Salesforce installation guide

Salesforce installation guide for Salesforce version 1.38.

Salesforce Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions all integrate with CCAI Platform.

Support for Salesforce Classic & Lightning

Installation link: Salesforce Enterprise 1.38

Installation steps

The Agent Adapter installed in Salesforce allows agents to take calls and chats directly in a Salesforce Organization (Org). Versions after 1.17 support both Classic Experience and Lightning Experience.

The installation consists of these steps:

  1. Locate Org ID and Org Name and add to the portal

  2. Install the app in Salesforce

  3. Enter connected app consumer key and secret into the portal

  4. Create a connected app

  5. Place connected app consumer key and secret in the portal

  6. Manage the configuration in Salesforce

  7. Manage the call center

Data required to perform installation

Field Name

Where to Find

Where to Enter

Organization Id


Developer Settings in Portal

Organization Name


Developer Settings in Portal

Connected App Consumer Key


Developer Settings in Portal

Connected App Consumer Secret


Developer Settings in Portal

Tenant name

Admin Portal


Custom Settings in SFDC

Customer Key

Developer Settings

Custom Settings in SFDC


Developer Settings

Custom Settings in SFDC

Connected App

Salesforce Connected App

Custom Settings in SFDC

Locate Org ID and Org Name and Add to the Portal

In this section, you will set up an initial connection between the Contact Center AI Platform Portal and Salesforce by finding the required org information and adding it into the CCAI Platform portal.


  • Access to the Company Information page within Salesforce.

  • User with Admin role assigned in the Portal to access Developer settings

Installation steps

  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup > Settings > Company Settings > Company Information.

  2. Locate the Organization Name and Organization ID in Company Information.

  3. Copy both values.

  4. In another browser tab, open the Contact Center AI Platform Portal.

  5. Go to Settings > Developer Settings > CRM > Agent Platform.

  6. Select Salesforce.

  7. Locate the Salesforce Organization ID and Salesforce Organization Name fields.

  8. Enter the Salesforce Organization ID into the Salesforce Organization ID field and the Salesforce Organization Name into the Salesforce Organization Name field.

  9. Click Save.

Install the App in Salesforce

In this step we will install the app in Salesforce.


Salesforce user must have privileges to install packages into an Organization.

  1. Retrieve the Package Installation link.

  2. Sign in to Salesforce if prompted to do so.

  3. Select Install for All Users.

    Install for all users

  4. Select Install (or Upgrade if your Org used a previous version). This may take a few minutes.

  5. Once the installation is complete, click Done.

    To verify the package installation in Salesforce, go to Platform Tools > Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages.

Create a custom permission set and apply to all agents

In this section, you will create a custom permission set (with the minimum requirements needed for integration), update it with case and contact permissions, and apply it to all agents who use the Contact Center AI Platform Portal.


  • User must be a Salesforce Admin to configure this section.

  • A list of agents who will be using the adapter in Salesforce.


  1. In Salesforce, go to Administration > Users > Permission Sets.

  2. Locate the CC_Agent Permission Set and click the Clone link.

  3. Rename the cloned Permission Set and click Save. For example Company_Agent_Clone.

  4. From the Permission Sets screen, click the name of the new cloned Permission Set.

  5. Click Object Settings, in the Apps section.

  6. Configure the Object Settings for Accounts, Cases, Contacts, and Leads using this table:

Object Read Create Edit Delete View All Modify All
Cases X X X X
Contacts X X X X
Accounts X X X X
Leads X X X X
  1. To configure these settings, click the Object Name. Click Edit (at the top).

  2. Use the checkboxes in the Object Permissions section to enable each of the required permissions (Read, Create, Edit, and View All).

    object permissions checkbox display

  3. Click Save.

  4. Repeat these steps for each of the four objects (Accounts, Cases, Contacts, and Leads).

  5. Configure the tasks object's Type field permission.

Object Field Read Access Edit Access
Tasks Type X X
  1. Once all configurations are done, click Manage Assignments.

  2. Click the Add Assignments button.

  3. Use the checkboxes to select the users, then click Assign.

    Checkbox display

Create a connected app

Create a connected app in Salesforce, a required step for app version 1.15 and later.

A Connected App is an OAuth application that allows the CCAI Platform portal to communicate with Salesforce.


  • Copy your Portal URL. It should follow this structure:



  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup > Apps > App Manager.

  2. Click the New Connected App button.

  3. Update the Basic Information fields with the contents:

  4. Under API (Enable OAuth Settings), select the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox and update the settings using the table:

    Field Name

    Field Value

    Enable OAuth Settings

    Selected (TRUE)

    Callback URL


    Selected OAuth Scopes

    Access the identity URL service (id, profile, email, address, phone)

    Manage user data using APIs (API)

    Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

    Required Secret for web flow

    Selected (TRUE)

    Require Secret for Refresh Token flow.

    Selected (TRUE)

  5. Under the Canvas App Settings, update the settings with the following:

    Field Name

    Field Value


    Selected (TRUE)

    Canvas App URL


    Access Method

    Signed Request (POST)



    Lightning Component

    Open CTI

    Visualforce Page

  6. Navigate to the bottom of the page and click Save.

  7. Click Continue to dismiss the confirmation message and wait for the Connected App to be created.

  8. Go to Setup > Apps > Connected Apps > Manage Connected Apps.

  9. Click the name of the app from the Connected Apps screen.

  10. Click Manage.

  11. Click the Edit Policies button.

  12. Under OAuth policies, select the Admin approved users are pre-authorized option from the Permitted Users drop-down:

    OAUTH policies display

  13. Click Save at the bottom of the page to return to the Manage screen for the Connected App.

  14. Navigate to the Profiles section and click Manage Profiles.

  15. On the Application Assignment Profile screen, select the profile options your company will use, such as the System Administrator or another profile an agent may use.

    In this example, we are selecting Standard User and System Administrator:

    Standard user and system administrator checked

  16. Click Save to return to the manage connected app view.

    A Connected App has been created.To verify the connected app was created, check if the app is listed in Settings > Apps > App Manager.

Enter Connected App Consumer Key and Secret into Admin Portal

Enter client_id key and Secret into the Salesforce Admin Portal.


  • Finish the steps in the Create a connected app previous section.

  • User must have access to the email address associated with Salesforce user account to receive an identity verification email.

  • Must be a user with the administrator role in the CCAI Platform portal.


  1. Go to Setup > Create > Apps > Connected Apps and find your Connected App.

  2. Click the arrow to the far right of the row.

  3. Click View.

  4. Click Manage consumer details.

    Manager consumer details display

  5. Verify your identity by entering the verification code sent to your email address.

  6. Copy the Consumer key and Consumer secret values displayed.

    Consumer details display

  7. In the Contact Center AI Platform Portal, go to Settings > Developer Settings and locate the Connected App Consumer Key and Connected App Secret fields.

  8. Paste the Consumer Secret into the Connected APP Consumer Secret field.

  9. Paste the Consumer Key from Salesforce into the Connected APP Consumer Key field.

  10. Click Save.

    The Connected App information has been added to the Contact Center AI Platform Portal.

Manage the Configuration in Salesforce

Configure App version 1.22 and later.


  • App version for Salesforce 1.22 or later is installed for the Salesforce Org.

  • Get your company's Company Key and Company Secret Code in the Admin Portal by going to Settings > Developer Settings.

  • Connected App is created (see the Create a connected app section above).


  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup > Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages.

  2. Locate the CC_Agent_App and click Configure.

  3. On the new tab that opens, click Add New Configuration.

  4. Complete the fields using the following values:

    Complete the field display

    Field Name

    Field Value

    Location for Field

    Setup Owner

    Organization or Profile

    If you want to set organizational level settings, select Organization. If you want to add profile level settings, select Profile. If you select Profile you can choose a profile for the settings to be applied to.


    Your organization name displays here and is read-only.


    Your profile list displays here and you can choose a Profile if you selected Profile for Setup Owner.


    Company Key

    CCAI Platform Portal > Settings > Developer Settings


    Company Secret

    CCAI Platform Portal > Settings > Developer Settings


    Tenant Name

    In CCAI Platform Portal:


    Only enter the <tenant> portion of the Portal URL in this field.

    Note: This field has a 100 char limit.


    Connected App API name

    Match the name in Create a connected app (such as CCAI_Platform_Connected_App)

  5. If you select Profile from the Setup Owner drop-down, you can select a profile that will be applied to this new configuration. If Organization was selected from Setup Owner, the Profile field is disabled.

  6. Click Save Configuration and you are returned to the list screen and the stored values display.

    If you want to add a new configuration, click Add New Configuration. If you do not want to add another configuration then you can close this window.

  7. Once the configuration is completed, close the browser window.

Manage the Call Center

Configure a Call Center in Salesforce to give agents access to the adapter.



  1. In Salesforce go to Setup > Feature Settings > Service > Call Center > Call Centers.

  2. Locate and click the Call Center titled Softphone_v2.

  3. Click Manage Call Center Users.

  4. Click Add More Users.

  5. Use the filter fields to search for specific users and then click Find. To view all users, click Find.

  6. Use the checkboxes in the search results to select the users that will use the Portal.

  7. Click Add to Call Center.

    To verify the result, go to Call Center and see that the users are listed.

After Installation

Set up the console for Salesforce Classic or Salesforce Lightning:

Console setup for Salesforce Classic

Console setup for Salesforce Lighting

Console setup for Salesforce Classic

Configure the Console App to use the adapter in the Salesforce Classic Experience.


  • Complete Salesforce installation

  • Organization is configured to use Salesforce Classic experience.


  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup > Build > Create > Apps.

  2. On the Apps screen, locate the Sample Console and click Edit.

  3. To edit the Sample Console, go to the Choose Console Components field and select the UJET_Chat component from the Available Items list.

  4. Click Add to move the component to the Selected Items list.

  5. Go to the Assign to Profiles section and select the checkboxes for the profiles with the permission set that you configured in the previous section.

    Assign to profiles display

  6. Click Save.

  7. Verify the adapter is shown in the Console as expected:

    Use the app selector in the Sales menu at the top right corner of the screen to select Sample Console:

    App selector sample app


Salesforce is set up in Salesforce Classic Console.

Console setup for Salesforce Lightning

Configure the Console App to use the adapter in the Salesforce Lightning Experience.


  • Organization uses the Lightning Experience.

  • Must have System Administrator profile or be a user who can manage Apps.

  • Domain deployment for user with Salesforce is completed.


  1. In Salesforce go to Setup > Apps > App Manager.

  2. Locate the Sales and/or Service Console app that has Lightning in the App Type column.

  3. Click the arrow drop-down at the far right and select Edit.

  4. Click Utility Items from the App Settings menu on the left.

    Utility items display

  5. Click Add Utility Item and select the Open CTI Softphone option.

  6. Configure the Label field.

    Configure the Label field

  7. Click Add Utility Item again and select Chat Component in the Custom- Managed section.

  8. Update the Label as needed.

  9. Configure the Icon as needed.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Repeat Steps 2-10 if installing additional Lightning console apps.

The utility bar has been configured with the components. To confirm that Salesforce is set up with the Lightning Experience, check the utility bar in the console.