Manage agents

Supported in:
There are various actions you can take on the remote agents to ensure they work as required. The agent information presented in the remote agent page includes:
  • Name
  • Agent Status: Live, Failed, Pending, Disabled, Deleted.
  • Environment
  • Agent Version
  • Last Communication
  • High availability (HA). For more information on HA, see Deploy high availability for remote agents.
  • Available update
  • More detailed information is provided in the side drawer. You can perform the following actions from the more_vert More menu inside the side drawer.
    • Send installer/docker command: A download link to install the agent on the remote site is created for each customer. You can forward it to them.
    • Edit: You can edit the following:
      • Agent name
      • Log level
    • Download logs
    • Disable agent: A disabled agent cannot run actions or connectors or communicate with Google Security Operations.
    • Delete agent: A deleted agent still appears in the platform for archival purposes. Only an agent with live> status can be deleted.