Remote Agent Scaling Strategy

Supported in:

The scalability of the framework is constantly improved and tested to allow more traffic with less infrastructure.
These are the current data loads officially supported by Google Security Operations  (average results collected during a 10 minute test):


Connector \ Action Execution Time (avg): 7-10 seconds
Connector \ Action Result Size (avg): 500KB – 1MB
Request: An end-to-end flow of sending a request to the agent and getting the response back into Google Security Operations.
A single request equals a single action execution or a single connector run.

Basic Agent (4 cores, 8GB RAM, 100GB Storage)

Actions Rate: 96 actions\minute
Connectors Rate: 96 runs\minute (e.g. 16 connectors, each connector runs every 10 seconds, each brings back a result)
Combined Rate: 96 requests\minute (e.g. 60 Actions + 6 Connectors, each connector runs every 10 seconds, each brings back a result)

Scaled Up Agent (8 cores, 16GB RAM, 100GB Storage)

Actions Rate: 144 actions\minute (completed full run)
Connectors Rate: 144 runs\minute (e.g. 24 connectors, each connector runs every 10 seconds, each brings back a result)
Combined Rate: 144 requests\minute (e.g. 90 Actions + 9 Connectors, each connector runs every 10 seconds, each brings back a result)