Tutorial: View and share your report

Looker Studio lets other users view and collaborate on your reports.

Step 1: View the report

View mode displays your report exactly as others will see it when you share it with them.

To view the report

Click Visibility icon. View.

To return to edit mode, click Edit icon. Edit.

Step 2: Share the report

You determine who can view and who can edit your report.

To share the report

  1. Click Share icon. Share.
  2. You can specify individual email addresses, or use one or more Google Groups, or share with both.
  3. If you only want to grant View access, change the drop-down menu to Can view.
  4. Click the Advanced link to set additional sharing options.

Learn more about sharing reports.

Next step

When you're ready to create reports with your own data, the data sources tutorials can help get you started.