Train a forecast model

This page shows you how to train a forecast model from a tabular dataset using either the Google Cloud console or the Vertex AI API.

Before you begin

Before you can train a forecast model, you must complete the following:

Train a model

Google Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Datasets page.

    Go to the Datasets page

  2. Click the name of the dataset you want to use to train your model to open its details page.

  3. If your data type uses annotation sets, select the annotation set you want to use for this model.

  4. Click Train new model.

  5. Select Other.

  6. In the Training method page, configure as follows:

    1. Select the model training method. To learn more, see Model training methods.

    2. Click Continue.

  7. In the Model details page, configure as follows:

    1. Enter the display name for your new model.

    2. Select your target column.

      The target column is the value that the model will forecast. Learn more about target column requirements.

    3. If you did not set your Series identifier and Timestamp columns on your dataset, select them now.

    4. Select your Data granularity. Select Daily if you would like to use holiday effect modeling. Learn how to choose the data granularity.

    5. Optional: In the Holiday regions dropdown, choose one or more geographical regions to enable holiday effect modeling. During training, Vertex AI creates holiday categorical features within the model based on the date from the Timestamp column and the specified geographical regions. You can select this option only when Data granularity is set to Daily. By default, holiday effect modeling is disabled. To learn about the geographical regions used for holiday effect modeling, see Holiday regions.

    6. Enter your Context window and Forecast horizon.

      The forecast horizon determines how far into the future the model forecasts the target value for each row of prediction data. The Forecast horizon is specified in units of Data granularity.

      The context window sets how far back the model looks during training (and for forecasts). In other words, for each training datapoint, the context window determines how far back the model looks for predictive patterns. The Context window is specified in units of Data granularity.

      Learn more.

    7. If you would like to export your test dataset to BigQuery, check Export test dataset to BigQuery and provide the name of the table.

    8. If you want to manually control your data split or configure the forecasting window, open the Advanced options.

    9. The default data split is chronological, with the standard 80/10/10 percentages. If you would like to manually specify which rows are assigned to which split, select Manual and specify your Data split column.

      Learn more about data splits.

    10. Select a rolling window strategy for forecast window generation. The default strategy is Count.

      • Count: Set the value for the maximum number of windows in the textbox provided.
      • Stride: Set the value of the stride length in the textbox provided.
      • Column: Select the appropriate column name from the dropdown provided.

      To learn more, see Rolling window strategies.

    11. Click Continue.

  8. In the Training options page, configure as follows:

    1. If you haven't already, click Generate statistics.

      Generating statistics populates the Transformation dropdown menus.

    2. Review your column list and exclude any columns from training that should not be used to train the model.

      If you are using a data split column, it should be included.

    3. Review the transformations selected for your included features and make any required updates.

      Rows containing data that is invalid for the selected transformation are excluded from training. Learn more about transformations.

    4. For each column you included for training, specify the Feature type for how that feature relates to its time series, and whether it is available at forecast time. Learn more about feature type and availability.

    5. If you want to specify a weight column, change your optimization objective from the default, or enable hierarchical forecasting, open Advanced options.

    6. Optional. If you want to specify a weight column, select it from the dropdown list. Learn more about weight columns.

    7. Optional. If you want to select the optimization objective, select it from the list. Learn more optimization objectives.

    8. Optional. If you want to use hierarchical forecasting, select Enable hierarchical forecasting. You can choose between three grouping options:

      • No grouping
      • Group by columns
      • Group all

      You can also choose to set the following aggregate loss weights:

      • Group total weight. This field can be set only if you select the Group by columns or the Group all option.
      • Temporal total weight.
      • Group temporal total weight. This field can be set only if you select the Group by columns or the Group all option.

      Learn more about hierarchical forecasting.

    9. Click Continue.

  9. In the Compute and pricing page, configure as follows:

    1. Enter the maximum number of hours you want your model to train for. This setting helps you put a cap on the training costs. The actual time elapsed can be longer than this value, because there are other operations involved in creating a new model.

      Suggested training time is related to the size of your forecast horizon and your training data. The table below provides some sample forecasting training runs, and the range of training time that was needed to train a high-quality model.

      Rows Features Forecast horizon Training time
      12 million 10 6 3-6 hours
      20 million 50 13 6-12 hours
      16 million 30 365 24-48 hours

      For information about training pricing, see the pricing page.

    2. Click Start Training.

      Model training can take many hours, depending on the size and complexity of your data and your training budget, if you specified one. You can close this tab and return to it later. You will receive an email when your model has completed training.


Select a tab for your language or environment:


You use the trainingPipelines.create command to train a model.

Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • LOCATION: Your region.
  • PROJECT: Your project ID.
  • TRAINING_PIPELINE_DISPLAY_NAME: Display name for the training pipeline created for this operation.
  • TRAINING_TASK_DEFINITION: The model training method.
    • Time series Dense Encoder (TiDE)
    • Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT)
    • AutoML (L2L)
    • Seq2Seq+
    To learn more, see Model training methods.
  • TARGET_COLUMN: The column (value) you want this model to predict.
  • TIME_COLUMN: The time column. Learn more.
  • TIME_SERIES_IDENTIFIER_COLUMN: The time series identifier column. Learn more.
  • WEIGHT_COLUMN: (Optional) The weight column. Learn more.
  • TRAINING_BUDGET: The maximum amount of time you want the model to train, in milli node hours (1,000 milli node hours equals one node hour).
  • GRANULARITY_UNIT: The unit to use for the granularity of your training data and your forecast horizon and context window. Can be minute, hour, day, week, month, or year. Select day if you would like to use holiday effect modeling. Learn how to choose the data granularity.
  • GRANULARITY_QUANTITY: The number of granularity units that make up the interval between observations in your training data. Must be one for all units except minutes, which can be 1, 5, 10, 15, or 30. Learn how to choose the data granularity.
  • GROUP_COLUMNS: Column names in your training input table that identify the grouping for the hierarchy level. The column(s) must be `time_series_attribute_columns`. Learn more.
  • GROUP_TOTAL_WEIGHT: Weight of the group aggregated loss relative to the individual loss. Disabled if set to `0.0` or is not set. If the group column is not set, all time series will be treated as part of the same group and is aggregated over all time series. Learn more.
  • TEMPORAL_TOTAL_WEIGHT: Weight of the time aggregated loss relative to the individual loss. Disabled if set to `0.0` or is not set. Learn more.
  • GROUP_TEMPORAL_TOTAL_WEIGHT: Weight of the total (group x time) aggregated loss relative to the individual loss. Disabled if set to `0.0` or is not set. If the group column is not set, all time series will be treated as part of the same group and is aggregated over all time series. Learn more.
  • HOLIDAY_REGIONS: (Optional) You can select one or more geographical regions to enable holiday effect modeling. During training, Vertex AI creates holiday categorical features within the model based on the date from TIME_COLUMN and the specified geographical regions. To enable it, set GRANULARITY_UNIT to day and specify one or more regions in the HOLIDAY_REGIONS field. By default, holiday effect modeling is disabled. To learn more, see Holiday regions.
  • FORECAST_HORIZON: The forecast horizon determines how far into the future the model forecasts the target value for each row of prediction data. The forecast horizon is specified in units of data granularity (GRANULARITY_UNIT). Learn more.
  • CONTEXT_WINDOW: The context window sets how far back the model looks during training (and for forecasts). In other words, for each training datapoint, the context window determines how far back the model looks for predictive patterns. The context window is specified in units of data granularity (GRANULARITY_UNIT). Learn more.
  • OPTIMIZATION_OBJECTIVE: By default, Vertex AI minimizes the root-mean-squared error (RMSE). If you want a different optimization objective for your forecast model, choose one of the options in Optimization objectives for forecast models. If you choose to minimize the quantile loss, you must also specify a value for QUANTILES.
  • PROBABILISTIC_INFERENCE: (Optional) If set to true, Vertex AI models the probability distribution of the forecast. Probabilistic inference can improve model quality by handling noisy data and quantifying uncertainty. If QUANTILES are specified, then Vertex AI also returns the quantiles of the probability distribution. Probabilistic inference is compatible only with the Time series Dense Encoder (TiDE) and the AutoML (L2L) training methods. It is incompatible with hierarchical forecasting and the minimize-quantile-loss optimization objective.
  • QUANTILES: Quantiles to use for the minimize-quantile-loss optimization objective and probabilistic inference. Provide a list of up to five unique numbers between 0 and 1, exclusive.
  • TIME_SERIES_ATTRIBUTE_COL: The name or names of the columns that are time series attributes. Learn more.
  • AVAILABLE_AT_FORECAST_COL: The name or names of the covariate columns whose value is known at forecast time. Learn more.
  • UNAVAILABLE_AT_FORECAST_COL: The name or names of the covariate columns whose value is unknown at forecast time. Learn more.
  • TRANSFORMATION_TYPE: The transformation type is provided for each column used to train the model. Learn more.
  • COLUMN_NAME: The name of the column with the specified transformation type. Every column used to train the model must be specified.
  • MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME: Display name for the newly trained model.
  • DATASET_ID: ID for the training Dataset.
  • You can provide a Split object to control your data split. For information about controlling data split, see Control the data split using REST.
  • You can provide a windowConfig object to configure a rolling window strategy for forecast window generation. For further information, see Configure the rolling window strategy using REST.
  • PROJECT_NUMBER: Your project's automatically generated project number

HTTP method and URL:


Request JSON body:

    "trainingTaskDefinition": "TRAINING_TASK_DEFINITION",
    "trainingTaskInputs": {
        "targetColumn": "TARGET_COLUMN",
        "timeColumn": "TIME_COLUMN",
        "timeSeriesIdentifierColumn": "TIME_SERIES_IDENTIFIER_COLUMN",
        "weightColumn": "WEIGHT_COLUMN",
        "trainBudgetMilliNodeHours": TRAINING_BUDGET,
        "dataGranularity": {"unit": "GRANULARITY_UNIT", "quantity": GRANULARITY_QUANTITY},
        "hierarchyConfig": {"groupColumns": GROUP_COLUMNS, "groupTotalWeight": GROUP_TOTAL_WEIGHT, "temporalTotalWeight": TEMPORAL_TOTAL_WEIGHT, "groupTemporalTotalWeight": GROUP_TEMPORAL_TOTAL_WEIGHT}
        "holidayRegions" : ["HOLIDAY_REGIONS_1", "HOLIDAY_REGIONS_2", ...]
        "forecast_horizon": FORECAST_HORIZON,
        "context_window": CONTEXT_WINDOW,
        "optimizationObjective": "OPTIMIZATION_OBJECTIVE",
        "quantiles": "QUANTILES",
        "enableProbabilisticInference": "PROBABILISTIC_INFERENCE",
        "time_series_attribute_columns": ["TIME_SERIES_ATTRIBUTE_COL_1", "TIME_SERIES_ATTRIBUTE_COL_2", ...]
        "available_at_forecast_columns": ["AVAILABLE_AT_FORECAST_COL_1", "AVAILABLE_AT_FORECAST_COL_2", ...]
        "unavailable_at_forecast_columns": ["UNAVAILABLE_AT_FORECAST_COL_1", "UNAVAILABLE_AT_FORECAST_COL_2", ...]
        "transformations": [
            {"TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_1":  {"column_name" : "COLUMN_NAME_1"} },
            {"TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_2":  {"column_name" : "COLUMN_NAME_2"} },
    "modelToUpload": {"displayName": "MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME"},
    "inputDataConfig": {
      "datasetId": "DATASET_ID",

To send your request, expand one of these options:

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/trainingPipelines/TRAINING_PIPELINE_ID",
  "displayName": "myModelName",
  "trainingTaskDefinition": "gs://google-cloud-aiplatform/schema/trainingjob/definition/automl_tabular_1.0.0.yaml",
  "modelToUpload": {
    "displayName": "myModelName"
  "createTime": "2020-08-18T01:22:57.479336Z",
  "updateTime": "2020-08-18T01:22:57.479336Z"

Vertex AI SDK for Python

To learn how to install or update the Vertex AI SDK for Python, see Install the Vertex AI SDK for Python. For more information, see the Vertex AI SDK for Python API reference documentation.

def create_training_pipeline_forecasting_time_series_dense_encoder_sample(
    project: str,
    display_name: str,
    dataset_id: str,
    location: str = "us-central1",
    model_display_name: str = "my_model",
    target_column: str = "target_column",
    time_column: str = "date",
    time_series_identifier_column: str = "time_series_id",
    unavailable_at_forecast_columns: List[str] = [],
    available_at_forecast_columns: List[str] = [],
    forecast_horizon: int = 1,
    data_granularity_unit: str = "week",
    data_granularity_count: int = 1,
    training_fraction_split: float = 0.8,
    validation_fraction_split: float = 0.1,
    test_fraction_split: float = 0.1,
    budget_milli_node_hours: int = 8000,
    timestamp_split_column_name: str = "timestamp_split",
    weight_column: str = "weight",
    time_series_attribute_columns: List[str] = [],
    context_window: int = 0,
    export_evaluated_data_items: bool = False,
    export_evaluated_data_items_bigquery_destination_uri: Optional[str] = None,
    export_evaluated_data_items_override_destination: bool = False,
    quantiles: Optional[List[float]] = None,
    enable_probabilistic_inference: bool = False,
    validation_options: Optional[str] = None,
    predefined_split_column_name: Optional[str] = None,
    sync: bool = True,
    aiplatform.init(project=project, location=location)

    # Create training job
    forecasting_tide_job = aiplatform.TimeSeriesDenseEncoderForecastingTrainingJob(

    # Retrieve existing dataset
    dataset = aiplatform.TimeSeriesDataset(dataset_id)

    # Run training job
    model =


    return model

Control the data split using REST

You can control how your training data is split between the training, validation, and test sets. Use a split column to manually specify the data split for each row and provide it as part of a PredefinedSplit Split object in the inputDataConfig of the JSON request.

DATA_SPLIT_COLUMN is the column containing the data split values (TRAIN, VALIDATION, TEST).

"predefinedSplit": {

Learn more about data splits.

Configure the rolling window strategy using REST

You can provide a windowConfig object to configure a rolling window strategy for forecast window generation. The default strategy is maxCount.

  • To use the maxCount option, add the following to trainingTaskInputs of the JSON request. MAX_COUNT_VALUE refers to the maximum number of windows.

      "windowConfig": {
        "maxCount": MAX_COUNT_VALUE
  • To use the strideLength option, add the following to trainingTaskInputs of the JSON request. STRIDE_LENGTH_VALUE refers to the value of the stride length.

      "windowConfig": {
        "strideLength": STRIDE_LENGTH_VALUE
  • To use the column option, add the following to trainingTaskInputs of the JSON request. COLUMN_NAME refers to the name of the column with True or False values.

      "windowConfig": {
        "column": "COLUMN_NAME"

To learn more, see Rolling window strategies.

What's next