {
  } else {

ujet.registerHook('loading', function () {
  launcher.textContent = 'loading'

ujet.registerHook('open', function () {
  launcher.textContent = 'Click to close'

ujet.registerHook('close', function () {
  launcher.textContent = 'Click to open'


Here is a list of available keys for customizing translation:

  • ujet_start_title

  • ujet_greeting