Domain-based access control

Domain-based access control ensures security while also allowing you to define and control which domains can display the CCAI Platform agent adapter.

Specify a domain

The format for specifying a domain can be any valid domain name, and can include a wildcard (*) to match an arbitrary number of subdomains. The wildcard must be placed at the beginning of the domain, and it will match any subdomains. Additionally, you have the option to specify a protocol and a port using the syntax <protocol>://<domain>:<port>.

The port can be a wildcard, but the protocol cannot be a wildcard. If a protocol is specified, it will match only that protocol and all other protocols won't be able to display the adapter.

For example: won't match or mail://

Add domains in developer settings

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Developer Settings > Agent Adapter-Domain Based Access Control.

  2. Enter each domain on a new line. Format is *.domain. If no domains are specified, access is granted to all domains.

    For example, *

CRM specific domains

Use the following domain naming conventions when entering your CRM domain. If you don't include all of these domains for a specific CRM, the Agent Adapter will immediately break.

  • Salesforce: * * *

  • Zendesk: * *

  • Microsoft Dynamics: *

  • Kustomer: *

  • HubSpot: *.hubspot

Reload frame on the agent adapter

If the agent adapter is not visible to agents after making administrator configuration changes, the agent must right click over the agent adapter and then select the Reload Frame operation.