Standard Reports: Queue Data Sets

Queue Summary - All Interactions Report

The Queue Summary - All Interactions report provides a summary including all interactions, including transfers to the same or different queues. This includes: the first time that the interaction entered a queue, and subsequent entries to a queue after the work was accepted by an agent. This report displays the number of queue interactions by queue for each day. For the queue interactions for each date, the report provides a breakdown of how the interactions exited the queue.

The Queue Summary - All Interactions report can be found at Reports > Queues.

The metrics included in this report are as follows:

Metric Name


Queue Name

The name of the queue including the full path names if the queue is a sub queue.

Queue Interactions

The number of times that an interaction entered a queue. This includes: the first time that the interaction entered a queue, and

subsequent entries to a queue after the work was accepted by an agent.

Queue Abandons

The total number of calls that were disconnected by the caller before being accepted by an agent.

Avg Queue Abandon Time

The average time from when an interaction enters a queue but disconnects by the caller before the interaction is accepted by an agent

Queue Abandon Rate %

The total queue abandons as a percentage of the total queue entries for the given period. Short abandons are included. Failed calls are not treated as abandoned.

Short Abandons

Short abandons are interactions that have entered a queue but are disconnected by the caller before a set number of seconds as configured by the customer.

Long Abandons

Long abandons are interactions that have entered a queue but are terminated by the customer after a set number of seconds as configured by the customer.

Avg Speed of Answer (ASA)

Average time that elapsed between when an interaction entered a queue and when it was assigned to an agent. (Avg Queue Time)

Max Speed to Answer

The maximum time that elapsed from when an interaction entered a queue and when it was assigned to an agent. (Also known as Max Queue Time)


Out of all the interactions that entered the queue, the percentage of interactions that started an active conversation with an agent within the configured SLA threshold. If short abandons are excluded in your SLA configuration, interactions that abandon within the configuration abandon threshold aren't counted.

Calculation: Count of calls In SLA / (Count of calls In SLA + count of calls Out SLA)

Count In SLA = Count of calls where queued time is less than the SLA threshold

Count Out SLA = count of calls where queued time is equal to or greater than the SLA threshold


The sum of interactions that were handled.

Avg Talk Time

The average length of time that the agent spent talking to a consumer. This metric doesn't include hold time or wrap-up time.

Avg Hold Time

The average time across all interactions where a consumer was placed on hold.

Avg Wrap Up Time

The average amount of time that an agent was logged in and was in wrap-up status

Avg Handle Time

The average time across all handled interactions that elapsed from when an agent accepts an interaction to when they end their wrap-up phase. This is calculated asTalk Time + Hold time + Wrap-up time / All handled interactions

Failed Calls

The total number of failed calls for the given date range.

Avg CSAT Score

The average satisfaction scores given by customers to rate the interaction as a percentage of the total possible score.

All Queued Interactions Report

All Queued Interactions Report


The All Queued Interactions report provides detailed metrics of all interactions that queued. This report provides insights to configured SLAs including thresholds and service level event status. This report does include transfer details, specifically cold transfer, where a transfer occurs without prior notification to its recipient. This report does not include any handled metrics.

The All Queued Interactions Report can be found at Reports > Queues.

The metrics included in this report are as follows:

Metric name



The name of the queue including the full path names if the queue is a sub queue - where the interaction waited.

Started At

The timestamp (date and time) when the interaction started.

Ended At

The timestamp of when the interaction finished.

Queue Time

The time from when an interaction enters a queue until it is either answered or the caller abandons.

Agent Name

The identity of the individual that handled the interaction.

Agent ID

The CCAI Platform unique ID of the individual that handled the interaction.

Agent Email

The email address of the individual that handled the interaction


The language associated with the queue the call was routed through.


Identifies whether the interaction was transferred.

Service Level Event

The outcome of the interaction as per the configured SLA.

3 possible values:

In SLA: (the interaction was handled within the SLA as configured for the queue)

Not in SLA: (the interaction was handled outside of the SLA as configured for the queue)

Excluded: (The interaction was not considered as part of the SLA as per the queue configuration.)

Service Level Target Time

The time target for the SLA as per the queue configuration threshold.

Service Level Abandon Time Threshold

The Service Level Abandon threshold as configured for the queue.

Interaction Type

The source of where the interaction originated. Possible values include:

  • IVR Call

  • Incoming call

  • Numbered Incoming Call

Cold Transfer

An interaction where a transfer occurs without prior notification to its recipient.

Returns (1) if a transfer is completed as cold, as opposed to warm.

Event Status

The outcome of the Interaction. Possible values are:

  • All finished

  • ACW Ended

Interaction ID

The unique identifier of the interaction.

Queue Summary - Distinct Interactions Report

Queue Summary - Distinct Interactions Report


The Queue Summary - Distinct Interactions report provides a summary of all distinct queued interactions. Distinct queued interactions (the metric Queue Entries) only counts the first queue entry for the interaction. If a call is transferred to a second queue, only one queue entry is counted for the interaction. This does not include any transfers. This report provides insights to configured SLAs including all handled and abandoned metrics. This report can be used to reflect on the distinct count of contacts into your business.

This Queue Summary - Distinct Interactions report displays the number of queue entries by queue for each day. For the queue entries for each date, the report provides a breakdown of how those interactions exited the queue.

The Queue Summary - Distinct Interactions report can be found in the CCAI Platform Portal at Reports > Queues.

The metrics included in this data set are as follows:

Metric Name


Queue Name

The name of the queue including the full path names if the queue is a sub queue - where the interaction waited.

Queue Entries

This only counts the first queue entry for the interaction. If a call is transferred to a second queue, only one queue entry is counted for the interaction.

Queue Abandons

The total number of calls that were disconnected by the caller without being accepted by an agent.

Avg. Queue Abandon Time

The average time from when an interaction enters a queue but disconnects by the caller before the interaction is accepted by an agent

Queue Abandon Rate %

The total queue abandons as a percentage of the total queue entries for the given period. Short abandons are included. Failed calls are not treated as abandoned.

Short Abandons

Short abandons are interactions that have entered a queue but are disconnected by the consumer before a set number of seconds as configured by the customer.

Long Abandons

Long abandons are interactions that have entered a queue but are terminated by the consumer after a set number of seconds as configured by the customer.

Avg. Speed of Answer (ASA)

Average Speed of Answer (ASA) is the average time an interaction remains in the queue until it is assigned to an agent. ASA is only measured in instances where the interaction is ultimately handled by an agent.

Max. Speed of Answer

The maximum time that elapsed from when an interaction entered a queue and when it got assigned to an agent. ASA is only measured in instances where the call is ultimately handled by an agent.


Out of all the interactions that entered the queue, the percentage of interactions that started an active conversation with an agent within the configured SLA threshold. If short abandons are excluded in your SLA configuration, interactions that abandon within the configuration abandon threshold aren't counted.

Calculation: Count of calls In SLA / (Count of calls In SLA + count of calls Out SLA)

Count In SLA = Count of calls where queued time is less than the SLA threshold

Count Out SLA = count of calls where queued time is equal to or greater than the SLA threshold


The sum of interactions that were handled.

Avg. Talk Time

The average length of time that the agent spent talking to a customer. This metric doesn't include hold time or wrap-up time.

Avg. Hold Time

The average time across all interactions where a customer was placed on hold.

Avg. Wrap-Up Time

The average amount of time that an agent was logged in and was in the wrap-up state

Avg Handle Time (AHT)

The average time across all handled interactions that elapsed from when an agent accepts an interaction to when they end their wrap-up phase. This is calculated asTalk Time + Hold time + Wrap-up time / All handled interactions

Failed Calls

The total number of failed calls for the given date range.

Avg. CSAT Score

The average satisfaction scores given by customers to rate the interaction as a percentage of the total possible score.