Apply and save filters
Supported in:
Filters enable you to narrow your case search in the queue to precisely target the cases you want to analyze.
Each filter can be added using either AND/OR condition.
Each filter can
include an Is/Is Not Condition.
The following filters are available:
- Time Frame
- Alert Name
- Product
- Playbook Status
- Analysts (note that you can also choose to include analysts that are part of a role. So for example you can choose just Tier2 and if Alex Smith (who is part of a Tier2) has a case assigned to him - this will appear in the filtered display)
- Environment or environment group
- Priorities
- Stages
- Tags
For example, let's create a filter to display cases that are High Priority but not in the Investigation stage from the last 24 hours.
- Click Open Filter.
Fill in the required information as follows:
- Time Frame: Last 24 hours.
- Priorities IS High. And
- Stages IS_NOT Investigation.
- If you want to save the filter for future use, click Save Filter and give it a name. The filter will be saved under the downward arrow in the Case Queue Header for future use. You can edit and delete filters from this saved filter list.
- Next, click Apply to apply the filter to the case queue.