配置为使用槽自动扩缩的预留会自动扩缩分配的容量,以满足您的工作负载需求。随着工作负载的增加或减少,BigQuery 会动态地将槽调整为适当的级别。具有槽自动扩缩功能的预留仅适用于 BigQuery 版本。
- BigQuery 几乎可以即时扩容预留,直到达到执行作业所需的槽数,或者达到预留可用的槽数上限。槽始终自动扩缩为 50 的倍数。
- 纵向扩容基于实际用量,并向上取整到最接近的 50 个槽增量。
- 在纵向扩容时,您的自动扩缩槽将按关联版本的容量计算价格付费。您需要按扩缩的槽数付费,而不是按使用的槽数付费。即使导致 BigQuery 纵向扩容的作业失败,您也需要支付此费用。因此,请勿使用作业信息架构来匹配结算信息。请改为参阅使用信息架构监控自动扩缩。
- 虽然槽数始终按 50 的倍数进行扩容,但只需一步即可扩容超过 50 个槽。例如,如果您的工作负载需要额外的 450 个槽,BigQuery 可以尝试一次性扩容到 450 个槽来满足容量要求。
- 当与预留关联的作业不再需要该容量时(最少 1 分钟),BigQuery 会纵向缩容。
任何自动扩缩的容量都会保留至少 60 秒。这 60 秒的时间段称为纵向缩容时段。容量出现任何高峰都会重置纵向缩容时段,并将整个容量级别视为新的授权。但是,如果自上次容量增加以来超过 60 秒或更长时间且需求减少,则系统会在不重置纵向缩容时段的情况下减少容量,从而实现连续减少,而不会强制延迟。
除了指定预留大小上限之外,您还可以选择为每个预留指定基准槽数。基准是始终分配给预留的槽数下限,您始终需要为这些槽付费。只有在使用所有基准槽(以及空闲槽 [如果适用])后,系统才会添加自动扩缩槽。您可以将一项预留中的空闲基准槽与需要容量的其他预留共享。
基准槽和自动扩缩槽旨在根据您近期的工作负载提供容量。如果您预计会有与近期工作负载截然不同的大量工作负载,我们建议您在事件发生之前增加基准容量,而不是依赖自动扩缩槽来覆盖工作负载容量。如果您在增加基准容量时遇到问题,请等待 15 分钟后重试该请求。
如果预订没有基准槽或未配置为从其他预留借用空闲槽,则 BigQuery 会尝试进行扩缩。 否则,必须先充分利用基准槽位,然后才能进行伸缩。
- 基准槽。
- 空闲槽共享(如果已启用)。预留只能共享具有同一版本和同一区域的其他预留的空闲基准槽或承诺槽。
- 自动扩缩槽。
和 dashboard
预留的基准大小分别为 700 个和 300 个槽。
预留可以扩容到 1,300 个槽(700 个基准槽加上 600 个自动扩缩槽)。如果 dashboard
预留未使用,则 etl
预留可以使用 dashboard
预留中的 300 个槽(如果没有作业在其中运行),最多可以使用 1600 个槽。
预留可以扩容到 1,100 个槽(300 个基准槽加上 800 个自动扩缩槽)。如果 etl
预留完全空闲,则 dashboard
预留最多可扩容到 1800 个槽(300 个基准槽加上 800 个自动扩缩槽,再加上 etl
预留中的 700 个空闲槽)。
如果 etl
预留需要 700 个以上的基准槽(始终可用),则它会尝试使用以下方法按顺序添加槽:
- 700 个基准槽。
- 与
预留中的 300 个基准槽共享的空闲槽。您的预留仅会与使用相同版本创建的其他预留共享空闲基准槽。 - 将额外 600 个槽纵向扩容到预留大小上限。
在此示例中,您需要按容量承诺槽的预定义费率付费。在自动扩缩激活并且预留处于升级状态后,您需要按自动扩缩费率为自动扩缩槽数付费。 对于自动扩缩费率,您需要按照扩缩的槽数付费,而不是按使用的槽数付费。
- 每年 1000 个槽的容量承诺。这些槽会作为
预留中的基准槽进行分配。 - 分配给
预留的 700 个基准槽。 - 分配给
预留的 300 个基准槽。 - 为
预留分配 600 个自动扩缩槽。 dashboard
预留的自动扩缩槽数为 800。
对于 etl
预留,可能的槽数上限等于 etl
基准槽 (700) 加上 dashboard
基准槽(如果所有槽都处于空闲状态,则为 300 个)加上自动扩缩槽数上限 (600)。因此,在此示例中,etl
预留可以使用的槽数上限为 1,600。此数量超过容量承诺中的槽数。
- 每年 1600 个槽的容量承诺。
- 预留大小上限为 1,500(包括 500 个自动扩缩槽)。
- 分配给
预留的 1,000 个基准槽。
预留可用的槽数上限等于基准槽 (1,000) 加上任何不专用于基准槽的承诺空闲槽(1600 个年度槽 - 1,000 个基准槽 = 600 个槽),再加上自动扩缩槽 (500)。因此,此预留中的最大潜在槽数为 2100。自动扩缩槽是指超出容量承诺之外的额外槽。
自动扩缩器在纵向缩容之前至少需要 1 分钟的时间,因此请务必设置自动扩缩槽的数量上限,以便在性能和费用之间取得平衡。如果自动扩缩槽数上限过大,并且您的作业可以使用所有槽数在几秒钟内完成作业,您仍需为整个分钟内的最大槽数支付费用。如果将槽数上限降低到当前数量的一半,则预留会缩减到较小的数字,并且作业可以在该分钟内使用更多
自动扩缩器最适合长时间运行的高负荷工作负载,例如具有多个并发查询的工作负载。 请避免一次发送一个查询,因为每个查询都会扩缩预留,使其至少保持 1 分钟。如果您持续发送查询,使工作负载保持不变,则设置基准并购买承诺可按折扣价格提供稳定的容量。
BigQuery 自动扩缩功能受容量可用性的限制。BigQuery 会尝试根据历史用量来满足客户容量需求。如需实现容量保证,您可以设置可选的槽基准,即预留中保证的槽数。设置基准后,槽会立即可用。无论您是否使用这些槽,都需要支付其费用。为确保产生非自然的大量需求(例如高流量节假日)时有容量可用,请提前数周与 BigQuery 团队联系。
基准槽始终都会收费。如果容量承诺到期,您可能需要手动调整预留中的基准槽数,以免产生任何不必要的费用。例如,假设您的 1 年期承诺包含 100 个槽,一个预留包含 100 个基准槽。承诺会到期,并且没有续订套餐。承诺使用合约到期后,您需要按随用随付费率支付 100 个基准槽的费用。
不过,如果您缩短时间范围选项,使校准时间段为 2 秒,则可以看到自动扩缩器会根据工作负载需求进行扩缩,并显示更准确的数据。您可以通过拖动时间范围选项的开始时间和结束时间范围来调整时间范围选项。如需显示最准确的工作负载需求数据,请从指标列表中选择 p99。
如需最准确地查看自动扩缩用量,请使用 1 到 15 秒之间的校准时间段。如需详细了解管理资源图表的校准时间段,请参阅时间范围选项。
您可以使用以下 SQL 脚本检查特定版本的计费槽秒数。您必须在创建预留所在的项目中运行这些脚本。第一个脚本会显示 commitment_plan
DECLARE start_time,end_time TIMESTAMP; DECLARE edition_to_check STRING; /* Google uses Pacific Time to calculate the billing period for all customers, regardless of their time zone. Use the following format if you want to match the billing report. Change the start_time and end_time values to match the desired window. */ /* The following three variables (start_time, end_time, and edition_to_check) are the only variables that you need to set in the script. During daylight savings time, the start_time and end_time variables should follow this format: 2024-02-20 00:00:00-08. */ SET start_time = "2023-07-20 00:00:00-07"; SET end_time = "2023-07-28 00:00:00-07"; SET edition_to_check = 'ENTERPRISE'; /* The following function returns the slot seconds for the time window between two capacity changes. For example, if there are 100 slots between (2023-06-01 10:00:00, 2023-06-01 11:00:00), then during that window the total slot seconds will be 100 * 3600. This script calculates a specific window (based on the variables defined above), which is why the following script includes script_start_timestamp_unix_millis and script_end_timestamp_unix_millis. */ CREATE TEMP FUNCTION GetSlotSecondsBetweenChanges( slots FLOAT64, range_begin_timestamp_unix_millis FLOAT64, range_end_timestamp_unix_millis FLOAT64, script_start_timestamp_unix_millis FLOAT64, script_end_timestamp_unix_millis FLOAT64) RETURNS INT64 LANGUAGE js AS r""" if (script_end_timestamp_unix_millis < range_begin_timestamp_unix_millis || script_start_timestamp_unix_millis > range_end_timestamp_unix_millis) { return 0; } var begin = Math.max(script_start_timestamp_unix_millis, range_begin_timestamp_unix_millis) var end = Math.min(script_end_timestamp_unix_millis, range_end_timestamp_unix_millis) return slots * Math.ceil((end - begin) / 1000.0) """; /* Sample CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_CHANGES data (unrelated columns ignored): +---------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------+------------+--------+ | change_timestamp | capacity_commitment_id | commitment_plan | state | slot_count | action | +---------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------+------------+--------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 12954109101902401697 | ANNUAL | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 11445583810276646822 | FLEX | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 7341455530498381779 | MONTHLY | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 7341455530498381779 | FLEX | ACTIVE | 100 | UPDATE | The last row indicates a special change from MONTHLY to FLEX, which happens because of commercial migration. */ WITH /* Information containing which commitment might have plan updated (e.g. renewal or commercial migration). For example: +------------------------+------------------+--------------------+--------+------------+--------+-----------+----------------------------+ | change_timestamp | capacity_commitment_id | commitment_plan | state | slot_count | action | next_plan | next_plan_change_timestamp | +---------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------+------------+--------+-----------+----------------------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 12954109101902401697 | ANNUAL | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | ANNUAL | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 11445583810276646822 | FLEX | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | FLEX | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 7341455530498381779 | MONTHLY | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | FLEX | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 7341455530498381779 | FLEX | ACTIVE | 100 | UPDATE | FLEX | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | */ commitments_with_next_plan AS ( SELECT *, IFNULL( LEAD(commitment_plan) OVER ( PARTITION BY capacity_commitment_id ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC ), commitment_plan) next_plan, IFNULL( LEAD(change_timestamp) OVER ( PARTITION BY capacity_commitment_id ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC ), change_timestamp) next_plan_change_timestamp FROM `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT` ), /* Insert a 'DELETE' action for those with updated plans. The FLEX commitment '7341455530498381779' is has no 'CREATE' action, and is instead labeled as an 'UPDATE' action. For example: +---------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------+------------+--------+ | change_timestamp | capacity_commitment_id | commitment_plan | state | slot_count | action | +---------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------+------------+--------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 12954109101902401697 | ANNUAL | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 11445583810276646822 | FLEX | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 7341455530498381779 | MONTHLY | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 7341455530498381779 | FLEX | ACTIVE | 100 | UPDATE | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 7341455530498381779 | MONTHLY | ACTIVE | 100 | DELETE | */ capacity_changes_with_additional_deleted_event_for_changed_plan AS ( SELECT next_plan_change_timestamp AS change_timestamp, project_id, project_number, capacity_commitment_id, commitment_plan, state, slot_count, 'DELETE' AS action, commitment_start_time, commitment_end_time, failure_status, renewal_plan, user_email, edition, is_flat_rate, FROM commitments_with_next_plan WHERE commitment_plan <> next_plan UNION ALL SELECT * FROM `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT` ), /* The committed_slots change the history. For example: +---------------------+------------------------+------------------+-----------------+ | change_timestamp | capacity_commitment_id | slot_count_delta | commitment_plan | +---------------------+------------------------+------------------+-----------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 12954109101902401697 | 100 | ANNUAL | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 11445583810276646822 | 100 | FLEX | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 7341455530498381779 | 100 | MONTHLY | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 7341455530498381779 | -100 | MONTHLY | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 7341455530498381779 | 100 | FLEX | */ capacity_commitment_slot_data AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, capacity_commitment_id, CASE WHEN action = "CREATE" OR action = "UPDATE" THEN IFNULL( IF( LAG(action) OVER ( PARTITION BY capacity_commitment_id ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ) IN UNNEST(['CREATE', 'UPDATE']), slot_count - LAG(slot_count) OVER ( PARTITION BY capacity_commitment_id ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ), slot_count), slot_count) ELSE IF( LAG(action) OVER (PARTITION BY capacity_commitment_id ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC) IN UNNEST(['CREATE', 'UPDATE']), -1 * slot_count, 0) END AS slot_count_delta, commitment_plan FROM capacity_changes_with_additional_deleted_event_for_changed_plan WHERE state = "ACTIVE" AND edition = edition_to_check AND change_timestamp <= end_time ), /* The total_committed_slots history for each plan. For example: +---------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | change_timestamp | capacity_slot | commitment_plan | +---------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 100 | ANNUAL | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 100 | FLEX | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 100 | MONTHLY | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 0 | MONTHLY | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 200 | FLEX | */ running_capacity_commitment_slot_data AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, SUM(slot_count_delta) OVER ( PARTITION BY commitment_plan ORDER BY change_timestamp RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW ) AS capacity_slot, commitment_plan, FROM capacity_commitment_slot_data ), /* The slot_seconds between each changes, partitioned by each plan. For example: +---------------------+--------------+-----------------+ | change_timestamp | slot_seconds | commitment_plan | +---------------------+--------------+-----------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 64617300 | ANNUAL | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 250500 | FLEX | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 6000 | MONTHLY | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 0 | MONTHLY | | 2023-07-27 23:11:06 | 5626800 | FLEX | */ slot_seconds_data AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, GetSlotSecondsBetweenChanges( capacity_slot, UNIX_MILLIS(change_timestamp), UNIX_MILLIS( IFNULL( LEAD(change_timestamp) OVER (PARTITION BY commitment_plan ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())), UNIX_MILLIS(start_time), UNIX_MILLIS(end_time)) AS slot_seconds, commitment_plan, FROM running_capacity_commitment_slot_data WHERE change_timestamp <= end_time ) /* The final result is similar to the following: +-----------------+--------------------+ | commitment_plan | total_slot_seconds | +-----------------+--------------------+ | ANNUAL | 64617300 | | MONTHLY | 6000 | | FLEX | 5877300 | */ SELECT commitment_plan, SUM(slot_seconds) AS total_slot_seconds FROM slot_seconds_data GROUP BY commitment_plan
/* This script has several parts: 1. Calculate the baseline and scaled slots for reservations 2. Calculate the committed slots 3. Join the two results above to calculate the baseline not covered by committed slots 4. Aggregate the number */ -- variables DECLARE start_time, end_time TIMESTAMP; DECLARE edition_to_check STRING; /* Google uses Pacific Time to calculate the billing period for all customers, regardless of their time zone. Use the following format if you want to match the billing report. Change the start_time and end_time values to match the desired window. */ /* The following three variables (start_time, end_time, and edition_to_check) are the only variables that you need to set in the script. During daylight savings time, the start_time and end_time variables should follow this format: 2024-02-20 00:00:00-08. */ SET start_time = "2023-07-20 00:00:00-07"; SET end_time = "2023-07-28 00:00:00-07"; SET edition_to_check = 'ENTERPRISE'; /* The following function returns the slot seconds for the time window between two capacity changes. For example, if there are 100 slots between (2023-06-01 10:00:00, 2023-06-01 11:00:00), then during that window the total slot seconds will be 100 * 3600. This script calculates a specific window (based on the variables defined above), which is why the following script includes script_start_timestamp_unix_millis and script_end_timestamp_unix_millis. */ CREATE TEMP FUNCTION GetSlotSecondsBetweenChanges( slots FLOAT64, range_begin_timestamp_unix_millis FLOAT64, range_end_timestamp_unix_millis FLOAT64, script_start_timestamp_unix_millis FLOAT64, script_end_timestamp_unix_millis FLOAT64) RETURNS INT64 LANGUAGE js AS r""" if (script_end_timestamp_unix_millis < range_begin_timestamp_unix_millis || script_start_timestamp_unix_millis > range_end_timestamp_unix_millis) { return 0; } var begin = Math.max(script_start_timestamp_unix_millis, range_begin_timestamp_unix_millis) var end = Math.min(script_end_timestamp_unix_millis, range_end_timestamp_unix_millis) return slots * Math.ceil((end - begin) / 1000.0) """; /* Sample RESERVATION_CHANGES data (unrelated columns ignored): +---------------------+------------------+--------+---------------+---------------+ | change_timestamp | reservation_name | action | slot_capacity | current_slots | +---------------------+------------------+--------+---------------+---------------+ | 2023-07-27 22:24:15 | res1 | CREATE | 300 | 0 | | 2023-07-27 22:25:21 | res1 | UPDATE | 300 | 180 | | 2023-07-27 22:39:14 | res1 | UPDATE | 300 | 100 | | 2023-07-27 22:40:20 | res2 | CREATE | 300 | 0 | | 2023-07-27 22:54:18 | res2 | UPDATE | 300 | 120 | | 2023-07-27 22:55:23 | res1 | UPDATE | 300 | 0 | Sample CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_CHANGES data (unrelated columns ignored): +---------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------+------------+--------+ | change_timestamp | capacity_commitment_id | commitment_plan | state | slot_count | action | +---------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------+------------+--------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 12954109101902401697 | ANNUAL | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 11445583810276646822 | FLEX | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 7341455530498381779 | MONTHLY | ACTIVE | 100 | CREATE | */ WITH /* The scaled_slots & baseline change history: +---------------------+------------------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | change_timestamp | reservation_name | autoscale_current_slot_delta | baseline_slot_delta | +---------------------+------------------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | 2023-07-27 22:24:15 | res1 | 0 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:25:21 | res1 | 180 | 0 | | 2023-07-27 22:39:14 | res1 | -80 | 0 | | 2023-07-27 22:40:20 | res2 | 0 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:54:18 | res2 | 120 | 0 | | 2023-07-27 22:55:23 | res1 | -100 | 0 | */ reservation_slot_data AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, reservation_name, CASE action WHEN "CREATE" THEN autoscale.current_slots WHEN "UPDATE" THEN IFNULL( autoscale.current_slots - LAG(autoscale.current_slots) OVER ( PARTITION BY project_id, reservation_name ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ), IFNULL( autoscale.current_slots, IFNULL( -1 * LAG(autoscale.current_slots) OVER ( PARTITION BY project_id, reservation_name ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ), 0))) WHEN "DELETE" THEN IF( LAG(action) OVER ( PARTITION BY project_id, reservation_name ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ) IN UNNEST(['CREATE', 'UPDATE']), -1 * autoscale.current_slots, 0) END AS autoscale_current_slot_delta, CASE action WHEN "CREATE" THEN slot_capacity WHEN "UPDATE" THEN IFNULL( slot_capacity - LAG(slot_capacity) OVER ( PARTITION BY project_id, reservation_name ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ), IFNULL( slot_capacity, IFNULL( -1 * LAG(slot_capacity) OVER ( PARTITION BY project_id, reservation_name ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ), 0))) WHEN "DELETE" THEN IF( LAG(action) OVER ( PARTITION BY project_id, reservation_name ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ) IN UNNEST(['CREATE', 'UPDATE']), -1 * slot_capacity, 0) END AS baseline_slot_delta, FROM `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RESERVATION_CHANGES` WHERE edition = edition_to_check AND change_timestamp <= end_time ), -- Convert the above to running total /* +---------------------+-------------------------+----------------+ | change_timestamp | autoscale_current_slots | baseline_slots | +---------------------+-------------------------+----------------+ | 2023-07-27 22:24:15 | 0 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:25:21 | 180 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:39:14 | 100 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:40:20 | 100 | 600 | | 2023-07-27 22:54:18 | 220 | 600 | | 2023-07-27 22:55:23 | 120 | 600 | */ running_reservation_slot_data AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, SUM(autoscale_current_slot_delta) OVER (ORDER BY change_timestamp RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS autoscale_current_slots, SUM(baseline_slot_delta) OVER (ORDER BY change_timestamp RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS baseline_slots, FROM reservation_slot_data ), /* The committed_slots change history. For example: +---------------------+------------------------+------------------+ | change_timestamp | capacity_commitment_id | slot_count_delta | +---------------------+------------------------+------------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 12954109101902401697 | 100 | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 11445583810276646822 | 100 | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 7341455530498381779 | 100 | */ capacity_commitment_slot_data AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, capacity_commitment_id, CASE WHEN action = "CREATE" OR action = "UPDATE" THEN IFNULL( IF( LAG(action) OVER ( PARTITION BY capacity_commitment_id ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ) IN UNNEST(['CREATE', 'UPDATE']), slot_count - LAG(slot_count) OVER ( PARTITION BY capacity_commitment_id ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC ), slot_count), slot_count) ELSE IF( LAG(action) OVER (PARTITION BY capacity_commitment_id ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC, action ASC) IN UNNEST(['CREATE', 'UPDATE']), -1 * slot_count, 0) END AS slot_count_delta FROM `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT` WHERE state = "ACTIVE" AND edition = edition_to_check AND change_timestamp <= end_time ), /* The total_committed_slots history. For example: +---------------------+---------------+ | change_timestamp | capacity_slot | +---------------------+---------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 100 | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 200 | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 300 | */ running_capacity_commitment_slot_data AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, SUM(slot_count_delta) OVER (ORDER BY change_timestamp RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS capacity_slot FROM capacity_commitment_slot_data ), /* Add next_change_timestamp to the above data, which will be used when joining with reservation data. For example: +---------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | change_timestamp | next_change_timestamp | capacity_slot | +---------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 100 | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 200 | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 2023-07-31 00:14:37 | 300 | */ running_capacity_commitment_slot_data_with_next_change AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, IFNULL(LEAD(change_timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) AS next_change_timestamp, capacity_slot FROM running_capacity_commitment_slot_data ), /* Whenever we have a change in reservations or commitments, the scaled_slots_and_baseline_not_covered_by_commitments will be changed. Hence we get a collection of all the change_timestamp from both tables. +---------------------+ | change_timestamp | +---------------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | | 2023-07-27 22:24:15 | | 2023-07-27 22:25:21 | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | | 2023-07-27 22:39:14 | | 2023-07-27 22:40:20 | | 2023-07-27 22:54:18 | | 2023-07-27 22:55:23 | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | */ merged_timestamp AS ( SELECT change_timestamp FROM running_reservation_slot_data UNION DISTINCT SELECT change_timestamp FROM running_capacity_commitment_slot_data ), /* Change running reservation-slots and make sure we have one row when commitment changes. +---------------------+-------------------------+----------------+ | change_timestamp | autoscale_current_slots | baseline_slots | +---------------------+-------------------------+----------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 0 | 0 | | 2023-07-27 22:24:15 | 0 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:25:21 | 180 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 180 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:39:14 | 100 | 300 | | 2023-07-27 22:40:20 | 100 | 600 | | 2023-07-27 22:54:18 | 220 | 600 | | 2023-07-27 22:55:23 | 120 | 600 | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 120 | 600 | */ running_reservation_slot_data_with_merged_timestamp AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, IFNULL( autoscale_current_slots, IFNULL( LAST_VALUE(autoscale_current_slots IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC), 0)) AS autoscale_current_slots, IFNULL( baseline_slots, IFNULL(LAST_VALUE(baseline_slots IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY change_timestamp ASC), 0)) AS baseline_slots FROM running_reservation_slot_data RIGHT JOIN merged_timestamp USING (change_timestamp) ), /* Join the above, so that we will know the number for baseline not covered by commitments. +---------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------------+ | change_timestamp | next_change_timestamp | autoscale_current_slots | baseline_not_covered_by_commitment | +---------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 2023-07-27 22:24:15 | 0 | 0 | | 2023-07-27 22:24:15 | 2023-07-27 22:25:21 | 0 | 200 | | 2023-07-27 22:25:21 | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 180 | 200 | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 2023-07-27 22:39:14 | 180 | 100 | | 2023-07-27 22:39:14 | 2023-07-27 22:40:20 | 100 | 100 | | 2023-07-27 22:40:20 | 2023-07-27 22:54:18 | 100 | 400 | | 2023-07-27 22:54:18 | 2023-07-27 22:55:23 | 220 | 400 | | 2023-07-27 22:55:23 | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 120 | 400 | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 2023-07-31 00:16:07 | 120 | 300 | */ scaled_slots_and_baseline_not_covered_by_commitments AS ( SELECT r.change_timestamp, IFNULL(LEAD(r.change_timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY r.change_timestamp ASC), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) AS next_change_timestamp, r.autoscale_current_slots, IF( r.baseline_slots - IFNULL(c.capacity_slot, 0) > 0, r.baseline_slots - IFNULL(c.capacity_slot, 0), 0) AS baseline_not_covered_by_commitment FROM running_reservation_slot_data_with_merged_timestamp r LEFT JOIN running_capacity_commitment_slot_data_with_next_change c ON r.change_timestamp >= c.change_timestamp AND r.change_timestamp < c.next_change_timestamp ), /* The slot_seconds between each changes. For example: +---------------------+--------------------+ | change_timestamp | slot_seconds | +---------------------+--------------+ | 2023-07-20 19:30:27 | 0 | | 2023-07-27 22:24:15 | 13400 | | 2023-07-27 22:25:21 | 91580 | | 2023-07-27 22:29:21 | 166320 | | 2023-07-27 22:39:14 | 13200 | | 2023-07-27 22:40:20 | 419500 | | 2023-07-27 22:54:18 | 40920 | | 2023-07-27 22:55:23 | 459160 | | 2023-07-27 23:10:06 | 11841480 | */ slot_seconds_data AS ( SELECT change_timestamp, GetSlotSecondsBetweenChanges( autoscale_current_slots + baseline_not_covered_by_commitment, UNIX_MILLIS(change_timestamp), UNIX_MILLIS(next_change_timestamp), UNIX_MILLIS(start_time), UNIX_MILLIS(end_time)) AS slot_seconds FROM scaled_slots_and_baseline_not_covered_by_commitments WHERE change_timestamp <= end_time AND next_change_timestamp > start_time ) /* Final result for this example: +--------------------+ | total_slot_seconds | +--------------------+ | 13045560 | */ SELECT SUM(slot_seconds) AS total_slot_seconds FROM slot_seconds_data
您可能需要调整自动扩缩 max_slots
SELECT AVG(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(end_time, creation_time, MILLISECOND)) as avg_latency_ms, SUM(total_bytes_processed) as total_bytes, COUNT(*) as query_numbers, FROM `PROJECT_ID.region-REGION_NAME`.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION WHERE creation_time >= START_TIME AND creation_time < END_TIME AND (statement_type != "SCRIPT" OR statement_type IS NULL) AND reservation_id = RESERVATION_ID
:预留 ID
SELECT AVG(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(end_time, creation_time, MILLISECOND)) as avg_latency_ms, SUM(total_bytes_processed) as total_bytes, COUNT(*) as query_numbers, FROM `myproject.region-us`.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION WHERE creation_time >= '2024-06-25 00:00:00-07' AND creation_time < '2024-06-30 00:00:00-07' AND (statement_type != "SCRIPT" OR statement_type IS NULL) AND reservation_id = reservationID
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- 如需详细了解槽,请参阅了解槽。
- 如需详细了解预留,请参阅预留简介。