Manage chart settings in Native Dashboards
This document explains how you can use charts in Native Dashboards.
A Native Dashboard is composed of charts that are populated with data using YARA-L queries. Charts on dashboards simplify complex data, revealing trends and patterns through visuals. The chart type used depends on the data and required insights.
Add a chart
To add a chart to your dashboard, do the following:
On the Edit Dashboard page, click Add chart.
In the query editor, enter a YARA-L query to explore and transform your data. You can also view and use previous queries from History, your saved search, or queries that have been shared with you earlier.
Select an Absolute or Relative time range.
Click Run Search. The results display in a tabular format, which serve as the default chart type.
In the Chart details, enter a name for the chart.
Optional: Click Chart type and select a chart type to change the format of your tabulated search results. For more information about the available chart types, see Chart types.
Change the chart settings according to your requirements.
Review the results and then click Add to Dashboard.
Edit a chart
On the Edit Dashboard page, click
Edit on a chart to edit it.In the query editor, modify the YARA-L query to explore and transform your data. You can also view and use previous queries from your history, saved searches, or shared queries.
Modify the time range as required, and then click Run Query.
Change the chart settings according to your requirements.
Review the results and click Save to save the changes to the chart.
Delete a chart
To delete a chart, do the following:
On the Edit Dashboard page, click
Menu on the chart you want to delete, and then click Delete.Click Confirm to delete the chart.
Add a button
You can add buttons to a dashboard, and then use them to open a link. For example, you can add a button that links to a third-party ticketing system.
To add a button, do the following:
On the Edit Dashboard page, click Add > Button.
In the Create Button dialog, enter a name for the button in the Button label box.
Enter a link that opens when you click the button. Only
links are supported.Optional: Select the Open the link in new tab checkbox to open the link in a new tab.
In the Description box, enter a button description.
Select Button style and Button color.
Click Save to save your changes. The button is displayed on the dashboard.
Edit a button
To edit an existing button, do the following:
On the Edit Dashboard page, click
Edit on the button.In the Edit button dialog, make the required changes.
Click Save to save the button. The button is displayed on the dashboard.
Make a copy of a button
To make a copy of a button, do the following:
- On the Edit Dashboard page, click Copy.
Delete a button
To delete an existing button, do the following:
On the Edit Dashboard page, select the button to delete and then click
Delete.On the Edit Button dialog, click Remove > Confirm to delete the button.
Select a chart type
Visualizations help you quickly identify anomalies and trends. Choose the right chart to visualize your data effectively. To create meaningful charts, consider your audience and select a chart type that suits your data. Ensure your data is correctly formatted, and use clear, concise labels for axes and legends.
Bar chart
Bar charts are useful for comparing categories of data or tracking changes in quantitative data across multiple groups over time. Data points are plotted on two axes with categories on one axis and values on the other. Bars can be oriented vertically (column charts) or horizontally.
Line Chart
Line charts show trends or changes over a continuous interval, such as time, or an area chart to emphasize the volume of change. The horizontal (X) axis represents the continuous interval, and the vertical (Y) axis shows the quantitative variable. Data points are connected by lines, highlighting change patterns. Key features include an emphasis on trends, comparing multiple data series, and analyzing continuous data.
Area graph
Area graphs similar to line charts, emphasize the magnitude of change over time. They visualize trends and show the cumulative contribution of components to the overall trend. The horizontal (X) axis represents the continuous interval, like time, while the vertical (Y) axis shows the quantitative variable. The area between the line and the X-axis is filled, highlighting value magnitude. Key features include an emphasis on magnitude, the use of stacked area charts to show individual and contributions over time.
Scatter plot
Scatter plots display the relationship between two quantitative variables, revealing correlations, patterns, and distributions in bivariate data. One quantitative variable is plotted on the horizontal (X) axis, and the other on the vertical (Y) axis. Each data point appears as a dot, positioned according to its values for both the variables. Key features include identifying correlations, detecting patterns, and analyzing data distribution.
Chart configuration
The following table describes the common configuration options for bar charts, line charts, area graphs, and scatter plots.
Field | Description |
Name | Enter a descriptive name for the chart. |
Description | Add a brief explanation of the chart's purpose. |
X-axis | Choose the data field to display along the X-axis (horizontal axis). |
Y-axis | Choose the data field to display along the Y-axis (vertical axis). |
Display axis in log scale | Turn on to display the X-axis using a logarithmic scale. |
X-axis label | Specify the label for the X-axis (horizontal axis). |
Y-axis label | Specify the label for the Y-axis (vertical axis). |
Legend | Select where to display the chart's legend. For example, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, None. |
Table chart
Table charts display detailed, structured data in rows and columns, providing precise values and enabling comparisons across multiple dimensions. They support sorting, filtering, and pagination to enhance data exploration and usability.
Field | Description |
Name | Enter a descriptive name for the chart. |
Description | Add a brief explanation of the chart's purpose. |
Table settings | Add a label for the event variables. |
Pie chart
Pie charts show how a whole is divided into parts, effectively visualizing the relative size of each category within a single dataset. They represent data as slices of a circle, where each slice's size corresponds to its proportion of the whole. You can use pie charts for a quick, visual understanding of part-to-whole relationships, but limit them to datasets with few categories.
Field | Description |
Name | Enter a descriptive name for the chart. |
Description | Add a brief explanation of the chart's purpose. |
Field of data | Select an appropriate event variable. |
Value of data | Select an appropriate event variable. |
Donut chart | Click the Donut Chart toggle to display the data in donut shape. |
Legend | Select where to display the chart's legend. For example, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, None. |
Metric chart
Metric charts provide a quick snapshot of key performance indicators by displaying a single, prominent numerical value, often accompanied by a label and optional trend indicators for context. They highlight a specific data point for immediate insight, focusing on a single value to provide a clear and concise understanding of critical metrics.
Field | Description |
Name | Enter a descriptive name for the chart. |
Description | Add a brief explanation of the chart's purpose. |
Metrics data type | Select an appropriate event variable. |
Metrics label | Enter a descriptive name for the label. |
Appearance | Select an appropriate metric. You can select either Number or Plain text. |
Map chart
Map charts visualize geographic data by plotting coordinates to reveal spatial patterns and distributions. With interactive features like zooming and panning, they're ideal for displaying and analyzing location-based information.
Field | Description |
Name | Enter a descriptive name for the chart. |
Description | Add a brief explanation of the chart's purpose. |
Latitude | Select an appropriate event variable. |
Longitude | Select an appropriate event variable. |
Field to count | Select an appropriate event variable. |
Plot mode | Select an appropriate plot mode to plot individual geographic points in terms of latitude and longitude. You can select Heatmap, Points, or Both. |
Map position | Use the toggle to fit the data. |
Point settings | Select an appropriate option to select the point size either to Fixed or Proportional to size. |
Color | Select an appropriate color for the point settings. |
Gauge chart
Gauge charts visually represent a single value within a defined range, using dials or bars, to indicate performance or progress towards a target or threshold.
Field | Description |
Name | Enter a descriptive name for the chart. |
Description | Add a brief explanation of the chart's purpose. |
Field of data | Select an appropriate event variable. |
Gauge display value | Select an appropriate event variable. |
Display data values | Use the toggle to display the data values. |
Gauge Configuration | Enter an appropriate value for Base value and Limit value.
Select an appropriate color for the Limit value. Click Add Range to add Threshold value. |
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