Priority user segments are a way to give VIP and other high-value contacts the prompt, efficient service they expect by placing them at the front of the queue. When a consumer initiates a call or chat session, CCAI Platform checks for a contact record in the CRM. If the contact is marked as a Priority User, the consumer goes to the top of any queue they select.
Feature details
When a call or chat session is initiated, CCAI Platform searches for a matching contact record in your CRM. If a match exists, the contact record is scanned for CRM fields. If the specified field matches a priority user segment, the session becomes high priority and jumps toward the front of the queue. The consumer is offered the same queue options as any other consumer, but no matter which one they chose, their session will be marked high priority.
Other feature specifics
Once a priority segment is set up, contacts will be routed when reaching out from any entry point or channel:
IVR, Mobile SDKs and Web SDKs
Call, chat, and SMS
Applies no matter what queue is selected
Works in combination with queue priority and Direct Access Points
Example use cases
Assign a VIP field that can be marked when a specific contact requires special treatment
Use a "stage" field and whenever a customer is in "Onboarding" they will be routed using priority segmentation
Use the "customer segment" field in your CRM and assign priority segmentation to "platinum" account contacts
CRM configuration
The first step is to create a custom field in your CRM. Check your CRM specific documentation on ow to create a custom field in your CRM
Admin Config
From the CCAI Platform portal, use an administrator login to complete these steps:
Allow CRM access for user segment information.
Add a priority user segment.
Allowing CRM Access for user segment information
In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Operation Management.
Under CRM Access, mark the checkbox to allow CCAI Platform to access the user segment information in your CRM.
Click Set General to save.
Adding a priority user segment
In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Operation Management > Priority User Segments.
Click Add a user segment.
Click into the CRM Field and select from the available CRM Fields. Selection options should include any that have been created in your CRM (this is called the key in your CRM).
Enter the user segment CRM value created in your CRM. If the selected value is "gold," when the field in your CRM shows "gold" on the contact record, the caller will be prioritized over other callers in the same queue.
Click Add to save the priority user segment.