Rotating Cassandra credentials in Hashicorp Vault


This procedure describes rotating Cassandra credentials within Hashicorp Vault. For rotating credentials in Kubernetes secrets in your cluster, see Rotating Cassandra credentials in Kubernetes secrets.

This feature allows platform administrators to:

  • Rotate Cassandra credentials in Hashicorp Vault.
  • Roll back to the previous Cassandra credentials in Vault in case of any issues during password rotation.
  • Rotate the Cassandra password for one region at a time, so that you can ensure minimal impact on service availability and maintain control over the rotation process.
  • Track the start, progress, and completion of the rotation for a single region.

This feature is available in Apigee Hybrid 1.13.1 and later.

Before you begin

Before setting up credential rotation:

  • Backup your Cassandra database. This backup is to ensure recovery is possible to pre-rotated credentials.
  • Ensure the cluster is in a healthy state (i.e. all Apigee resources are running, no state changes are pending).

Single region setup

  1. Create a new SecretProviderClass Kubernetes resource in your Apigee namespace for the new Cassandra credentials. See Storing Cassandra secrets in Hashicorp Vault for a template to use. This allows a Vault role to access secrets within the Kubernetes namespaces.
  2. Create a new SecretRotation custom resource using the following template:
    # rotation.yaml
    kind: SecretRotation
      namespace: APIGEE_NAMESPACE
      organizationId: ORG_NAME
      rotationId: ROTATION_ID
      timeoutMinutes: 480 # optional. overrides the default (480m == 8hr).
                          # less than or equal to 0 means infinite timeout.
      precheck: true
        oldSecretProviderClass: OLD_SPC_NAME
        newSecretProviderClass: NEW_SPC_NAME
        jobType: ROTATE
    • ROTATION_PROCESS_NAME: A unique name for the rotation job. You will need to set to a unique value for the rotation precheck job and again for the rotation job. For example sr-1-precheck followed by sr-1.
    • ROTATION_ID: Set spec.rotationId to a custom identifier, for example rotation-1-precheck.
    • NEW_SPC_NAME: Set spec.cassandra.newSecretProviderClass to the new secret provider class name you created in the previous step.
    • OLD_SPC_NAME: Set spec.cassandra.oldSecretProviderClass to the SPC name currently being used by the ApigeeDatastore.
  3. Trigger the rotation precheck job by applying the rotation.yaml file.
    kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE apply -f rotation.yaml
  4. Check the job status to verify when the precheck job is complete.
    kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get job sr-(rotationId)-(rotate|rollback|cleanup)-job
  5. Once the rotation precheck job completes, change the value of and set spec.precheck to false. Apply the file again to perform the rotation.
    kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE apply -f rotation.yaml
  6. After the rotation job completes and you have validated traffic is still flowing correctly, clean up the process with the following two steps:
    1. Update the value of and set spec.cassandra.jobType to CLEANUP.
    2. Trigger the cleanup job by applying the file.
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE apply -f rotation.yaml

    When the cleanup job is completed, the rotation process is complete.

  7. Update your overrides file and set cassandra.auth.secretProviderClass to the new secret provider class (newSecretProviderClass).
        secretProviderClass: NEW_SPC_NAME
  8. Backup your Cassandra database. This backup is to ensure recovery is possible to post-rotated credentials.
  9. Delete the old Cassandra credentials, role, and policy from Vault.

Multi-region setup

The multi-region setup procedures are divided into two sections: setup for the first region and setup for the remaining regions.

  1. Complete the following steps in the first region before starting the subsequent regions.
    1. Create a new SecretProviderClass Kubernetes resource in the APIGEE_NAMESPACE namespace for the new Cassandra credentials. See Storing Cassandra secrets in Hashicorp Vault for a template to use. This allows a Vault role to access secrets within the Kubernetes namespaces.
    2. Create a new SecretRotation custom resource using the following template:
      # rotation.yaml
      kind: SecretRotation
        namespace: APIGEE_NAMESPACE
        organizationId: ORG_NAME
        rotationId: ROTATION_ID
        timeoutMinutes: -1 # this value is required and should not be changed.
        precheck: true
          oldSecretProviderClass: OLD_SPC_NAME
          newSecretProviderClass: NEW_SPC_NAME
          jobType: ROTATE
      • ROTATION_PROCESS_NAME: A unique name for the rotation job. You will need to set to a unique value for the rotation precheck job and again for the rotation job. For example sr-1-precheck followed by sr-1.
      • ROTATION_ID: Set spec.rotationId to a custom identifier, for example rotation-1-precheck.
      • NEW_SPC_NAME: Set spec.cassandra.newSecretProviderClass to the new secret provider class name you created in the previous step.
      • OLD_SPC_NAME: Set spec.cassandra.oldSecretProviderClass to the SPC name currently being used by the ApigeeDatastore.
    3. Trigger the rotation precheck job by applying the rotation.yaml file.
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE apply -f rotation.yaml
    4. Check the job status to verify when the precheck job is complete.
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get job sr-(rotationId)-(rotate|rollback|cleanup)-job
    5. Once the rotation precheck job completes:
      • Change the value of, for example from sr-1-precheck to sr-1.
      • Set spec.precheck to false to turn off the precheck and perform the rotation.
      • Set spec.rotationId to a new identifier, for example rotation-1.
    6. Apply the file again to perform the rotation.
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE apply -f rotation.yaml
    7. Check the state of the SecretRotation and wait until it is complete.
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get sr SR_NAME
  2. In each subsequent region, complete the following steps:
    1. Create a new SecretProviderClass Kubernetes resource in your Apigee namespace for the new Cassandra credentials. See Storing Cassandra secrets in Hashicorp Vault for a template to use. This should be the same definition as step 1a.
    2. Update your overrides.yaml and set cassandra.auth.secretProviderClass to the match the value of spec.cassandra.newSecretProviderClass in the rotation.yaml file.
          secretProviderClass: NEW_SPC_NAME
    3. Apply the operator chart:
      helm upgrade operator apigee-operator/ \
        --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
        --atomic \
    4. A new ReplicaSet will be created. Check that the new controller-manager pods are using the new SPC:
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get pods $POD -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")].csi.volumeAttributes.secretProviderClass}'

      The result should match the value you set for spec.cassandra.newSecretProviderClass in rotation.yaml, for example:

      kubectl -n apigee get pods $POD -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")].csi.volumeAttributes.secretProviderClass}'
    5. Apply the datastore chart:
      helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
        --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
        --atomic \
    6. The datastore will go into a releasing state. Wait until the datastore has finished releasing and is in the running state.
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get apigeedatastore DATASTORE_NAME

      DATASTORE_NAME is default in most installations.

    7. Check that the new datastore pods are using the new SPC:
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get pods $POD -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")].csi.volumeAttributes.secretProviderClass}'

      The result should match the value you set for spec.cassandra.newSecretProviderClass in rotation.yaml, for example:

      kubectl -n apigee get pods $POD -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")].csi.volumeAttributes.secretProviderClass}'
    8. Wait until the organization and environments are done releasing and have returned to the running state.
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get apigeeorg ORG_NAME
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get apigeeenv ENV_NAME
    9. Check that the new MART, runtime, and synchronizer pods are using the new SPC:
      export POD=NEW_MART_POD_NAME
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get pods $POD -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")].csi.volumeAttributes.secretProviderClass}'
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get pods $POD -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")].csi.volumeAttributes.secretProviderClass}'
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE get pods $POD -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")].csi.volumeAttributes.secretProviderClass}'

      The result should match the value you set for spec.cassandra.newSecretProviderClass in rotation.yaml, for example:

      kubectl -n apigee get pods $POD -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumes[?("apigee-external-secrets")].csi.volumeAttributes.secretProviderClass}'
  3. After completing the steps in every region and validate traffic is still flowing correctly, clean up the process in the first region with the following two steps:
    1. In the first region, update the value of and set spec.cassandra.jobType to CLEANUP.
    2. Trigger the cleanup job by applying the file.
      kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE apply -f rotation.yaml
    3. Check the job status and watch the job logs to verify when the cleanup job is complete.

    When the cleanup job is completed, the rotation process is complete.

  4. Update your overrides file and set cassandra.auth.secretProviderClass to the new secret provider class (newSecretProviderClass).
        secretProviderClass: NEW_SPC_NAME
  5. Backup your Cassandra database. This backup is to ensure recovery is possible to post-rotated credentials.
  6. Delete the old Cassandra credentials, role, and policy from Vault.

Rolling back a rotation

For multi-region, perform the rollback in each region.

  1. Create a new SecretRotation custom resource using the following template:
    # rollback-rotation.yaml
    kind: SecretRotation
      name: ROLLBACK_NAME
      namespace: APIGEE_NAMESPACE
      organizationId: APIGEE_ORG
      rotationId: ROTATION_ID # match the current rotation.
      timeoutMinutes: TIMEOUT_MINUTES # optional.
      precheck: false
        oldSecretProviderClass: OLD_SPC_NAME # Must match the previous oldSecretProviderClass.
        newSecretProviderClass: NEW_SPC_NAME # Must match the previous newSecretProviderClass.
        jobType: ROLLBACK


    • ROLLBACK_NAME: A name for the rollback job, for example: sr-1-rollback.
    • APIGEE_NAMESPACE: your Apigee namespace.
    • APIGEE_ORG: Your Apigee organization ID.
    • ROTATION_ID: The id of the current rotation that you are rolling back, for example: rot-1.
    • TIMEOUT_MINUTES: Optional. Overrides the default (480m == 8hr). <=0 means infinite timeout.
    • OLD_SPC_NAME: This must match the secret name for oldSecretProviderClass: in the rotation YAML file you used in Single region setup or Multi-region setup procedure.
    • NEW_SPC_NAME: this must match the secret name for newSecretProviderClass: in the rotation YAML file you used in Single region setup or Multi-region setup procedure.
  2. Apply the rollback:
  3. Check the job status and wait for it to complete.
    kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE describe sr ROTATION_NAME
  4. When the rollback(s) complete, verify that traffic is still flowing correctly.
  5. For multi-region installations, when the traffic is flowing correctly, repeat the rollback process in each region.
  6. Once you have completed the rollback and verified that traffic is still flowing correctly in all regions, start the cleanup process.

    Make the following changes in the rotation YAML file:

    • Change to a name indicating this is a cleanup job, for example: sr-1-cleanup-rollback.
    • Change spec.cassandra.jobType to CLEANUP_ROLLBACK.
  7. Apply the file to trigger the cleanup job:
  8. Check the job status and wait for it to complete.
    kubectl -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE describe sr ROTATION_NAME

    When the cleanup job is completed, the rollback process is complete.

  9. Update your overrides file and set cassandra.auth.secretProviderClass to the old secret provider class (oldSecretProviderClass).
        secretProviderClass: OLD_SPC_NAME