Setting up alerts and notifications

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

One of the main purposes of API Monitoring is to keep you informed of unusual events or patterns, such as spikes in traffic or latencies. To track events like these, you can set up alerts, which are triggered when a specified event occurs. An actual event that triggers an alert is called an incident.

You can set specific rules for an alert—for example, it might be triggered by a 500 response code (Internal Service Error) on a proxy. When an incident for the alert occurs, you can view its details in the Incidents pane of the Google Cloud console Alerting page.

If you want to be notified when a particular alert is triggered, you can set up a notification for the alert. When an incident occurs, Apigee sends you a notification with a summary of the event, including links to the Google Cloud console and the Apigee UI, for further investigation.

There are two types of alerts in API Monitoring:

Metric-based alerts

Metric-based alerts are triggered when a metric for API data reaches a specified level, or starts to change rapidly. You define an alert rule using two main properties:

  • The metric: The quantity that triggers the alert—for example, number of requests.
  • The threshold: The level that the metric must reach to trigger the alert.

The following sections provide examples of metric-based alerts.

Alert for response code 500 on a proxy

The next example creates an alert when a response code 500 (Internal Server Error) is returned. You can create a similar alert for any response code.

To create the alert, start by doing the following steps:

  1. Open the Create alerting policy page in the Google Cloud console.

  2. Click Select a Metric.
  3. Deselect the Active button.

    Note: If there is no recent API traffic data in your organization, the metric in the next step won't be displayed unless this option is unselected.

  4. Select a metric as follows:
    1. If you are using Apigee hybrid v1.12. copy and paste the following in the Select a metric field:
    2. Select Apigee Proxy.
    3. In the pane that opens to the right, select Proxy.
    4. In the next pane to the right, select Apigee proxy response count.
    5. Click Apply.
  5. Add a filter for the response code as follows:
    1. Click Add filter.
    2. Click in the Filter field and select response_code from the drop-down menu.
    3. In the Comparator, select =.
    4. In the Value field, type 500.
    5. Click Done.

Configure the alert trigger

To configure the event that triggers the alert, first click Configure trigger in the left-hand pane. Then do the following steps:

  1. Under Condition type, select Threshold.
  2. In the Alert trigger field, select Any time series violates.
  3. In the Threshold position field, select Above threshold.
  4. In the Threshold value field, enter 1.

With these settings, an alert will be triggered whenever a response with code 500 is returned.

Click Next to open the Configure notifications and finalize alert pane.

Set up a notification for the alert

In the Configure notifications and finalize alert pane, you can set up a notification that will be sent when an alert is triggered. To do so:

  1. Click in the Notification Channels field. If you have already created a channel for the notification, such as an email address or SMS number, you can select it under Notification Channels.

    Otherwise, you need to add a channel by selecting Manage Notification Channels. This opens the Notification channels pane, where you can add one or more channels. See Manage notification channels for more information. When you are done, return to the Configure notifications and finalize alert pane.

    Note: You may need to click the refresh button next to Manage Notification Channels to display a new channel after you create it.

    Once you have selected one or more notification channels, click OK.

  2. In the Documentation field, you can add a message that will be sent with the notification. For example, the message might describe the reason for the alert, and contain links to documentation explaining how to respond to it.
  3. Click Next to review the details of the alert. If you are satisfied with them, click Create Policy to create the alerting policy.

Adding a condition: Alert for response code 500 for HTTP POST requests on a proxy

You can create multiple conditions for an alert. For example, in the alert for response code 500 on a proxy described in the previous section, you might want to add the condition that the alert is only triggered for HTTP POST requests. To do so, simply follow the same steps as in the previous example, but after step 8, add another filter as follows:

  1. Click Add filter.
  2. Click in the Filter field and select method HTTP method in the drop-down list.
  3. In the Comparator field, select =.
  4. In the Value field, enter POST.
  5. Click Done.

Then continue with the steps in Configure the alert trigger. After you are finished, the alert will be triggered when the proxy receives a 500 response code from an HTTP POST request.

See Alert for combinations of response codes and HTTP methods for a related example.

Viewing incident details

An API event that triggers an alert is called an incident. You can view the details of recent incidents in the Google Cloud console Alerting page.

Metrics and filters

A metric is the quantity that triggers an alert, for example, number of requests. This section describes the metrics and filters you can use to create metric-based alerts. There are two types of metrics:

  • New metrics: New versions of the Apigee metrics with improved performance and reliability. These metrics are currently available for Apigee and Apigee hybrid v1.12 and above. We recommend using the new metrics when possible.
  • Original metrics: The original metrics are still supported for use with Apigee hybrid v1.10 and v1.11.

New metrics

The table below lists the new metrics.

Metric Description Details relevant to the proxy that is deployed to an Apigee environment. Number of requests to the Apigee proxy since the last sample was recorded. Number of responses sent by the Apigee API proxy. Distribution of latencies, which are calculated from the time the request was received by the Apigee proxy to the time the response was sent from the Apigee proxy to the client. Number of requests sent to the Apigee target since the last sample was recorded. Number of responses received from the Apigee target since the last sample was recorded. Distribution of latencies, which are calculated from the time the request was sent to the Apigee target to the time the response was received by the Apigee proxy. Time does not include the Apigee API proxy overhead.

Original metrics

The following is a list of the original versions of the metrics shown in the table above, which are still supported for use with Apigee hybrid v1.10 and v1.11 only.

Metric Description Details relevant to the proxy that is deployed to an Apigee environment. Total number of requests received by the Apigee API proxy. Total number of responses returned by the Apigee API proxy. Percentile of all API proxy responses to a request. Total number of requests received by the Apigee API target. Total number of responses returned by the Apigee API target. Percentile of all API target responses to a request.


Filters enable you to create alerts for subsets of API data. A filter specifies a condition that defines the subset. For example, you can create an alert based on data for a single proxy.

You can choose from the following filters:

Filter Description Metrics for which filter can be applied
env Environment for the data. All
location Location for the data. All
proxy_name Proxy for the data. All
proxy_deployment_type Deployment type of the Apigee proxy
runtime_version Runtime version for the data. Original metrics
instance_id Instance ID for the data. Original metrics
method HTTP method for the data. All
response_code HTTP response code for the data.
fault_code Fault code for the data.
fault_source Fault source for the data.
percentile Apigee proxy response latencies percentile.

Log-based alerts

In addition to the metric-based alerts described in the previous section, you can also create log-based alerts, which monitor API data stored by Cloud logging.

Setting up a log-based alert

The next example shows how to set up a log-based alert. See Build queries in the Logs Explorer for more information.

  1. Open the Logs Explorer in the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Select Show query at the right-hand side of the Logs Explorer.
  3. In the Query pane, enter a query like the example shown below.

    Set time between alerts.

  4. Click Run query. The results are displayed in the Verify that the query returns the log entries you want to alert on.
  5. Click Create alert below the Query pane.
  6. Follow the procedure in the Create log-based alert policy dialog to create the alert. See Configure log-based alerts for details.