Web SDK string reference

This page contains the strings used in the web SDK. You can customize these strings by using the new UJET(option) method with the translation field. The tables in this reference show the key and the default US English value for each string. For more information, see Multiple language and visual message customization.


Key Value
ujet_tap_to_minimize Tap to minimize
ujet_start_title Need any help?
ujet_common_no No
ujet_common_yes Yes
ujet_common_next Next
ujet_common_exit Exit
ujet_error_no_available_language No Available Language
Key Value
ujet_common_support Support
ujet_common_cancel Cancel
ujet_greeting Hi there, how can we help?
ujet_menu_title Select an option
ujet_common_back Back
ujet_message_back_in_menu Looks like you changed your mind! How else can we help?
ujet_menu_empty_option We're sorry, this support option is not available right now.
ujet_external_confirm Did that resolve your issue?


Key Value
ujet_message_queue Let's help you with
ujet_message_channel How would you like to communicate?
ujet_channel_menu_chat Chat now
ujet_channel_menu_instant_call Call now
ujet_channel_menu_scheduled_call Schedule call
ujet_channel_menu_email Email
ujet_time_minute minute | minutes
ujet_time_hour hour | hours

Optimized message (only one channel is enabled)

Key Value
ujet_channel_chat Let's connect you to one of our chat support specialists
ujet_channel_instant_call Let one of our support specialists give you a call now
ujet_channel_scheduled_call Let's schedule a time for a support specialist to call and help you
ujet_channel_email Please send us an email so we can help


Key Value
ujet_chat_end End chat
ujet_chat_leave Leave chat
ujet_message_chat_start One moment please...
ujet_new_messages {0} new messages
ujet_chat_today Today
ujet_chat_yesterday Yesterday
ujet_chat_input_placeholder Type your message here...
ujet_chat_title_with_one_agent Chatting with {0}
ujet_chat_title_with_two_agent Chatting with {0} & {1}
ujet_chat_title_with_multiple_agent Multiple Agents
ujet_chat_transfer_started_menu {0} is transferring this chat to another agent...
ujet_chat_transfer_started_user {0} is adding another agent to this conversation...
ujet_chat_transfer_joined {0} just joined the conversation
ujet_chat_transfer_left {0} just left the conversation
ujet_chat_transfer_failed Transfer has failed
ujet_chat_ended This chat has ended
ujet_chat_timed_out This chat has timed out
ujet_chat_dismissed We have not heard from you in a while. This chat session is closed. Reply back to this message to begin a new chat.
ujet_chat_new New
ujet_chat_same Same
ujet_chat_start_new Start a new chat
ujet_message_chat_dismissed Welcome Back!
Do you have the same issue or a new issue?
ujet_message_chat_timeout Your previous chat has ended, please
click to start a new chat
ujet_message_chat_restart Connecting to your ongoing chat, one moment please...
ujet_chat_task_va_started {0} transferred the chat to {1}
ujet_chat_task_va_finished The chat with {0} was completed. You were returned to {1}
ujet_chat_task_va_failed The chat with {0} failed. You were returned to {1}
ujet_chat_task_va_interrupted The chat with {0} was interrupted by {1}
ujet_chat_task_va_dismissed The chat with {0} was dismissed. You were returned to {1}

Temporary redirection

Key Value
ujet_redirect_url_title Visit the page below
ujet_redirect_action_title Open this page in a new tab

Call now

Key Value
ujet_ask_phone_number_title_instant We'll Call You
ujet_ask_phone_number_description Provide your phone number below
ujet_ask_phone_number_warning Your call may be monitored or recorded for training and quality assurance purposes.
ujet_ask_phone_number_button_title Call Me
ujet_common_save Save
ujet_instant_call_confirm_content Your phone should be ringing shortly
ujet_call_confirm_start_new_conversation Start A New Conversation
ujet_common_end End
ujet_common_wait_time wait time

Schedule call

Key Value
ujet_schedule_time_title Let's Schedule a Call
ujet_schedule_time_description Pick a time that works best for you
ujet_call_confirm_content Your phone should be ringing right about {0}


Key Value
ujet_email_name_label Your Name
ujet_email_name_placeholder Enter name
ujet_email_user_email_label Your Email
ujet_email_user_email_placeholder Enter email
ujet_email_user_email_error_empty Please enter an email address
ujet_email_user_email_error_invalid Please enter a valid email address
ujet_email_message_label Message
ujet_email_message_placeholder Type your message
ujet_email_message_error Please type a message
ujet_email_attachments_label Attachments
ujet_email_attachment_count Attachments {0} of 5
ujet_email_of_5 {0} of 5
ujet_email_size_limit Size limit: 18 MB
ujet_email_size_remaining Size remaining: {0}
ujet_email_size Size: {0}
ujet_email_attachment_limit_label Attach up to 5 files
ujet_email_remove_file Remove file
ujet_email_send_message Send Message
ujet_email_show_formatting Show formatting
ujet_email_hide_formatting Hide formatting
ujet_email_optional Optional
ujet_email_bold Bold
ujet_email_italic Italic
ujet_email_underline Underline
ujet_email_ordered_list Ordered list
ujet_email_bulleted_list Bulleted list
ujet_email_sending_message Sending message...
ujet_email_close Close
ujet_email_recaptcha This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google {0} and {1} apply.
ujet_email_error_filesize_primary The file is too big. Please attach files under {0}.
ujet_email_error_filesize_secondary Upload another file.
ujet_email_error_upload_primary There was an error uploading the file.
ujet_email_error_upload_secondary Try again.
ujet_email_error_filetype_primary File type not supported.
ujet_email_error_filetype_secondary Upload another file.
ujet_email_error_filename_primary We can't send multiple files with the same file name.
ujet_email_error_filename_secondary Please rename or send another file.
ujet_email_warning_max_count_primary Maximum of 5 attachments have been added.
ujet_email_warning_max_count_secondary Remove any of the files above to select another.
ujet_email_warning_max_char You typed {0} of allowed {1} characters
ujet_email_oops Oops something went wrong!
ujet_email_resend Please try sending again.
ujet_email_success Thank you, your message has been sent.


Key Value
ujet_rating_title Rate Your Experience
ujet_rating_result_title Thank you!
ujet_rating_result_subtitle We appreciate your feedback
ujet_common_submit Submit
ujet_rating_feedback_placeholder Let us know how we can improve.


Key Value
ujet_survey_skip Skip
ujet_survey_resend Resend
ujet_survey_required Required
ujet_survey_error_title Uh-oh. Something went wrong.
ujet_survey_error_content There might be an issue here. Please try again.

File upload

Key Value
ujet_file_upload_title Upload Files
ujet_file_upload_subtitle Drop files here to upload
ujet_file_upload_button Choose a file to upload
ujet_file_upload_failure_size Looks like we couldn't upload.
Please try uploading a file
that is less than {0}.
ujet_file_upload_failure_type Looks like we couldn't upload.
We only accept
.JPG, .PNG, or .MP4.
ujet_file_upload_failure_unknown Looks like we couldn't upload.
Please try again!

Schedule cancel

Key Value
ujet_scheduled_call_cancel_title Cancel the existing call?
ujet_scheduled_call_cancel_content You scheduled a support call for
{0} at {1}.
ujet_scheduled_call_cancel_cancel Cancel
ujet_scheduled_call_cancel_keep Keep It

Chat deflection

Key Value
ujet_channel_menu_keep_waiting Keep Waiting
ujet_deflection_menu_title Select from the options below
ujet_message_chat_deflection_default We are currently experiencing a high volume of requests with a current wait time of {0}. How would you like to reach out?
ujet_message_chat_deflection_outage We are currently experiencing a high volume of request, how would you like to reach out?
ujet_message_chat_deflection_recurring Thanks for your patience! The remaining wait time is {0}.
ujet_message_chat_deflection_keepwaiting Thank you for continuing to wait. The remaining wait time is {0}.
ujet_message_chat_deflection_email Please contact us via email: <b><a href="mailto:{0}" target="\_top">{0}</a></b>.

Recording permission

Key Value
ujet_call_record_permission_title Call Recording
ujet_call_record_permission_subtitle Do you give {0} permission to record your call for monitoring and training purposes?

After hour deflection

Key Value
ujet_message_chat_deflection_afterhour We are currently closed. We look forward to helping you during our normal business hours.

Agent widget strings

Key Value
ujet_request_transcript Request Transcript
ujet_transcript_message Send the chat transcript to your email
ujet_transcript_placeholder Add Email
ujet_transcript_send Send
ujet_transcript_success1 The transcript of the completed chat will be emailed to {0}
ujet_transcript_success2 The transcript of the completed chat will be emailed to {0} and {1} other recipients
ujet_transcript_fail The transcript will not be emailed.
ujet_transcript_ok Okay

Agent widget success or error messages

Key Value
ujet_transcript_invalid_email The email isn't valid.
ujet_transcript_overflow A maximum of 5 emails are allowed.
ujet_transcript_expired Delivery time expired. Transcripts can only be requested within 2 hours after the chat ends.
ujet_transcript_max_request A maximum of 10 transcript requests are allowed.
ujet_transcript_unable_send Unable to send. Please try again.

Web SDK collect email form

Key Value
ujet_collect_email Provide your email address
ujet_invalid_email Enter a valid email address
ujet_invalid_phone Enter a valid phone number

Web SDK virtual agent

Key Value
ujet_escalate Escalate
ujet_end_chat_confirm Are you sure you want to end this chat?
ujet_continue_email Continue with Email Support
ujet_continue_va Continue with Virtual Agent Support
ujet_continue_human Continue with Human Agent Support
ujet_va_overcap_deflect Our customer support is experiencing exceptionally high volume. The estimated wait time is {0} minutes.
ujet_va_ahd_deflect Our support center is closed. Please select the support type you want to continue.
ujet_payload_failure I'm sorry. We are having trouble processing the request. Let me transfer you to a human agent.
ujet_discuss_w_agent Do you want to discuss this with a human agent?
ujet_pf_overcap I'm sorry. I'm having trouble processing your request right now. I can transfer you to a human agent. However, the current estimated wait time is {0} minutes due to exceptionally high volume of support requests.
ujet_pf_ahd I'm sorry. I'm having trouble processing your request right now. Our support center is currently closed as well. Please send us an email with your support request and we will respond back to you at the earliest.
ujet_pf_ah_no_deflect Unfortunately, our support center is currently closed. Please try reaching us later. Thank you.
ujet_virtual_agent_escalation We are connecting you with a human agent
ujet_virtual_agent_escalation_failed We're sorry. We are unable to process your request further at this moment. Please reach out to us again later. Thank you.
ujet_cobrowse_request Request Co-browse
ujet_cobrowse_request_confirm_title Co-browse Session Request
ujet_cobrowse_request_confirm_description Do you want to share your current screen with the agent?
ujet_cobrowse_end_session End Co-browse Session
ujet_cobrowse_remote_access_confirm_title Remote Access Request
ujet_cobrowse_remote_access_confirm_description The agent would like to have access to your currently shared screen to further assist you. Do you want to allow this?
ujet_cobrowse_screenshare_confirm_title Screen Share Request
ujet_cobrowse_screenshare_confirm_description Do you want to share your full screen with the agent? The agent will not be able to control anything on the screen.
ujet_allow Allow
ujet_deny Deny
ujet_chat_cobrowse_request_received {0} is about to request a Co-browse session with you.
ujet_chat_cobrowse_request_sent Co-browse request sent to Agent.
ujet_chat_cobrowse_started Co-browse started.
ujet_chat_cobrowse_ended Co-browse ended.
ujet_chat_cobrowse_failed Co-browse session failed.

Text resize

Key Value
ujet_options Options
ujet_text_size Text size
ujet_text_size_header Set your preferred reading size
ujet_text_size_sub_header Only text will be adjusted
ujet_text_size_regular Regular
ujet_text_size_large Large
ujet_text_size_extra_large Extra Large
ujet_send_chat_transcript Send chat transcript