First in first out queue routing

By default, Contact Center AI Platform (CCAI Platform) prioritizes transferred sessions over incoming calls and chats. If you want all calls or chats to be treated in a first in first out (FIFO) manner, regardless of whether they are transferred, you can turn on FIFO queue routing. Transferred sessions include transferred calls and chats and virtual agent escalations. FIFO queue routing applies to the IVR, mobile, and web channels. You can apply FIFO queue routing globally and at the queue level.

Turn on FIFO queue routing globally

To turn on FIFO queue routing globally, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, click Settings > Operation Management. If you don't see the Settings menu, click Menu.

  2. Go to the Routing pane.

  3. Under First In First Out (FIFO) Queue Routing, do one of the following, or both, depending on your requirements:

    • To turn on FIFO queuing for calls, click the Calls toggle to the on position.

    • To turn on FIFO queuing for chats, click the Chats toggle to the on position.

  4. Click Save Routing.

Turn on FIFO queue routing at the queue level

To turn on FIFO queue routing at the queue level, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, click Settings > Queue. If you don't see the Settings menu, click Menu.

  2. Do one of the following, depending on your requirements:

    • To edit an IVR queue, do the following:

      1. In the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) pane, click Edit / View.

      2. Click the queue that you want to edit.

      3. In the Settings pane, next to Routing, click Configure.

      4. Under First In First Out (FIFO) Queue Routing, click the Calls toggle to the on position, and then click Save.

    • To edit a mobile queue, do the following:

      1. In the Mobile pane, click Edit / View.

      2. Click the queue that you want to edit.

      3. In the Settings pane, next to Routing, click Configure.

      4. Under First In First Out (FIFO) Queue Routing, do one of the following, or both, depending on your requirements:

        • Click the Calls toggle to the on position.

        • Click the Chats toggle to the on position.

      5. Click Save.

    • To edit a web queue, do the following:

      1. In the Web pane, click Edit / View.

      2. Click the queue that you want to edit.

      3. In the Settings pane, next to Routing, click Configure.

      4. Under First In First Out (FIFO) Queue Routing, do one of the following, or both, depending on your requirements:

        • Click the Calls toggle to the on position.

        • Click the Chats toggle to the on position.

      5. Click Save.