Co-browse endpoint

The co-browse sessions endpoint provides access to the co-browse service.

Co-browse sessions endpoint

Parameter Required Data Type Definition
ext_session_id TRUE String The external Co-browse session ID


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: https://{{subdomain}}.{{domain}}/apps/api/v1/cobrowse_sessions/


Key Value Description
Content-Type application/json



Example request and responses

The following sections provide example requests to the endpoint.

End a co-browse session using an external session ID

This example shows how to end a current co-browse session.


You can end a co-browse session using an external session ID.


Key Value Description
Content-Type application/json


Parameter Required Data Type Definition
ext_session_id TRUE String The external Co-browse session ID

Request URL:

POST https://SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN/apps/api/v1/cobrowse_sessions/EXTERNAL_SESSION_ID/end

Replace the following:

  • SUBDOMAIN: Your CCAI Platform tenant name.

  • DOMAIN: The domain for your instance.

  • EXTERNAL_SESSION_ID: The external session ID for the co-browse session that you want to end.

Response: Session terminated
    "message": "Session terminated"

Status Code: 200