Create a cluster

The Apigee hybrid runtime runs in a Kubernetes cluster. Before you can begin the hybrid installation steps, you must first create a cluster.

Basic cluster configuration requirements

Follow the basic configuration requirements listed in the following table for the type of hybrid installation you wish to create:

Installation type Description Cluster requirements
Non‑production A non-production configuration typically includes fewer nodes, consumes fewer resources, and runs in fewer zones or regions than a production cluster. Non-production clusters are commonly used for trial, demonstration, and development purposes.
Production A production cluster can consume significant resources because it includes more nodes and larger virtual machine configurations than a non-production setup. Also, a production cluster might be hosted in multiple zones and regions worldwide.

Creating a cluster

To create a cluster, follow the instructions provided by your Kubernetes service provider. Be sure to follow the basic configuration requirements for your installation use case.

Kubernetes service provider Installation instructions
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Creating a cluster
Anthos GKE deployed on-prem Creating admin and user clusters
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Quickstart: Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster using the Azure CLI

Quickstart: Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using the Azure portal