WFM configuration

The CCAI Platform WFM configuration section provides an introduction on how to set up and customize various settings related to forecasting, agent portal, and campaign management.

Configuration of CCAI Platform WFM is performed through the WFM portal. To be able to access the portal you must first ensure that the WFM service has been enabled. Refer to Getting started for more details.

This section provides an overview of the different settings available and how to modify them to best suit the needs of the organization.

Default settings

This section explains the Default settings page.

Company information

  • Company: the name of your company

  • Status: indicates whether CCAI Platform WFM is enabled for your company

  • CRM URL: the URL of the corresponding customer relationship management (CRM) app that stores the call data necessary for forecasting

  • CC: the contact center used to make calls

  • CC login: the login username of your company's contact center account. These credentials are used to get the information required for CCAI Platform WFM workflows. This includes the following:

    • Campaigns

    • Agent skills

    • Agents status during the workday

    • Agent performance metrics

  • CC password: the password of your company's contact center account

The initial step in configuring CCAI Platform WFM involves determining the settings for different parts of the product, such as forecasting, scheduling, agent portal, and supervisor portal.

Some of these settings are preset and can be modified later by agents and administrators.

General settings

In the General settings page you can specify the following information:

  • Hours of operation: your company's hours of operation, specified in your company's time zone.

  • Company time zone: the time zone that your company is located in. This value is fetched automatically from the CRM and cannot be modified in CCAI Platform WFM . If you want to update the time zone, change it in the CRM, and it is automatically propagated to CCAI Platform WFM .

  • Minimum number of working hours per day: the minimum number of hours that an agent can work per day.

  • Maximum number of working hours per day: The maximum number of hours that an agent can work per day.

  • Default maximum days per week: The maximum number of days that the agent can work per week.

After you have updated the settings, click Save.

Forecasting settings

You can configure the following forecasting settings:

  • Service level: the percentage of calls that must be answered

  • Service level threshold: the service level threshold for this company, measured in seconds

  • Shrinkage: the shrinkage for this company. Shrinkage is a factored-in percentage of time the agents won't be working; for example meetings, trainings, and breaks.

  • Period: the optimal timeframe for forecasts. Possible values are 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour.

  • Chat concurrency: the default number of chats that can be handled concurrently. Specified as a fractional number.

  • Email AHT: the average handle time for emails. Specified as a natural number.

Forecasting settings display

After you have made your changes, click Save.

Agent portal settings

In this section you can configure the behavior of the CCAI Platform WFM agent portal.

  • Shift cover requests must be approved: indicates whether the shift cover requests must be approved by supervisors or if they can be automatically approved.

  • Shift covers can be sent to individual agents: if selected, agents are able to send their shift cover requests to individual agents. If cleared, shift cover requests are sent to all agents simultaneously.

  • Shift trade requests must be approved: indicates if shift trade requests must be approved by supervisors or if they can be automatically approved

  • Time-off requests must be approved: Indicates if time-off requests must be approved by supervisors or if they can be automatically.

  • Allow agents to modify their own personal info: Indicates if agents can modify their own personal data in the Agent Portal.


The Employees tab of the WFM portal allows administrators to manage personnel from one central location. You can create, modify, and delete employees. You can also examine employees' personal and work information.

In CCAI Platform WFM , employees fall into the following two categories:

  • Employees created in the contact center: This type of employee information is automatically fetched from the contact center daily into both the CRM and CCAI Platform WFM .

    Because they are externally created, the management of these employees within CCAI Platform WFM is limited, and only certain values can be modified. These employees cannot be deleted, and any deletion will be reset during the next employee import from the contact center.

  • Employees created in CCAI Platform WFM : this type of employee only exists within CCAI Platform WFM , and their management is not limited. They can be both deleted and modified. However, because these employees don't have a counterpart in the contact center, some capabilities are unavailable to them. For example, these employees will be missing from reports, and schedule adherence and metrics won't be calculated for them in the agent portal.

Create a new employee

To create a new employee, follow these steps:

  1. Click + Add in the corner of the Employees table.

  2. In the window that displays, specify the employee's details:

    1. Personal information:

      Email: (Required) the employee's corporate email address

      First name: (Required) the employee's first name or given name

      Last name: (Required) the employee's last name or family name

      Job title: the employee's job title

    2. Availability and work preferences:

      Availability represents the time windows in which an agent is willing to take shifts. Unlike lax preferences, availability is strict, meaning that shifts cannot be assigned to agents outside the availability window.

      Work preferences, however, are a subset of availability and represent an agent's preferred time frames within an availability window.

      Agent availability and preferences are taken into consideration during shift assignment. When attempting to find suitable agents for a shift, administrators see a list of available agents and those with matching availability and work preferences displayed at the top.

    3. Contact information:

      Specify the agent's contact information.

  3. Click Add employee.

Modify employees

Modifying employees that are created in the contact center is limited to values that are not imported from the contact center. Other employee modification are overwritten during the overnight employee import.

For employees created within CCAI Platform WFM , all values are modifiable except email.

Delete employees

Employees created in the contact center cannot be deleted from CCAI Platform WFM because they would be recreated during the overnight employee import. You can therefore only delete employees created within CCAI Platform WFM .

Permission groups

CCAI Platform WFM provides comprehensive permission management capabilities that enable administrators to granularly grant access to specific features of the platform.

Permissions for individual features are assigned to permission groups whose members inherit permissions of the group. For example, you can create a group called Agent Portal users, grant it permissions to access the agent portal, assign all agents to this permission group. As a result, they will all be able to log into the agent portal.

Manage permission groups

You can create and manage permission groups on the Permission groups page, which is located in the CCAI Platform WFM Settings section.

To create a new permission group, follow these steps:

  1. Click + Add in the corner.

  2. In the menu that displays, start configuring the new permission group.

  3. Name: provide a name for the group.

  4. Description: Provide a description for the group.

  5. Select the target permissions for the members of this group.

  6. Click Next and go to the second step, where you must add members to this permission group.

    A user can be a member of multiple permission groups, which results in the inheritance of permissions from all of the groups to which they are associated.

  7. Click Save.

Members of the newly created permission group can now attempt to log into the WFM portal and use the capabilities granted to the group.

Modify and delete permission groups

You can modify or delete permission groups. To do this, go to the actions column and click the pencil icon to modify or the garbage can icon to delete the respective permission group.

After you remove a permission group, all former members of the group will automatically lose access to all the permissions that were previously granted to the group before its deletion.


In CCAI Platform WFM , a queue represents an event or business domain that triggers the dialing of a specific customer list. For example, if you want to notify your customers about a new product release, the first step is to create a new queue in the contact center dashboard, such as Product X Launch. This will have certain characteristics, such as target service level, service level time, shrinkage, required skill set, and more.

After a queue is created, CCAI Platform WFM automatically detects the queue, and you can use it for forecast calculations.

Queues are retrieved from the contact center on a daily basis. This means that any modifications will be reflected in CCAI Platform WFM , and if a campaign is deleted in the contact center it will also be removed from CCAI Platform WFM .

Queue management

The Queues tab, located under WFM settings, displays all campaigns.

Queues cannot be created or deleted within CCAI Platform WFM . These operations must be performed in the contact center. CCAI Platform WFM watches for all updates.

Modifying campaigns is also restricted. Some values fetched from the contact center cannot be modified, while others can be.

To modify a campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column. This opens a window where you can examine and modify the campaign's parameters.

    The available parameters for campaign modification include the following:

    • Queue name: The name to identify the campaign.

    • Communication channel: The campaign's target communication channel.

    • Service Level (%): the percentage of calls that must be answered.

    • Shrinkage: The factored-in percentage of time the agents won't be working; for example, breaks and meetings.

    • Service level threshold: The number of seconds that you set as a goal for connecting a call with an agent.

    • Period: The optimal timeframe for forecasts. Possible values include 15 min, 30 min, and 1 hour.

    • Email AHT: The average handle time for emails, measured in minutes.

    • Chat concurrency: The number of chats that can be handled concurrently, measured in fractions.

      This option is displayed only if the communication channel is set to Chat.

    • Hours of operation: The campaign's working days and hours.

  2. Click Save.