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Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is the leading open source relational database with an active and growing ecosystem of developers and tools. With Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, you can spend less time on your database operations and more time on your applications.

New customers get $300 in free credits to try Cloud SQL.

Key features

Key features of Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

Maximum compatibility

Continue to use familiar tools, such as pgAdmin, pgwatch2, and Percona Monitoring and Management. Get full support for all major versions of PostgreSQL, the most sought after extensions, and access to over 100 flags to optimize deployments. Get started fast with easy, serverless migrations from PostgreSQL or Oracle databases using Database Migration Service.

Database observability for DevOps

Quickly understand and resolve database performance issues on Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL using Cloud SQL Insights. Identify the root cause of issues using pre-built dashboards and visual query plans. Quickly access database metrics and traces in existing tools using OpenTelemetry. Monitor databases through the lens of your applications using query tags.

Maintenance on your terms

Fast, automated maintenance keeps your instances patched and stable. Cloud SQL offers near-zero downtime of less than 10 seconds for planned maintenance, and all availability SLAs (up to 99.99%) are inclusive of maintenance. Receive notifications a week in advance so that you can plan around maintenance better and apply controls, such as a week-long postponement or a deny period of up to 90 days.

High performance and security

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL uses built-in software optimizations to improve write throughput. Your data is secured with automatic encryption at rest and in transit, with integrated support for customer-managed encryption keys, Cloud IAM database authentication, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and user-controlled network access with firewall protection to control public network access.

Key integrations built in

You can access Cloud SQL from virtually any application. Easily connect from Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Run, or your workstation. Deliver change streams from your Oracle and MySQL databases into Cloud SQL with Datastream. Visualize your data with Looker. Open analytics possibilities by using BigQuery to directly query your databases. And build AI-powered experiences using the pgvector extension, LangChain, and LLMs.


Learn how Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL customers say yes to more

Auto Trader Case Study blog

"We have migrated around 65% of our Oracle footprint to Cloud SQL for MySQL and PostgreSQL, and moving off of our Oracle footprint remains a strategic priority for us."

Mohsin Patel, Principal Database Engineer, Auto Trader UK

Read the case study

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Find resources and documentation for Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

Google Cloud Basics
Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL features

Learn about the major features and capabilities of Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.

Google Cloud Basics
High availability configuration

An overview of the high availability (HA) configuration for Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instances.

Google Cloud Basics
Migrating PostgreSQL to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

Best practices for using Database Migration Service for migrating PostgreSQL to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Qwik Start Lab

Learn how to create and connect to a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance and perform basic SQL operations using the Cloud Console and the psql client.

Getting Started with Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL

See how easy it is to get started with Cloud SQL for MySQL and PostgreSQL in this video.

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL setup guide with Fivetran

Follow these instructions to replicate your Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database to your destination using Fivetran.

Introduction to Cloud SQL Insights code lab

Learn how to set up a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance, deploy a Node.js app to use the instance, and then leverage Cloud SQL Insights to view and monitor queries.

Google Cloud Basics
Migrate to Cloud SQL with Database Migration Service

Google Cloud’s Database Migration Service helps make database migrations to Cloud SQL simple and secure.

All features

Learn more about Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL features

Fully managed Cloud SQL automatically ensures your PostgreSQL databases are reliable, secure, and scalable so that your business continues to run without disruption. Cloud SQL automates all your backups, failover, replication, encryption patches, and capacity increases—while ensuring greater than 99.95% availability, anywhere in the world.
Flexible instance shapes Flexible instance shapes, scale compute, storage, memory independently to better fit your workload needs as they evolve over time.
Easy scalability Easily scale up as your data grows—add up to 96 processor cores, 624 GB of RAM, and 60 TB of storage. Add read replicas to handle increasing read traffic. Automatic storage increases eliminate the need to estimating future storage needs or spending money on capacity before you need it.
Automatic backups Automate daily backups and binary logging to restore your instance to its state at an earlier point in time. Retain your backups for up to one year.
Built-in high availability Ensure data reliability at all times. Use high availability to recover from an incident with zero data loss. Automated backups and point-in-time recovery guard against user error. Use cross-region replicas and global VPCs to simplify protecting your data in the event of a disaster.
Robust instance-level security controls Simplified secure access with IAM authentication and Cloud SQL Proxy. Data is always encrypted: over Google's networks, and when stored in database tables, temporary files, and backups, with optional support for customer managed encryption keys (CMEK). Connectivity controls with Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and integrated firewall. Audit logging tracks who did what when.
Comprehensive compliance controls Cross region replicas provide data residency controls. Access Transparency captures all actions on your instances by Google Cloud personnel. Compliant with SSAE 16, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and other local regulations.
Vector Search Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL supports two search approaches for balancing speed and accuracy. Approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) vector search is ideal for large datasets where close matches suffice, while exact k-nearest neighbor (KNN) vector search is used for precision. Integrate vector search directly into your existing database for real-time search context without learning a separate system.
LangChain integration Easily build gen AI applications that are more accurate, transparent, and reliable with LangChain integration. Cloud SQL has three LangChain integrations - Document loader for loading and storing information from documents, Vector stores for enabling semantic search, and Chat Messages Memory for enabling chains to recall previous conversations. Visit the GitHub repository to learn more. 


Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL pricing details

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL offers cost-effective options to fit every budget. Choose Cloud SQL Enterprise for general purpose workloads or Cloud SQL Enterprise Plus for high performance, business-critical workloads. Pricing varies with settings, including how much CPU, memory, and storage you provision.

Cloud SQL offers per-second billing and database instances are easy to stop and start.