Uninstall hybrid runtime

Uninstall Apigee hybrid

Use the following commands to uninstall the hybrid runtime:

  1. Uninstall the resources in your apigee namespace:
    helm uninstall -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME ENV_RELEASE_NAME $ORG_NAME ingress-manager telemetry redis datastore
    • ENV_GROUP_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-virtualhost chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-virtualhost-ENV_GROUP. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_GROUP.
    • ENV_RELEASE_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-env chart. In hybrid v1.10, it is usually apigee-env-ENV_NAME. In Hybrid v1.11 and newer it is usually ENV_NAME.
    • ORG_NAME is the name with which you previously installed the apigee-org chart. It is usually your organization name. If you have defined an ORG_NAME environment variable, you can use that variable in your command.
  2. Uninstall apigee-operator.
    helm uninstall -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE operator
  3. Delete the Apigee CRDs:
    kubectl delete -k  apigee-operator/etc/crds/default/

Use the following command to remove cert-manager:

kubectl -n cert-manager delete secret apigee-ca