Add a new environment

Supported in:

An environment is simply another word for your different networks or customers that are managed by the SOC or MSSP. This is useful for SOCs who provide services to several different networks, customers or business units within the organization. 

The Platform comes with a predefined environment named Default Environment.

To add a new environment:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Organization > Environments.
  2. Click the plus icon on the top right of the screen. The new environment screen opens.
  3. Fill out the relevant information. Make sure to click Append to all Users and API Keys if you want to add this new environment directly to existing users and API keys. Make sure to add in an alias if the third party integration has a different tenant name defined.
  4. If you have deselected the "Set Default Retention period of all environments" in the Settings > Advanced > General screen, then define here the time period after which all information on closed cases for this environment is deleted.
  5. newenvironment
  6. Click Create. The new environment appears in the list of Environments.

Only Google Security Operations SOAR users can create environment groups. For more information, see Create environment groups (SOAR only)