Schedule a Google Analytics 4 transfer

The BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Google Analytics 4 connector lets you automatically schedule and manage recurring load jobs for Google Analytics 4 reporting and configuration data.

Supported reports

The BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Google Analytics 4 supports the following reporting options:

Reporting option Support
Repeat frequency

Daily, at the time the data transfer is first created (default)

You can configure the time of day.

Refresh window

Last 4 days (default)

Configurable up to 30 days

For information about how Google Analytics 4 reports are transformed into BigQuery tables and views, see Google Analytics 4 data transformation.

In a Google Analytics 4 transfer, the BigQuery Data Transfer Service transfers the following reports to BigQuery:

  • Audiences
  • Conversions
  • Demographic details
  • Ecommerce purchases
  • Events
  • In-app purchases
  • Landing page
  • Pages and screens
  • Promotions
  • Tech details
  • Traffic Acquisition
  • User Acquisition

For more information about predefined reports available for Google Analytics, see Predefined reports.

Data ingestion from Google Analytics 4 transfers

When you transfer data from Google Analytics 4 into BigQuery, the data is loaded into BigQuery tables that are partitioned by date. The table partition that the data is loaded into corresponds to the date from the data source. If you schedule multiple transfers for the same date, BigQuery Data Transfer Service overwrites the partition for that specific date with the latest data. Multiple transfers in the same day or running backfills don't result in duplicate data, and partitions for other dates are not affected.

Refresh windows

A refresh window is the number of days that a data transfer retrieves data when a data transfer occurs. For example, if the refresh window is three days and a daily transfer occurs, the BigQuery Data Transfer Service retrieves all data from your source table from the past three days. In this example, when a daily transfer occurs, the BigQuery Data Transfer Service creates a new BigQuery destination table partition with a copy of your source table data from the current day, then automatically triggers backfill runs to update the BigQuery destination table partitions with your source table data from the past two days. The automatically triggered backfill runs will either overwrite or incrementally update your BigQuery destination table, depending on whether or not incremental updates are supported in the BigQuery Data Transfer Service connector.

When you run a data transfer for the first time, the data transfer retrieves all source data available within the refresh window. For example, if the refresh window is three days and you run the data transfer for the first time, the BigQuery Data Transfer Service retrieves all source data within three days.

Refresh windows are mapped to the TransferConfig.data_refresh_window_days API field.

To retrieve data outside the refresh window, such as historical data, or to recover data from any transfer outages or gaps, you can initiate or schedule a backfill run.

Before you begin

Review the following prerequisites and information before you create a Google Analytics 4 data transfer.


  • In Google Analytics 4, the user account or the service account must have viewer access to the property ID that is used in the transfer configuration.
  • Verify that you have completed all actions required to enable the BigQuery Data Transfer Service.
  • Create a BigQuery dataset to store your Google Analytics 4 data.
  • If you intend to set up transfer run notifications for Pub/Sub, ensure that you have the pubsub.topics.setIamPolicy Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission. If you only set up email notifications, Pub/Sub permissions aren't required. For more information, see BigQuery Data Transfer Service run notifications.

Required BigQuery roles

To get the permissions that you need to create a transfer, ask your administrator to grant you the BigQuery Admin (roles/bigquery.admin) IAM role. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

This predefined role contains the permissions required to create a transfer. To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:

Required permissions

The following permissions are required to create a transfer:

  • bigquery.transfers.update on the user
  • bigquery.datasets.update on the target dataset

You might also be able to get these permissions with custom roles or other predefined roles.

Set up a Google Analytics 4 data transfer

Select one of the following options:


  1. Go to the Data transfers page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Data transfers

  2. Click Create transfer.

  3. On the Create transfer page, do the following:

    • In the Source type section, for Source, choose Google Analytics 4.
  4. In the Data source details section:

    • In the Property ID field, enter a property ID.
    • Optional: In the Refresh window field, enter a duration for your refresh window in days. The refresh window has a default value of four days, and can be a value up to 30 days.
  5. In the Destination settings section, in the Destination dataset menu, select the dataset that you created to store your data.

  6. In the Transfer config name section, for Display name, enter a name for the data transfer. The transfer name can be any value that lets you identify the transfer if you need to modify it later.

  7. In the Schedule options section:

    • Select either Start now or Start at set time, then provide a start date and run time.
    • For Repeats, choose an option for how often to run the data transfer. If you select Days, provide a valid time in UTC.
  8. Optional: In the Service Account menu, select a service account from the service accounts that are associated with your Google Cloud project. The selected service account must have the required roles to run this data transfer.

    If you signed in with a federated identity, then a service account is required to create a data transfer. If you signed in with a Google Account, then a service account for the data transfer is optional. For more information about using service accounts with data transfers, see Use service accounts.

  9. Optional: In the Notification options section:

    • Click the toggle to enable email notifications. When you enable this option, the transfer administrator receives an email notification when a transfer run fails.
    • Click the toggle to enable Pub/Sub notifications. For Select a Cloud Pub/Sub topic, choose your topic name or click Create a topic. This option configures Pub/Sub run notifications for your transfer.
  10. Click Save.


Enter the bq mk command and supply the transfer creation flag — --transfer_config. The following flags are required:

  • --data_source
  • --target_dataset
  • --display_name
  • --params
  bq mk --transfer_config \
  --project_id=PROJECT_ID \
  --target_dataset=DATASET \
  --display_name=NAME \
  --params='PARAMETERS' \


  • PROJECT_ID: your project ID. If --project_id isn't specified, the default project is used.
  • DATASET: the target dataset for the data transfer configuration.
  • NAME: the display name for the data transfer configuration. The transfer name can be any value that lets you identify the transfer if you need to modify it later.
  • PARAMETERS: the parameters for the created data transfer configuration in JSON format, for example, --params='{"param":"param_value"}'. For Google Analytics 4 transfers, the property_id parameter is required.
  • DATA_SOURCE: the data source — ga4.

For example, the following command creates a Google Analytics 4 data transfer named My Transfer using property ID 468039345, with the target dataset mydataset.

The data transfer is created in the default project:

  bq mk --transfer_config
  --display_name=My Transfer


Use the projects.locations.transferConfigs.create method and supply an instance of the TransferConfig resource.

Specify encryption key with transfers

You can specify customer-managed encryption keys (CMEKs) to encrypt data for a transfer run. You can use a CMEK to support transfers from Google Analytics 4.

When you specify a CMEK with a transfer, the BigQuery Data Transfer Service applies the CMEK to any intermediate on-disk cache of ingested data so that the entire data transfer workflow is CMEK compliant.

You cannot update an existing transfer to add a CMEK if the transfer was not originally created with a CMEK. For example, you cannot change a destination table that was originally default encrypted to now be encrypted with CMEK. Conversely, you also cannot change a CMEK-encrypted destination table to have a different type of encryption.

You can update a CMEK for a transfer if the transfer configuration was originally created with a CMEK encryption. When you update a CMEK for a transfer configuration, the BigQuery Data Transfer Service propagates the CMEK to the destination tables at the next run of the transfer, where the BigQuery Data Transfer Service replaces any outdated CMEKs with the new CMEK during the transfer run. For more information, see Update a transfer.

You can also use project default keys. When you specify a project default key with a transfer, the BigQuery Data Transfer Service uses the project default key as the default key for any new transfer configurations.


There is no cost to run a Google Analytics 4 transfer.

Once data is transferred to BigQuery, standard BigQuery storage and query pricing applies.


Google Analytics 4 transfers are subject to the analytics property quotas as enforced by Google Analytics 4. To allow more quota per property, you can upgrade to Google Analytics 360.