API credential management

The Credential management section is available in the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Developer Settings > API.

Use your CCAI Platform subdomain (without the https://) as the username. For example, if the URL you visit is https://NAME.ccaiplatform.com then the subdomain value for your username is NAME.

Create as many API credentials as you need for internal use.

Depending on the integrations you have, you might already see API credentials configured for advanced reporting, or others.

If you lose or forget your token, you can generate a new token. Be sure to store the token in a secure location.

The API credential management settings allow you to:

  • Add new API credentials.

  • Disable or enable credentials.

  • Regenerate the secret token.

  • Edit the name of an existing credential.

To add an API credential, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Developer Settings.

  2. Go to the API Credential pane.

  3. Click + Add API Credential button. The Add API Credential dialog appears.

  4. Enter a name, and then click Create. Your new token appears. This token does not appear again, so be sure to store it in a secure place.

Rename an API credential

To rename an API credential, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Developer Settings.

  2. Go to the API Credentials pane.

  3. Click Edit next to the credential that you want to rename.

  4. Rename the credential, and then click Done.

Regenerate a token

To regenerate the token for a credential, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Developer Settings.

  2. Go to the API Credential pane.

  3. Click Refresh next to the credential that you want to generate a new token for. A Warning* dialog appears.

  4. In the Warning dialog, click Regenerate if you're sure that you want to continue. Your new token appears. This token does not appear again, so be sure to store it in a secure place.