Let Google Support access the SOAR side of your platform

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At times, the only way to troubleshoot problems on the customer's platform is to let Google Support create a user to access your instance. This feature is only relevant for the SOAR functionality of the Google Security Operations platform.

To enable Google Support to access your instance:

  1. Go to Settings > Advanced > Support Access.
  2. Click the Allow Access toggle to ON.
  3. Select the required SOC Role, Permission Group and Environments. These settings determine what the Google Support user can access. Make sure that the permission group you choose has the correct Edit and View settings for the modules they need to access.
  4. Select the time period. This should match the time period you defined in your local Settings. The time period specifies the amount of time the Google Support user has access to your system. If you specify a longer time period and the Google Support user has finished the job, you can set the Allow Access toggle to OFF, which will delete the user. The maximum setting is one month, but you can edit it to add more time.
  5. Click Save. The details are saved and used to create users for Google Support. Once the user is created, they appear on the screen.
  6. allowaccess

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