Oracle CRM

The Oracle CRM integration offers the following:

  • Automatic CRM record updates through seamless real-time data exchange.

  • Call records, chat transcripts, consumer uploaded media files, session metadata, and any passthrough custom data are uploaded to Oracle CRM.

  • Agent adapters can be accessed by signing in to the CCAI Platform portal.


  • Account with access to Oracle Service Cloud

  • User with an administrator role assigned in the CCAI Platform portal to access developer settings

Create a profile in Oracle Service Cloud

  1. Sign in to Oracle Service Cloud using an account with administrator permissions.

  2. Click the navigation icon and select Configuration from the drop-down menu.

  3. Navigate to select management > profiles.

  4. On the profiles tab, select an existing administrator profile.

  5. Right-click and select copy.

  6. On the new profile, click the agent browser UI extensions tab and make sure that UJETCall and UJETChat are selected.

  7. Navigate to the home menu at the top of the screen and click save & close.

  8. On the profiles tab, click home > refresh to see the new profile in the list.

Add profile settings

  1. In the navigation menu, navigate to site configuration > add-in manager.

  2. On the add-in manager tab, expand the agent browser UI extensions menu and select UJET Call.

  3. On the add-in details screen, navigate to the extension files list and select call_config.json.

  4. Navigate to the home menu at the top of the screen and click profile access.

  5. On the add-in access - edit screen, select the new profile from the profiles allowed to access list.

  6. In the server configuration properties list, double-click on the value you want to update and enter the new value.

  7. Navigate to the home menu at the top of the screen and click save.

  8. Select UJET Chat from the agent browser UI extensions menu and select chat_config.json.

Add users

  1. In the navigation menu, navigate to staff management > staff accounts by profile.

  2. Navigate to the home menu at the top of the screen and click new.

  3. Create the new user on the account details screen.

  4. Click the profile field, and then select the profile you created in the previous section from the profiles window.

  5. Click Ok.

  6. Click Change password to set the password for this user and then click Ok.

  7. Navigate to the home menu at the top of the screen and click save.

Configure Oracle CRM in CCAI Platform

Set up an initial connection between CCAI Platform and Oracle by finding the required domain information and adding it into the CCAI Platform portal.

To configure Oracle integration, the administrator must locate the following parameters:

  • Oracle Interface Name
  • Oracle API Username and Password

Enter interface name into Developer Settings

  1. Sign in to Oracle Service Cloud online.

  2. Copy the Oracle Interface Name from the browser URL.

  3. Sign in to the CCAI Platform portal using an account with admin permissions assigned.

  4. Navigate to settings > developer settings.

  5. Navigate to the CRM section and select Oracle as the agent platform.

  6. In the Oracle Interface Name field, paste the URL you copied in a previous step.

  7. Enter the email address of the administrator user in the Oracle API username field.

  8. Enter the password for the administrator user in the Oracle API user password field.

  9. Select the default user checkbox to use this administrator account when creating or updating records.

  10. Select the phone number format from the phone number format list to specify the format used for phone number lookups and how the phone number is formatted in the Oracle CRM record.

  11. Select the custom user ID fields checkbox to use the default user identifier from the Mobile or Web SDK when searching for a user in the CRM.

  12. Select the attach session metadata files to CRM records option to include the session metadata file as part of the record in Oracle CRM.

    The session metadata file includes detailed information about a session and is sent as a JSON file approximately 15 minutes after the session ends.

  13. Click save.

Embed the agent adapter

The Oracle CRM integration doesn't include an agent adapter package out of the box. However, using the following example code, you can deploy the agent adapters in Oracle by utilizing an iFrame on any web page. You can also customize the size of the adapters in the iFrame.

Call adapter sample code

body {
margin: 0
<iframe src="" width="290" height="600" style="border:1px solid gainsboro;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="microphone; camera; geolocation" noresize>

Resize the iFrame

You can increase the size of the iFrames by modifying the width in the browser. To do this, go to Developer Tools > Console and locate the width value using the following strings:

  • Call adapter: document.getElementsByClassName("jt-agent-call-widget component")[0].style.width = '350px';

  • Chat adapter: document.getElementsByClassName("jt-agent-chat-widget component")[0].style.width = '600px';

Adjust the chat adapter

The chat adapter can scale narrower or wider without any display issues.

Adjust the call adapter

The maximum recommended width of the call adapter is 350 pixels. If you assign a width greater than the recommended size, the adapter still works, however, vertical lines appear on the portion of the adapter exceeding 350 pixels. The dial pad display and call and cancel buttons on the outbound call screen appear broken but still function.