Collect Palo Alto Cortex XDR alerts logs

Supported in:

This document describes how you can collect Palo Alto Cortex XDR alerts logs by setting up a Google Security Operations feed.

For more information, see Data ingestion to Google Security Operations.

An ingestion label identifies the parser which normalizes raw log data to structured UDM format. The information in this document applies to the parser with the CORTEX_XDR ingestion label.

Configure Palo Alto Cortex XDR alerts

To configure Palo Alto Cortex XDR alerts, complete the following tasks:

Get the Palo Alto Cortex XDR alerts API key

  1. Sign in to the Cortex XDR portal.
  2. In the Settings menu, click Settings.
  3. Select +New key.
  4. In the Security level section, select Advanced.
  5. In the Roles section, select Viewer.
  6. Click Generate.
  7. Copy the API key, and then click Done. The API key represents your unique authorization key and is displayed only at the time of creation. It is required when you configure the Google Security Operations feed.

Get the Palo Alto Cortex XDR alerts API key ID

In the Configurations section, navigate to API keys > ID. Note your corresponding ID number, which represents the x-xdr-auth-id:{key_id} token.


  1. Navigate to API keys.
  2. Click Copy URL. Save the URL, which is required when you configure the Google Security Operations feed.

Configure a feed in Google Security Operations to ingest Palo Alto Cortex XDR alerts logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter a unique name for the Field Name.
  4. Select Third party API as the Source Type.
  5. Select Palo Alto Cortex XDR Alerts as the Log Type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Configure the following mandatory input parameters:
    • Authentication HTTP headers: provide the authorization key and authorization key ID that you obtained previously.
    • API hostname: provide the URL that you obtained previously.
    • Endpoint: specify the endpoint.
  8. Click Next and then click Submit.

For more information about Google Security Operations feeds, see Google Security Operations feeds documentation. For information about requirements for each feed type, see Feed configuration by type.

If you encounter issues when you create feeds, contact Google Security Operations support.

Field mapping reference

This parser extracts security logs from Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR in either JSON or SYSLOG (key-value) format, normalizes fields, and maps them to the UDM. It handles both JSON and key-value formats, performs date extraction, enriches the data with metadata, and structures the output for ingestion into Google SecOps.

Enable REST API requests on Cortex XDR and configure a Google SecOps feed

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for enabling REST API requests on Cortex XDR and configuring a corresponding feed in Google SecOps.

Part 1: Enable REST API requests on Cortex XDR

Cortex XDR uses API keys for authentication. Follow these steps to generate an API key:

  1. Log in to the Cortex XDR management console.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Access API Keys.
  4. Generate a new key.
  5. Provide a key name (for example, "SecOps Integration").
  6. Assign the API key the necessary permissions to access the required data. This is crucial for security and ensures the key only has access to what it needs. Consult the Cortex XDR documentation for the specific permissions required for your use case.
  7. Securely store the API key. You will need it for the Google SecOps feed configuration. This is the only time you will see the full key, so make sure to copy it now.
  8. (Optional) Configure an expiration date for the API key for enhanced security.

Part 2: Configure the feed in Google SecOps

After you generate the API key, configure the feed in Google SecOps to receive data from Cortex XDR:

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. Select Third Party API as the Source type.
  4. Select the required log type that corresponds to the data you want to ingest from Cortex XDR.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Configure the following input parameters:
    • API Endpoint: Enter the base URL for the Cortex XDR API. This can be found in the Cortex XDR API documentation.
    • API Key: Paste the API key that you generated earlier.
    • Other Parameters: Depending on the specific Cortex XDR API that you are using, you might need to provide additional parameters, such as specific data filters or time ranges. Refer to the Cortex XDR API documentation for details.
  7. Click Next and then click Submit.

Important considerations:

  • Rate limiting: Be aware of any rate limits imposed by the Cortex XDR API. Configure the feed accordingly to avoid exceeding these limits.
  • Error handling: Implement proper error handling in your Google SecOps configuration to manage situations where the Cortex XDR API is unavailable or returns errors.
  • Security: Securely store the API key and follow security best practices. Regularly rotate API keys to minimize the impact of potential compromises.
  • Documentation: Refer to the official Cortex XDR API documentation for detailed information on available endpoints, parameters, and data formats.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
action security_result.action If action contains "BLOCKED", set to "BLOCK".
action security_result.action_details If act is not empty, null or "none", use the value of act. Otherwise, if action is not "BLOCKED", use the value of action.
action_country security_result.about.location.country_or_region Direct mapping. Also used in nested events field.
action_file_path target.resource.attribute.labels Creates a label with key "action_file_path" and value from the log field.
action_file_sha256 target.file.sha256 Converts to lowercase.
action_local_port principal.port Converts to integer.
action_remote_ip target.ip Merged into the target.ip array.
action_remote_ip target.asset.ip Merged into the target.asset.ip array.
action_remote_port target.port Converts to integer.
act security_result.action_details Used if not empty, null, or "none".
agent_data_collection_status Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
agent_device_domain target.administrative_domain Direct mapping.
agent_fqdn Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
agent_install_type Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
agent_is_vdi Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
agent_os_sub_type target.platform_version Direct mapping.
agent_os_type target.platform If "Windows", set to "WINDOWS".
agent_version Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
alert_id security_result.rule_id Direct mapping.
app target.application Direct mapping.
cat security_result.category_details Merged into the security_result.category_details field.
category security_result.category If "Malware", set to "SOFTWARE_MALICIOUS".
category security_result.category_details Merged into the security_result.category_details field.
cn1 network.session_id Direct mapping.
cn1Label Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
contains_featured_host Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
contains_featured_ip Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
contains_featured_user Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
creation_time metadata.event_timestamp Converted to timestamp.
cs1 security_result.rule_name Concatenated with cs1Label to form the security_result.rule_name.
cs1Label security_result.rule_name Concatenated with cs1 to form the security_result.rule_name.
cs2 additional.fields Creates a key-value pair in additional.fields with key from cs2Label and string value from cs2.
cs2Label additional.fields Used as the key for the cs2 value in additional.fields.
cs3 additional.fields Creates a key-value pair in additional.fields with key from cs3Label and string value from cs3.
cs3Label additional.fields Used as the key for the cs3 value in additional.fields.
cs4 additional.fields Creates a key-value pair in additional.fields with key from cs4Label and string value from cs4.
cs4Label additional.fields Used as the key for the cs4 value in additional.fields.
cs5 additional.fields Creates a key-value pair in additional.fields with key from cs5Label and string value from cs5.
cs5Label additional.fields Used as the key for the cs5 value in additional.fields.
cs6 additional.fields Creates a key-value pair in additional.fields with key from cs6Label and string value from cs6.
cs6Label additional.fields Used as the key for the cs6 value in additional.fields.
CSPaccountname additional.fields Creates a key-value pair in additional.fields with key "CSPaccountname" and string value from the log field.
description metadata.description Direct mapping. Also used for security_result.description if event_type is not GENERIC_EVENT.
destinationTranslatedAddress target.ip Merged into the target.ip array.
destinationTranslatedAddress target.asset.ip Merged into the target.asset.ip array.
destinationTranslatedPort target.port Converted to integer if not empty or -1.
deviceExternalId security_result.about.asset_id Prefixed with "Device External Id: ".
dpt target.port Converted to integer if destinationTranslatedPort is empty or -1.
dst target.ip Merged into the target.ip array.
dst target.asset.ip Merged into the target.asset.ip array.
dst_agent_id target.ip Converted to IP address and merged into the target.ip array if valid IP.
dst_agent_id target.asset.ip Converted to IP address and merged into the target.asset.ip array if valid IP.
dvchost principal.hostname Direct mapping.
dvchost principal.asset.hostname Direct mapping.
endpoint_id target.process.product_specific_process_id Prefixed with "cor:".
event_id Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
event_sub_type Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
event_timestamp metadata.event_timestamp Converted to timestamp. Also used in nested events field.
event_type metadata.event_type Mapped to a UDM event type based on logic. Also used in nested events field.
event_type metadata.product_event_type Direct mapping.
event_type security_result.threat_name Direct mapping.
events Nested Events Fields within the events array are mapped to corresponding UDM fields within nested events objects. See individual field mappings for details.
external_id Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fileId target.resource.attribute.labels Creates a label with key "fileId" and value from the log field.
fileHash target.file.sha256 Converted to lowercase. Sets metadata.event_type to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED.
filePath target.file.full_path Direct mapping. Sets metadata.event_type to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED.
fw_app_category Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_app_id Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_app_subcategory Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_app_technology Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_device_name Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_email_recipient Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_email_sender Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_email_subject Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_interface_from Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_interface_to Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_is_phishing Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_misc Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_rule Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_rule_id Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_serial_number Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_url_domain Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_vsys Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
fw_xff Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
host_ip principal.ip Split by comma and merged into the principal.ip array.
host_ip principal.asset.ip Split by comma and merged into the principal.asset.ip array.
host_name principal.hostname Direct mapping.
host_name principal.asset.hostname Direct mapping.
hosts target.hostname Extracts hostname from the first element of the hosts array.
hosts target.asset.hostname Extracts hostname from the first element of the hosts array.
hosts target.user.employee_id Extracts user ID from the first element of the hosts array.
incident_id metadata.product_log_id Direct mapping.
is_whitelisted Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
local_insert_ts Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
mac principal.mac Split by comma and merged into the principal.mac array.
matching_status Not Mapped Although present in the raw log, this field is not mapped to the IDM object in the final UDM.
metadata.description security_result.description Used if event_type is GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.event_type metadata.event_type Set based on logic using event_type, host_ip, and other fields.
metadata.log_type metadata.log_type Set to "CORTEX_XDR".
metadata.product_name metadata.product_name Set to "Cortex".
metadata.vendor_name metadata.vendor_name Set to "Palo Alto Networks".
msg security_result.description Direct mapping.
name security_result.summary Direct mapping.
PanOSDGHierarchyLevel1 security_result.detection_fields Creates a key-value pair in security_result.detection_fields with key "PanOSDGHierarchyLevel1" and value from the log field.
PanOSDestinationLocation target.location.country_or_region Direct mapping.
PanOSDynamicUserGroupName Direct mapping if not empty or "-".
PanOSSourceLocation principal.location.country_or_region Direct mapping.
PanOSThreatCategory security_result.category_details Merged into the security_result.category_details field.
PanOSThreatID security_result.threat_id Direct mapping.
principal.asset.attribute.labels principal.asset.attribute.labels Creates a label with key "Source" and value from the source field.
proto network.ip_protocol Converted to uppercase. Sets metadata.event_type to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
request network.http.referral_url Direct mapping.
rt metadata.event_timestamp Converted to timestamp.
security_result.severity security_result.severity Set to uppercase value of severity.
severity security_result.severity Converted to uppercase.
shost principal.hostname Direct mapping. Sets metadata.event_type to STATUS_UPDATE.
shost principal.asset.hostname Direct mapping. Sets metadata.event_type to STATUS_UPDATE.
source principal.asset.attribute.labels Used as the value for the "Source" label.
source security_result.summary Used if not_json and grok filter matches.
sourceTranslatedAddress principal.ip Merged into the principal.ip array.
sourceTranslatedAddress principal.asset.ip Merged into the principal.asset.ip array.
sourceTranslatedPort principal.port Converted to integer if not empty or -1.
spt principal.port Converted to integer.
sr_summary security_result.summary Used if not_json and grok filter matches.
src principal.ip Merged into the principal.ip array.
src principal.asset.ip Merged into the principal.asset.ip array.
suser principal.user.user_display_name Direct mapping.
tenantCDLid additional.fields Creates a key-value pair in additional.fields with key "tenantCDLid" and string value from the log field.
tenantname additional.fields Creates a key-value pair in additional.fields with key "tenantname" and string value from the log field.
users target.user.userid Uses the first element of the users array.
xdr_url metadata.url_back_to_product Direct mapping.



  • Mapped "isInteractive" to "security_result.detection_fields".


  • Mapped "properties.createdDateTime" to "metadata.event_timestamp".
  • Mapped "properties.resourceServicePrincipalId" and "resourceServicePrincipalId" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "properties.authenticationProcessingDetails", "authenticationProcessingDetails", and "properties.networkLocationDetails" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "properties.userAgent" to "network.http.user_agent" and "network.http.parsed_user_agent".
  • Mapped "properties.authenticationRequirement" to "additional.fields".


  • Mapped "action_local_port" to "principal.port".
  • Mapped "dst_agent_id" to "principal.ip".
  • Mapped "action_remote_ip" to "target.ip".
  • Mapped "action_remote_port" to "target.ip".
  • Added check if "target_device" is present prior setting "metadata.event_type" to "NETWORK_CONNECTION".


  • Added a Grok to retrieve "source" and "sr_summary" from the message header.
  • Mapped "sr_summary" to "security_result.summary".


  • Added support for CEF format logs.
  • Mapped "rt" to "metadata.event_timestamp".
  • Mapped "category" and "cat" to "security_result.category_details".
  • Mapped "cs2Label", "cs2", "tenantname", "tenantCDLid", and "CSPaccountname" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "shost" to "principal.hostname" and "principal.asset.hostname".
  • Mapped "spt" to "principal.port".
  • Mapped "src" to "principal.ip" and "principal.asset.ip".
  • Mapped "suser" to "principal.user.user_display_name".
  • Mapped "dpt" to "target.port".
  • Mapped "dst" to "target.ip" and "target.asset.ip".
  • Mapped "fileHash" to "target.file.sha256".
  • Mapped "filePath" to "target.file.full_path".
  • Mapped "request" to "network.http.referral_url".
  • Mapped "msg" to "security_result.description".


  • Changed "action_file_path" mapping from "target.file.full_path" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".
  • Mapped "domain" to "target.asset.hostname".
  • Mapped "destinationTranslatedAddress" to "target.asset.ip".
  • Mapped "host_name" to "principal.asset.hostname".
  • Mapped "dvchost" to "principal.asset.hostname".
  • Mapped "ip" to "principal.asset.ip".
  • Mapped "sourceTranslatedAddress" to "principal.asset.ip".


  • When "event_type" is "RPC Call", then mapped "metadata.event_type" to "STATUS_UPDATE".
  • Mapped "events.action_country" to "security_result.about.location.country_or_region".
  • Mapped "events.actor_process_command_line" to "target.process.command_line".
  • Mapped "events.actor_process_image_md5" to "target.file.md5".
  • Mapped "events.actor_process_image_path" to "target.file.full_path".
  • Mapped "events.actor_process_image_sha256" to "target.file.sha256".
  • Mapped "events.actor_process_instance_id" to "".
  • Mapped "events.os_actor_process_command_line" to "principal.process.command_line".
  • Mapped "events.os_actor_process_image_path" to "principal.file.full_path".
  • Mapped "events.os_actor_process_image_sha256" to "principal.file.sha256".
  • Mapped "events.os_actor_process_instance_id" to "".
  • Mapped "events.causality_actor_process_command_line" to "intermediary.process.command_line".
  • Mapped "events.causality_actor_process_image_path" to "intermediary.file.full_path".
  • Mapped "events.causality_actor_process_image_sha256" to "intermediary.file.sha256".
  • Mapped "events.causality_actor_process_instance_id" to "".
  • Mapped "events.causality_actor_process_image_md5" to "intermediary.file.md5".
  • Mapped "events.event_type" to "metadata.product_event_type".
  • Mapped "events.user_name" to "principal.user.user_display_name".


  • Mapped "source" to "principal.asset.attribute.labels".
  • Set "metadata.event_type" to "NETWORK_CONNECTION" if "event_type" in "Network Connections" or "Network Event".


  • Mapped "PanOSConfigVersion" to "security_result.detection_fields".
  • Mapped "PanOSContentVersion" to "security_result.detection_fields".
  • Mapped "PanOSDGHierarchyLevel1" to "security_result.detection_fields".
  • Mapped "PanOSDestinationLocation" to "target.location.country_or_region".
  • Mapped "PanOSDynamicUserGroupName" to "".
  • Mapped "PanOSSourceLocation" to "principal.location.country_or_region".
  • Mapped "PanOSThreatCategory" to "security_result.category_details".
  • Mapped "PanOSThreatID" to "security_result.threat_id".
  • Mapped "app" to "target.application".
  • Mapped "cs1" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "cs3" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "cs4" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "cs5" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "cs6" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "cn1" to "additional.fields".
  • Mapped "sourceTranslatedPort" to "principal.port".
  • Mapped "sourceTranslatedAddress" to "principal.ip".
  • Mapped "destinationTranslatedAddress" to "target.ip".
  • Mapped "destinationTranslatedPort" to "target.port".
  • Mapped "act" to "security_result.action_details".
  • Mapped "deviceExternalId" to "security_result.about.asset_id".
  • Mapped "dvchost" to "principal.hostname".
  • Mapped "proto" to "network.ip_protocol".
  • Mapped "fileId" to "target.resource.attribute.labels".

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