High availability in remote agents

Supported in:

To prevent a single point of failure when using the remote agent, you can configure a secondary remote agent which will act as a fallback agent for remote actions execution and remote data ingestion. The remote agent will initiate the switch-over to the secondary remote agent after 30 seconds downtime of the primary agent.

How to set up high availability for remote agents

  1. Go to SOAR settings > Advanced > Remote Agents.
  2. Click View more on the agent you want to assign as primary. The side drawer opens with all the information on the agent.
  3. Click Add secondary agent.
  4. Follow the process to set up an agent. You can choose to set up the agent using manual installation or a docker. Make sure the secondary agent has the same network or internet access as the primary agent.
  5. The status of the secondary agent is now reflected in the High Availability column in the Remote Agents page.