Collect Microsoft Azure AD Context logs

Supported in:

This document describes how you can collect Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) logs by setting up a Google Security Operations feed.

Azure Active Directory (AZURE_AD) is now called Microsoft Entra ID. Azure AD audit logs (AZURE_AD_AUDIT) are now Microsoft Entra ID audit logs.

For more information, see Data ingestion to Google Security Operations.

An ingestion label identifies the parser which normalizes raw log data to structured UDM format.

Before you begin

To complete the tasks on this page, ensure that you have the following:

  • An Azure subscription that you can sign in to.
  • A global administrator or Azure AD administrator role.
  • An Azure AD (tenant) in Azure.

Configure Azure AD

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Go to Home > App registration, select a registered application or register an application if you haven't created an application yet.
  3. To register an application, in the App registration section, click New registration.
  4. In the Name field, provide the display name for your application.
  5. In the Supported account types section, select the required option to specify who can use the application or access the API.
  6. Click Register.
  7. Go to the Overview page and copy the application (client) ID and the directory (tenant) ID, which are required to configure the Google Security Operations feed.
  8. Click API permissions.
  9. Click Add a permission, and then select Microsoft Graph in the new pane.
  10. Click Application permissions.
  11. Select AuditLog.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, and SecurityEvents.Read.All permissions. Ensure that the permissions are Application permissions and not Delegated permissions.
  12. Click Grant admin consent for default directory. Applications are authorized to call APIs when they are granted permissions by users or administrators as part of the consent process.
  13. Go to Settings > Manage.
  14. Click Certificates and secrets.
  15. Click New client secret. In the Value field, the client secret appears.
  16. Copy the client secret value. The value is displayed only at the time of creation and it is required for the Azure app registration and to configure the Google Security Operations feed.

Configure a feed in Google Security Operations to ingest Azure AD Context logs

  1. Select SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. Enter a unique name for the Feed name.
  4. Select Third party API as the Source type.
  5. Select Azure AD Organizational Context as the Log type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Configure the following mandatory input parameters:
    • OAUTH client ID: specify the client ID that you obtained previously.
    • OAUTH client secret: specify the client secret that you obtained previously.
    • Tenant ID: specify the tenant ID that you obtained previously.
  8. Click Next and then click Submit.

For more information about Google Security Operations feeds, see Google Security Operations feeds documentation. For information about requirements for each feed type, see Feed configuration by type. If you encounter issues when you create feeds, contact Google Security Operations support.

Field mapping reference

This parser code transforms raw JSON formatted logs from Azure Active Directory into a unified data model (UDM). It extracts user and manager information, including attributes, roles, relations, and labels, while handling various data inconsistencies and enriching the output with standardized fields.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
businessPhones user.phone_numbers Directly mapped from the businessPhones field in the raw log. Multiple phone numbers are extracted and mapped as separate entries.
city Directly mapped from the city field in the raw log.
companyName user.company_name Directly mapped from the companyName field in the raw log.
country user.personal_address.country_or_region Directly mapped from the country field in the raw log. If country is empty, the value is taken from usageLocation.
createdDateTime user.attribute.creation_time Converted to a timestamp from the createdDateTime field in the raw log using the RFC3339 format.
department user.department Directly mapped from the department field in the raw log. Multiple departments are extracted and mapped as separate entries.
displayName user.user_display_name Directly mapped from the displayName field in the raw log.
employeeId user.employee_id Directly mapped from the employeeId field in the raw log. If employeeId is empty, the value is taken from extension_employeeNumber.
employeeType user.attribute.labels.value (key: employeeType) Directly mapped from the employeeType field in the raw log and added as a label with the key employeeType.
extension_employeeNumber user.employee_id Mapped to user.employee_id if employeeId is empty.
extension_wfc_AccountType event.idm.entity.entity.labels.value (key: wfc_AccountType) Directly mapped from the extension_wfc_AccountType field in the raw log and added as a label with the key wfc_AccountType.
extension_wfc_AccountingUnitName event.idm.entity.entity.labels.value (key: extension_wfc_AccountingUnitName) Directly mapped from the extension_wfc_AccountingUnitName field in the raw log and added as a label with the key extension_wfc_AccountingUnitName.
extension_wfc_execDescription event.idm.entity.entity.labels.value (key: extension_wfc_execDescription) Directly mapped from the extension_wfc_execDescription field in the raw log and added as a label with the key extension_wfc_execDescription.
extension_wfc_groupDescription event.idm.entity.entity.labels.value (key: extension_wfc_groupDescription) Directly mapped from the extension_wfc_groupDescription field in the raw log and added as a label with the key extension_wfc_groupDescription.
extension_wfc_orgDescription event.idm.entity.entity.labels.value (key: extension_wfc_orgDescription) Directly mapped from the extension_wfc_orgDescription field in the raw log and added as a label with the key extension_wfc_orgDescription.
givenName user.first_name Directly mapped from the givenName field in the raw log.
gopher-devices event.idm.entity.relations Each device in the gopher-devices array is mapped to a separate relation entry. The deviceId is mapped to product_object_id, operatingSystem and operatingSystemVersion are combined to form platform_version, model is directly mapped, and createdDateTime is converted to a timestamp and mapped to created_timestamp. The relationship is set to OWNS and the direction is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL.
gopher-groups event.idm.entity.relations Each group in the gopher-groups array is mapped to a separate relation entry. The id is mapped to product_object_id, and displayName is mapped to group_display_name. The relationship is set to MEMBER and the direction is set to UNIDIRECTIONAL.
gopher-manager.businessPhones empmanager.phone_numbers Mapped to empmanager.phone_numbers if manager is empty. empmanager.personal_address.country_or_region Mapped to empmanager.personal_address.country_or_region if manager is empty. If both and gopher-manager.usageLocation are empty, the field is left empty.
gopher-manager.department empmanager.department Mapped to empmanager.department if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.displayName empmanager.user_display_name Mapped to empmanager.user_display_name if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.employeeId empmanager.employee_id Mapped to empmanager.employee_id if manager is empty and gopher-manager.employeeId is not empty.
gopher-manager.extension_employeeNumber empmanager.employee_id Mapped to empmanager.employee_id if manager and gopher-manager.employeeId are empty, and gopher-manager.extension_employeeNumber is not empty.
gopher-manager.givenName empmanager.first_name Mapped to empmanager.first_name if manager is empty. empmanager.product_object_id Mapped to empmanager.product_object_id if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.jobTitle empmanager.title Mapped to empmanager.title if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.mail empmanager.email_addresses Mapped to empmanager.email_addresses if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.onPremisesImmutableId user.attribute.labels.value (key: gopher-manager onPremisesImmutableId) Mapped as a label with the key gopher-manager onPremisesImmutableId.
gopher-manager.onPremisesSamAccountName empmanager.userid Mapped to empmanager.userid if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier empmanager.windows_sid Mapped to empmanager.windows_sid if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.proxyAddresses empmanager.email_addresses, empmanager.group_identifiers If manager is empty, each address in the gopher-manager.proxyAddresses array is mapped to either empmanager.email_addresses or empmanager.group_identifiers based on whether it starts with "smtp" or "SMTP".
gopher-manager.refreshTokensValidFromDateTime empmanager.attribute.labels.value (key: refreshTokensValidFromDateTime) Mapped as a label with the key refreshTokensValidFromDateTime if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.streetAddress Mapped to if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.surname empmanager.last_name Mapped to empmanager.last_name if manager is empty.
gopher-manager.usageLocation user.attribute.labels.value (key: manager_src_usageLocation) Mapped as a label with the key manager_src_usageLocation.
gopher-manager.userType Mapped to if manager is empty.
id user.product_object_id Directly mapped from the id field in the raw log.
identities user.attribute.labels.value (key: signInType), user.attribute.labels.value (key: userPrincipalName) The signInType is mapped as a label with the key signInType. If signInType and userPrincipalName are not empty, they are combined and mapped as a label with the key userPrincipalName.
jobTitle user.title Directly mapped from the jobTitle field in the raw log.
mail user.email_addresses Directly mapped from the mail field in the raw log. If mail starts with "svc-", the user_role.type is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT.
mailNickname user.attribute.labels.value (key: mailNickname) Directly mapped from the mailNickname field in the raw log and added as a label with the key mailNickname.
manager.businessPhones empmanager.phone_numbers Mapped to empmanager.phone_numbers if gopher-manager is empty. Mapped to if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.companyName empmanager.company_name Mapped to empmanager.company_name if gopher-manager is empty. empmanager.personal_address.country_or_region Mapped to empmanager.personal_address.country_or_region if gopher-manager is empty. If both and manager.usageLocation are empty, the field is left empty.
manager.department empmanager.department Mapped to empmanager.department if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.displayName empmanager.user_display_name Mapped to empmanager.user_display_name if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.employeeId empmanager.employee_id Mapped to empmanager.employee_id if gopher-manager is empty and manager.employeeId is not empty.
manager.extension_employeeNumber empmanager.employee_id Mapped to empmanager.employee_id if gopher-manager and manager.employeeId are empty, and manager.extension_employeeNumber is not empty.
manager.givenName empmanager.first_name Mapped to empmanager.first_name if gopher-manager is empty. empmanager.product_object_id Mapped to empmanager.product_object_id if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.jobTitle empmanager.title Mapped to empmanager.title if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.mail empmanager.email_addresses Mapped to empmanager.email_addresses if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.onPremisesSamAccountName empmanager.userid Mapped to empmanager.userid if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier empmanager.windows_sid Mapped to empmanager.windows_sid if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.proxyAddresses empmanager.email_addresses, empmanager.group_identifiers If gopher-manager is empty, each address in the manager.proxyAddresses array is mapped to either empmanager.email_addresses or empmanager.group_identifiers based on whether it starts with "smtp" or "SMTP".
manager.refreshTokensValidFromDateTime empmanager.attribute.labels.value (key: refreshTokensValidFromDateTime) Mapped as a label with the key refreshTokensValidFromDateTime if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.state empmanager.personal_address.state Mapped to empmanager.personal_address.state if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.streetAddress Mapped to if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.surname empmanager.last_name Mapped to empmanager.last_name if gopher-manager is empty.
manager.usageLocation user.attribute.labels.value (key: manager_src_usageLocation), empmanager.personal_address.country_or_region Mapped as a label with the key manager_src_usageLocation. If is empty, the value is also mapped to empmanager.personal_address.country_or_region.
manager.userType Mapped to if gopher-manager is empty.
onPremisesDistinguishedName user.attribute.labels.value (key: onPremisesDistinguishedName), user.attribute.labels.value (key: onPremisesDistinguishedName-OU data) The full distinguished name is mapped as a label with the key onPremisesDistinguishedName. The OU portion of the distinguished name is extracted and mapped as a label with the key onPremisesDistinguishedName-OU data. If the OU portion contains "Admin", the user_role.type is set to ADMINISTRATOR. If it contains "Service Accounts", the user_role.type is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT.
onPremisesDomainName user.group_identifiers, user.attribute.labels.value (key: onPremisesDomainName) Directly mapped to user.group_identifiers and added as a label with the key onPremisesDomainName.
onPremisesImmutableId user.attribute.labels.value (key: onPremisesImmutableId) Directly mapped from the onPremisesImmutableId field in the raw log and added as a label with the key onPremisesImmutableId.
onPremisesSamAccountName user.userid, user.attribute.labels.value (key: onPremisesSamAccountName) Mapped to user.userid if sAMAccountName is empty. Also added as a label with the key onPremisesSamAccountName.
onPremisesSecurityIdentifier user.windows_sid Directly mapped from the onPremisesSecurityIdentifier field in the raw log.
proxyAddresses user.email_addresses, user.group_identifiers Each address in the proxyAddresses array is mapped to either user.email_addresses or user.group_identifiers based on whether it starts with "smtp" or "SMTP". If the address starts with "smtp" or "SMTP", the "smtp:" or "SMTP:" prefix is removed and the remaining email address is extracted and mapped to user.email_addresses.
refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user.attribute.labels.value (key: refreshTokensValidFromDateTime) Directly mapped from the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime field in the raw log and added as a label with the key refreshTokensValidFromDateTime.
sAMAccountName user.userid Directly mapped from the sAMAccountName field in the raw log.
state user.personal_address.state Directly mapped from the state field in the raw log.
streetAddress Directly mapped from the streetAddress field in the raw log.
surname user.last_name Directly mapped from the surname field in the raw log.
usageLocation user.personal_address.country_or_region If country is empty, the value is mapped to user.personal_address.country_or_region.
userPrincipalName user.email_addresses Directly mapped from the userPrincipalName field in the raw log. If userPrincipalName starts with "svc-", the user_role.type is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT.
userType Directly mapped from the userType field in the raw log and added to
Parser Logic UDM Mapping Logic
N/A event.idm.entity.metadata.vendor_name Set to "Microsoft".
N/A event.idm.entity.metadata.product_name Set to "Azure Active Directory".
N/A event.idm.entity.metadata.entity_type Set to "USER".
N/A event.idm.entity.metadata.collected_timestamp Set to the create_time field from the raw log.
accountEnabled user.user_authentication_status, user.attribute.labels.value (key: accountEnabled) If accountEnabled is true, user.user_authentication_status is set to "ACTIVE" and a label with the key accountEnabled and value "true" is added. Otherwise, a label with the key accountEnabled and value "false" is added.
empmanager-src.accountEnabled user.user_authentication_status, user.attribute.labels.value (key: accountEnabled) If manager is empty and empmanager-src.accountEnabled is "true", user.user_authentication_status is set to "ACTIVE" and a label with the key accountEnabled and value "true" is added. Otherwise, a label with the key accountEnabled and value "false" is added.
onPremisesDistinguishedName user_role.type If the OU portion of the distinguished name contains "Admin", the user_role.type is set to ADMINISTRATOR. If it contains "Service Accounts", the user_role.type is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT.
userPrincipalName user_role.type If userPrincipalName starts with "svc-", the user_role.type is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT.
empmanager-src.onPremisesDistinguishedName manager_role.type If gopher-manager is empty and the OU portion of the manager's distinguished name contains "Users", the manager_role.type is set to ADMINISTRATOR. If it contains "Service Accounts", the manager_role.type is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT.
empmanager-src.userPrincipalName manager_role.type If gopher-manager is empty and empmanager-src.userPrincipalName starts with "svc-", the manager_role.type is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT.
mail user_role.type If mail starts with "svc-", the user_role.type is set to SERVICE_ACCOUNT.



  • Mapped "officeLocation" to "".
  • Mapped "extension_wfc_groupDescription", "extension_wfc_execDescription", "extension_wfc_orgDescription", "extension_wfc_AccountingUnitName", and "extension_wfc_AccountType" to "entity.labels".



  • Added checks for "accountEnabled" field to parse correct value to "entity.user.attribute.labels.value" field.


  • Mapped "onPremisesImmutableId" to "entity.user.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "gopher-manager.onPremisesImmutableId" to "entity.user.attribute.labels".



  • Changed "empmanager-src.usageLocation" mapping from "entity.user.personal_address.country_or_region" to "entity.user.attribute.labels".



  • Mapped "employeeType" attribute to "entity.user.attribute.labels".
  • Dropped malformed JSON logs with tag "TAG_MALFORMED_MESSAGE".



  • Added null checks and an 'on_error' check for absent values.



  • Added rename function, instead of replace, to map "group.displayName" to "".
  • Mapped "country" to "user.personal_address.country_or_region". If "country" not present, mapped "usageLocation" to "user.personal_address.country_or_region".



  • Added null check before mapping data for field "onPremisesDistinguishedName".
  • Added gsub to extract email address from field "proxyAddresses".


  • Mapped "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute4" to "entity.entity.user.attribute.labels" if "onPremisesExtensionAttributes.extensionAttribute4" is "Employee".
  • Added gsub for "onPremisesDistinguishedName" to remove extra backslashes.



  • Mapped "mailNickname" to "entity.user.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped only "country_n_code" to "user.manager.personal_address.country_or_region" if "empmanager-src.usageLocation" is null.


  • Bug-Fix:
  • Mapped "entity.user.attribute.roles" to "ADMINISTRATOR" where OU includes "Admin"


  • Mapped "accountEnabled" to "user.attribute.labels"


  • added mappings for following fields:
  • 'createdDateTime' mapped to 'entity.user.attribute.creation_time'
  • 'accountEnabled' mapped to 'entity.user.user_authentication_status'


  • Enhancement- Mapped fields starting with extension_GUID_sbuxXXXXXXX to user.attribute.labels or manager.attribute.labels, depending on its occurrence in the log.


  • Enhancement-Added few missing fields
  • onPremisesSamAccountName, onPremisesDomainName, onPremisesDistinguishedName mapped to entity.user.attribute.labels.
  • For signInType, userPrincipalName mapped to entity.user.attribute.labels.

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