Restoring in a single region

This page describes how to restore Cassandra in a single region.

In a single region deployment, Apigee hybrid is deployed in a single data center or a region. If you have multiple Apigee organizations in your deployment, the restore process restores data for all the organizations. In a multi-organization setup, you cannot restore a specific organization.

Restoring a region from a backup

  1. Update the Cassandra restore details in the overrides.yaml file:

    namespace: YOUR_RESTORE_NAMESPACE # Use the same namespace as in your original cluster.
      hostNetwork: false
      enabled: true
      serviceAccountPath: "SA_JSON_FILE_PATH"
      dbStorageBucket: "CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME"
      cloudProvider: "GCP"  # required verbatim "GCP" (all caps)
      snapshotTimestamp: "TIMESTAMP"
      enabled: false


    Property Description


    Namespace for restore. Use the same namespace as in your original cluster.


    hostNetwork is required and should always be set to false.

    restore:enabled Restore is disabled by default. You must set this property to true.


    The path on your filesystem to the service account you created for the backup.



    The name of a Google Cloud Storage bucket that stores backup archives to be used for data restoration.



    The cloudProvider: "GCP" property is required.



    The timestamp of the backup snapshot to restore. To check what timestamps can be used, go to the dbStorageBucket and look at the files that are present in the bucket. Each file name contains a timestamp value. For example, backup_20210203213003_apigee-cassandra-default-0.tgz

    Where 20210203213003 is the snapshotTimestamp value you would use if you wanted to restore the backups created at that point in time.

    backup:enabled You should set this property to false in case it had been previously set to true.
  2. In case you do not have a clean cluster to start out with, follow the Decommission a hybrid region for helm documentation to bring your existing Hybrid installation into a clean state (you can leave the Cert Manager installed). This would bring you to an equal state as if you would have followed Helm runtime setup manual until the beginning of Step 11.

  3. Verify there are no pods remaining in the Apigee namespace:

    kubectl get pods -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE
  4. If you are using CSI backup, make sure that you can see the volumesnapshots you want to use for the restoration process by running:

    kubectl get volumesnapshot -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE
  5. Install all Hybrid components one by one as described in Step 10: Install Apigee hybrid using Helm . Note that the apigee-cassandra-restore pod will get created once you run the command to install the datastore, but it will only go into running state after you install the apigee-org component.

See Cassandra backup overview for more details on Cassandra backup and restore.

Verify the restoration job progress and confirm that apigeeds and all the other pods are up:

  1. Check apigeeds:
    kubectl get apigeeds -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE
  2. Check all other pods:
    kubectl get pods -n APIGEE_NAMESPACE

Upon successful completion of the restore and confirmation that the runtime components are healthy, we recommend configuring a backup on the cluster:

  1. Remove the restore configuration from the overrides-restore.yaml file.
  2. Add the backup configuration to the overrides-restore.yaml file.
  3. Apply the backup configuration with the following command:
    helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
      --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides-restore.yaml