SAP NetWeaver on Bare Metal Solution deployment guide

This guide covers the aspects of setting up a Bare Metal Solution environment that are unique or relevant to SAP NetWeaver and SAP applications.

In a Bare Metal Solution environment, you install SAP NetWeaver and other SAP software yourself by following the SAP documentation.

This guide also covers the installation and configuration of the Google Cloud foundational services for SAP that are required or optional for SAP NetWeaver in a Bare Metal Solution environment.

For an overview of SAP NetWeaver on Bare Metal Solution to help you plan for your deployment, see SAP NetWeaver on Bare Metal Solution planning guide.

High-level steps

The following list shows the high-level steps you need to complete to deploy SAP NetWeaver on Bare Metal Solution after Google Cloud notifies you that your machines are ready.

  1. Complete the connection to your new machines by following the Bare Metal Solution documentation. For the set up procedures, see Setting up the Bare Metal Solution environment in the Bare Metal Solution documentation.
  2. Validate the machine configuration for SAP NetWeaver.
  3. Establish a connection to the internet for software updates. See Accessing the internet in the Bare Metal Solution documentation.
  4. Establish a connection to Google Cloud APIs. See Setting up access to Google Cloud APIs and services in the Bare Metal Solution documentation.
  5. Set up access to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, which is not covered in this guide.
  6. Set up a Domain Name System (DNS) server, which is not covered in this guide.
  7. Install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on a Bare Metal Solution server.

Validating the machine configuration for SAP NetWeaver

When you log into your machines for the first time, you need to confirm that your machine configuration matches your order.

For information about Bare Metal Solution machine validation, see Logging in to a Bare Metal Solution machine for the first time.

Set up application service accounts

Any application program, agent, or process that accesses Google Cloud resources from a Bare Metal Solution environment needs an IAM service account for authentication and authorization.

To create a service account:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accounts page.

    Go to the Service Accounts page

  2. Select your Google Cloud project.

  3. Click Create Service Account.

  4. Specify a name for the service account and, optionally, a description.

  5. Click Create and Continue.

  6. On the Grant this service account access to project panel, select the roles that contain the permissions that your application needs.

    For example, the fence_gce agent that is used in high-availability clusters needs the baremetalsolution.service.resetInstance permission, which is included in the IAM roles roles/baremetalsolution.editor and roles/baremetalsolution.admin.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. As appropriate, grant other users access to the service account.

  9. Click Done.

  10. On the Service accounts page in the Google Cloud console, click the email address of the service account that you just created.

  11. Under the service account name, click the Keys tab.

  12. Click the Add Key drop-down menu, and then select Create new key to create a service account key.

  13. Accept JSON as the key type and click Create. A private key is saved to your computer.

  14. Upload the JSON key file to a secure location on the Bare Metal Solution servers that is accessible to the applications that require it.

  15. Configure your applications to access the JSON key file.

    For example, when you create the high-availability cluster resource that uses the fence_gce agent, you specify the path and file name of the JSON key file in the fence_gce configuration properties.

For more information about IAM service accounts, see:

Confirming connectivity to the application servers

Confirm that you have network connectivity between the database server and the application servers.

Make sure that your Google Cloud and guest operating system firewall rules allow traffic between the servers.

Installing SAP NetWeaver

To install SAP NetWeaver on a Bare Metal Solution host machine, you need to follow the SAP installation documentation for your version of SAP NetWeaver.

To find the installation documentation for your version of SAP NetWeaver, see the SAP Help Portal.

Install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP

Google Cloud's Agent for SAP is required for SAP support of SAP systems running on a Bare Metal Solution server.

If you use the following RHEL or SLES "for SAP" OS images that Google Cloud provides, then Google Cloud's Agent for SAP is packaged with the OS images:

  • RHEL: all "for SAP" images
  • SLES: SLES 15 SP4 for SAP and later versions

For information about the operating systems available for running SAP on Bare Metal Solution servers, see the following:

To install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on a Bare Metal Solution server, follow these steps:

  1. Establish an SSH connection to your Bare Metal Solution server.

  2. In your terminal, install the agent by running the command that is specific to your operating system:

    • (Recommended) To install version 3.7 (latest) of the agent:


      sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sap-agent.repo << EOM
      name=Google Cloud Agent for SAP
      baseurl=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d . -f 1 | tr -d -c 0-9)-x86_64
      sudo yum install google-cloud-sap-agent


      sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent

      SLES 12

      sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent
    • To install a specific version of the agent:


      sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sap-agent.repo << EOM
      name=Google Cloud Agent for SAP
      baseurl=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d . -f 1 | tr -d -c 0-9)-x86_64
      sudo yum install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64


      sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64

      SLES 12

      sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64

      Replace VERSION_NUMBER with the agent's version number that you want to install, such as 3.1-606637668. For information about the agent versions that you can install, see List all available versions of the agent.

  3. Open the following configuration file:


  4. Modify or add the following parameters to the configuration file:

    • In the first section:
      • bare_metal: set to true.
    • Add the cloud_properties section and specify the following parameters:
      • project_id: specify your Google Cloud project
      • instance_name: specify the name of your Bare Metal Solution server
      • region: specify the region of your Bare Metal Solution server
  5. Save the configuration file.

  6. Restart the agent:

    sudo systemctl restart google-cloud-sap-agent

For more information about the configuration parameters, see Install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on a Bare Metal Solution server

After you install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP and the SAP Host Agent, validate the installation of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, as described in Validate your installation of the agent.

Validate your installation of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP

  1. Establish an SSH connection with your Bare Metal Solution server.

  2. Run the following command:

    systemctl status google-cloud-sap-agent

    If the agent is functioning properly, then the output contains active (running). For example:

    google-cloud-sap-agent.service - Google Cloud Agent for SAP
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/google-cloud-sap-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active:  active (running)  since Fri 2022-12-02 07:21:42 UTC; 4 days ago
    Main PID: 1337673 (google-cloud-sa)
    Tasks: 9 (limit: 100427)
    Memory: 22.4 M (max: 1.0G limit: 1.0G)
    CGroup: /system.slice/google-cloud-sap-agent.service
           └─1337673 /usr/bin/google-cloud-sap-agent

If the agent isn't running, then restart the agent.

Verify that SAP Host Agent is receiving metrics

To verify that the infrastructure metrics are collected by Google Cloud's Agent for SAP and sent correctly to the SAP Host Agent, follow these steps:

  1. In your SAP system, enter transaction ST06.
  2. In the overview pane, check the availability and content of the following fields for the correct end-to-end setup of the SAP and Google monitoring infrastructure:

    • Cloud Provider: Google Cloud Platform
    • Enhanced Monitoring Access: TRUE
    • Enhanced Monitoring Details: ACTIVE

Configure a high-availability cluster

Configure clustering or a suitable high availability solution for your business critical workloads. We recommend Pacemaker clustering.

With the exception of a few requirements and recommendations, configure high-availability clusters on Bare Metal Solution machines by following the clustering instructions that your operating system vendor provides.

For more information about the Google Cloud requirements and recommendations for configuring a highly available SAP NetWeaver system on Bare Metal Solution, see High-availability clusters for SAP NetWeaver on Bare Metal Solution.

Floating IP addresses

A high-availability cluster for SAP NetWeaver uses two floating or virtual IP addresses (VIPs): one to direct network communication to the SAP Central Services component and another for Enqueue Replication Server communication between the nodes. When configuring your VIPs, use the standard IPaddr2 Pacemaker resource, which uses gratuitous ARP requests to move the VIP between the hosts. For more information, see Address Resolution Protocol.

The following example shows an IPaddr2 resource definition for SAP Central Services on SUSE:

crm configure primitive scs-vip-rsc-name IPaddr2 \
    params ip= \
    op monitor interval=10 timeout=20

You add each IPaddr2 resource to a resource group that contains the SAP Central Services resource or the Enqueue Replication Server resource that it is for, so that the resources move together during a failover. For example, the following command creates a group for SAP Central Services:

crm configure group scs-rsc-group-name \
  scs-file-system-rsc-name \
  scs-vip-rsc-name \
  scs-instance-sap-rsc-name \
  meta resource-stickiness=3000

Similarly, the following command creates another group for the Enqueue Replication Server:

crm configure group ers-rsc-group-name \
  ers-file-system-rsc-name \
  ers-vip-rsc-name \

Configure the fence_gce agent

The following high-level steps help you configure a fencing resource for your high availability cluster that uses the fence_gce agent that is included with your Linux operating system.

  1. In your Google Cloud project, assign an IAM role that includes the baremetalsolution.service.resetInstance permission to a new or existing IAM service account for which you have the JSON key file.

    The predefined role roles/baremetalsolution.editor includes the required permission or you can create a custom role for more granular control over the permissions that the role includes.

    For more information, see:

  1. Upload the service account JSON key file to all Bare Metal Solution servers in the high-availability cluster.

  2. Confirm that your version of the fence_gce agent supports Bare Metal Solution.

    1. SSH into your Bare Metal Solution server

    2. Display the fence_gce agent help:

      $ sudo fence_gce --help
    3. In the fence_gce help, look for the following properties:

      --baremetalsolution            Enable on bare metal
      --serviceaccount=[filename]    Service account json file location e.g.

      If you do not see both the --baremetalsolution and --serviceaccount=[filename] properties, you need to update the agent. Contact Cloud Customer Care for patching instructions. The patching procedure differs depending on which Linux version you are using.

  3. Specify the fence_gce agent as your fencing device on each cluster node when you configure the cluster resources according to the clustering instructions that are provided by your operating system vendor.

    When you define the resource, specify the following fence_gce parameters to enable the agent for the Bare Metal Solution environment:

    • baremetalsolution="true"
    • serviceaccount="file_path/key_file.json"

    The following example shows a fence_gce fencing device resource that is defined on SUSE:

    crm configure primitive STONITH-"server_name" stonith:fence_gce \
     op monitor interval="300s" timeout="60s" on-fail="restart" \
     op start interval="0" timeout="60s" onfail="restart" \
     params port="server_name" zone="Google_Cloud_zone" project="Google_Cloud_project_ID" \
       baremetalsolution="true" method="cycle" \

    The fencing resource example uses the following definitions:

    Definition Explanation
    baremetalsolution=true Configures the fencing agent for operation in the Bare Metal Solution environment.
    serviceaccount=file_path/key_file.json The file path to the JSON key file that contains the key for the service account that the fencing agent uses to access the Google Cloud APIs.
    port=server_name The original host name of the Bare Metal Solution server that the fencing device can reset.
    method=cycle Defines the method to use for resetting the failed server.
  4. After you define each fencing resource, set the location of the fencing device to a server other than the server that you intend it to reset:

    crm configure location LOC_STONITH_server_name STONITH-server_name -inf: server_name

Restarting your Bare Metal Solution server

You can restart your Bare Metal Solution server by issuing the resetInstance API call, which initiates an ungraceful, hard reset of the server.

Before restarting a server, stop all applications and databases that are running on the server.

For instructions on enabling the Bare Metal Solution API and issuing the resetInstance API call, see Restarting a Bare Metal Solution machine.

Getting support for SAP NetWeaver on Bare Metal Solution

If you need help resolving a problem with SAP NetWeaver and SAP application deployments on Bare Metal Solution, gather the required diagnostic information and contact Cloud Customer Care. For more information, see SAP on Bare Metal Solution diagnostic information.


For issues with Google Cloud infrastructure or services, contact Customer Care. You can find the contact information on the Support Overview page in the Google Cloud console. If Customer Care determines that a problem resides in your SAP systems, then you are referred to SAP Support.

For SAP product-related issues, log your support request with SAP support. SAP evaluates the support ticket and, if it appears to be a Google Cloud infrastructure issue, then SAP transfers that ticket to the appropriate Google Cloud component in its system: BC-OP-LNX-GOOGLE or BC-OP-NT-GOOGLE.

Support requirements

Before you can receive support for SAP systems and the Google Cloud infrastructure and services that they use, you must meet the minimum support plan requirements.

For more information about the minimum support requirements for SAP on Google Cloud, see: