Use dynamic parameters in environments

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Dynamic parameters let you create custom categories or groups for your environments. This is particularly useful for playbooks where you can define custom triggers, actions, or conditions, based on these new environment parameters. This enhanced customization is beneficial for both enterprises and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) who manage numerous tenants.

To add a dynamic parameter:

  1. Go to Settings > Organization > Environments.
  2. In the Environments screen, click format_list_bulleted List and select Add Dynamic Parameters.
  3. dynamicpara1
  4. In the Dynamic Parameters dialog, click add Add to add a new parameter.
  5. Enter a name for the parameter; for example,
    Service Package
  6. You can add a string and a default value. Note that the default value will be propagated to all existing environments.
  7. You can alternatively add a list with list content and the default value. For example, select List, enter your values in the List Content field, and press Enter. Repeat this step until you have the list you want.
  8. Select the default value you want from the list, click Save, and then click Done. The dynamic parameter, with its selected default value, is now applied to all existing environments and displayed on the main screen.

You can edit these values individually or in bulk later, as described in the following section.

Edit in bulk with Export or Import

To edit values in bulk, we recommend exporting the values to a spreadsheet.

To edit parameters in bulk:

  1. Click format_list_bulleted List and select Export Dynamic Parameters.
  2. In the spreadsheet, perform bulk edits on the values. Note that you can't change the Parameter Names or Environment names.
  3. When done, click format_list_bulleted List and select Import Dynamic Parameters.

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