Agent aliases

CCAI Platform lets an agent substitute an alias for their real name when communicating with end-users. Administrators can configure agent aliases manually or with a bulk upload. An agent can configure their own alias if they have permissions. Administrators can also add an agent alias attribute to a chat shortcut.

Agent aliases are displayed to end-users only with the mobile and web SDKs. Agent aliases are not used in reporting.

Add an agent alias to a user

To add an agent alias to a user, follow these steps:

  1. Click Menu, and then click Settings > Users and teams.

  2. In the All users pane, in the row for the user that you want to add an agent alias to, click More, and then click Edit user. The Edit a user dialog appears.

  3. In the Alias (Optional) field, enter the agent alias, and then click Update.

Do a bulk import of agent aliases

To do a bulk import of agent aliases, follow these steps:

  1. Click Menu, and then click Settings > Users and teams.

  2. Click Bulk user management, and then click Upload users. The Import users pane appears.

  3. Click Template. The bulk_user_manage_template.csv template downloads to your computer.

  4. Open bulk_user_manage_template.csv.

  5. In the Alias column of the template, enter an agent alias for each user that requires one.

  6. Save and close bulk_user_manage_template.csv.

  7. In the Import users pane, browse for bulk_user_manage_template.csv on your computer or drag the file into the pane.

  8. Click Process.

For more information, see Bulk user management templates

Let agents create their own aliases

You can grant agents permissions to create their own aliases.

To grant an agent permissions to create their own alias, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, go to Settings > Users and teams.

  2. Click the roles and permissions tab.

  3. In the agent row, click Visibility. The edit role display appears.

  4. In the user profile row, click expand.

  5. Select the agent alias checkbox, and then click Update.