
Co-browse enables an agent to see an end-user's screen and, optionally, take control of it. The co-browse feature is an optional add-on that has incremental monthly cost per agent.

To set up co-browse for your agents, do the following:

Get your instance provisioned for co-browse

Contact your account manager and request that they provision your Contact Center AI Platform (CCAI Platform) instance for co-browse. After the account manager has fulfilled your request, your instance will be configured for co-browse by generating the co-browse domain, license key, and JWT token.

To confirm that your CCAI Platform instance is provisioned for co-browse, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, click Settings > Developer Settings. If you don't see the Settings menu, click Menu, and then click Settings > Developer Settings.

  2. Go to the Co-browse pane and click the toggle to the on position. If the Co-browse domain and License Key fields are populated, your instance has been provisioned for co-browse. The JWT token won't be visible. Make a note of your co-browse domain and license key. You will need them for configuring the web SDK for co-browse.

Install the web SDK and configure it for co-browse

To use co-browse, you need to initialize the web SDK and configure it for co-browse. You need the web SDK regardless of whether you use co-browse with web chats or with mobile chats. If you use screen share mode, you need to install the web SDK on the web page that you expect end-users to share.

Customize co-browse

When you configure the web SDK for co-browse, the web SDK provides default consent dialogs and a default end-session button. Consent dialogs let an end-user consent to an initial co-browse session request, as well as a subsequent remote control request or full device access request. Optionally, you can customize the consent dialogs and end-session button. For more information, see Customize the co-browse consent dialogs and end-session button.

Create a custom role and apply it to agents

To enable your agents to use co-browse, you need to create a new custom role and apply it to every agent that you want to be able to use co-browse.

  1. To create a custom role, do the following:

    1. In the CCAI Platform portal, click Menu, and then click Settings > Users and Teams. The Users and Team Settings page displays.

    2. Click Roles and Permissions.

    3. Click Add Roles. The Add Role pane appears.

    4. Enter a role name and a label name and an optional description.

    5. In the Function row, click Expand more.

    6. Select the Co-browse - Calls and chats checkbox, and then click Save. Your new custom role for co-browse is created.

  2. To apply the custom role to an agent, do the following:

    1. On the Users and Teams Settings: Roles and Permissions page, click Manage Users and Teams. The Users and Teams Settings page displays.

    2. In the Roles (Users) area, click Agent to display a list of agents.

    3. In the row of the agent that you want to apply the role to, click More, and then click Edit user. The Edit a User pane displays.

    4. Click the Select Role field, and then click the name of the custom role that you created earlier in this procedure.

    5. Click Update. Your new custom role is applied to the agent.

    6. Repeat step 2 for every agent that you want to apply the custom role to.

Co-browse historical data

Co-browse makes historical data available for storage in your customer relationship management (CRM) app or in external storage, depending on how you have set up co-browse. Here are examples of the type of historical data that co-browse makes available after each co-browse session:

  • Who requested the co-browse session.

  • Whether the co-browse session request was accepted or denied.

  • Whether control of a device was requested and whether the request was accepted or denied.

  • Whether full-device screen sharing was requested and whether the request was accepted or denied.

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