Log models to an experiment run

In order for a model to be tracked, shared, and analyzed, the Vertex AI SDK for Python provides an API that serializes a machine learning model into an ExperimentModel class and logs the model to Vertex AI Experiments.

After selecting the best model to use, you can register that model from Vertex AI Experiments to Vertex AI Model Registry.

Supported frameworks are scikit-learn, XGBoost, and TensorFlow.

Save and log ML model

Save models

The Vertex AI SDK provides the save_model method to serialize an ML model, upload the model to Cloud Storage, and represent the model as a Vertex ML Metadata artifact.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from typing import Optional, Union

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def save_model_sample(
    project: str,
    location: str,
    model: Union[
        "sklearn.base.BaseEstimator", "xgb.Booster", "tf.Module"  # noqa: F821
    artifact_id: Optional[str] = None,
    uri: Optional[str] = None,
    input_example: Optional[
        Union[list, dict, "pd.DataFrame", "np.ndarray"]  # noqa: F821
    ] = None,
    display_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    aiplatform.init(project=project, location=location)


  • project: Your project ID. You can find these IDs in the Google Cloud console welcome page.
  • location: See List of available locations
  • model: (Required). A machine learning model. (Union["sklearn.base.BaseEstimator", "xgb.Booster", "tf.Module"])
  • artifact_id: Optional. The resource ID of the artifact. This ID must be globally unique in a metadataStore. It might be up to 63 characters, and valid characters are [a-z0-9_-]. The first character can't be a number or a hyphen.
  • uri: Optional. A gcs directory in which to save the model file. If a uri isn't provided, gs://default-bucket/timestamp-uuid-frameworkName-model is used. If a default staging bucket isn't set, a new bucket is created.
  • input_example: Optional. Each model takes input data and then produces a prediction. Each model accepts one particular format of input (for example, a number, a string, 2d array) and is stored as a yaml file in the gcs uri. Accepts list, dict, pd.DataFrame, and np.ndarray The value inside a list must be a scalar or list. The value inside a dict must be a scalar, list, or np.ndarray. (Union[list, dict, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]).
  • display_name: The display name of the artifact.

Log models

The Vertex AI SDK provides a log_model method, which orchestrates save_model and an additional step to log the Vertex ML Metadata artifact to the current experiment run. The log_model method to manage and analyze multiple ML models in Vertex AI Experiments.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from typing import Optional, Union

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def log_model_sample(
    experiment_name: str,
    run_name: str,
    project: str,
    location: str,
    model: Union[
        "sklearn.base.BaseEstimator", "xgb.Booster", "tf.Module"  # noqa: F821
    artifact_id: Optional[str] = None,
    uri: Optional[str] = None,
    input_example: Optional[
        Union[list, dict, "pd.DataFrame", "np.ndarray"]  # noqa: F821
    ] = None,  # noqa: F821
    display_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    aiplatform.init(experiment=experiment_name, project=project, location=location)

    aiplatform.start_run(run=run_name, resume=True)


  • experiment_name: Provide the name of your experiment. You can find your list of experiments in the Google Cloud console by selecting "Experiments" in the section nav.
  • run_name: Specify a run name.
  • project: Your project ID. You can find these IDs in the Google Cloud console welcome page.
  • location: See List of available locations.
  • model: Required. A machine learning model. (Union["sklearn.base.BaseEstimator", "xgb.Booster", "tf.Module"])
  • uri: Optional. A gcs directory in which to save the model file. If a uri is not provided,gs://default-bucket/timestamp-uuid-frameworkName-model is used. If a default staging bucket is not set, a new bucket is created.
  • input_example: Optional. Each model takes input data and then produces a prediction. Each model accepts one particular format of input (for example, a number, a string, 2d array) and is stored as a yaml file in the gcs uri. Accepts list, dict, pd.DataFrame, and np.ndarray The value inside a list must be a scalar or list. The value inside a dict must be a scalar, list, or np.ndarray. (Union[list, dict, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]).
  • display_name: Optional. The display name of the artifact.

Track ExperimentModel

Get experiment model

To use get_experiment_model to return a saved model, pass it the saved model's artifact ID.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def get_experiment_model_sample(
    project: str,
    location: str,
    artifact_id: str,
) -> "ExperimentModel":  # noqa: F821
    aiplatform.init(project=project, location=location)
    experiment_model = aiplatform.get_experiment_model(artifact_id=artifact_id)

    return experiment_model

Get experiment models

The get_experiment_models method gets a list of all the ExperimentModel's that are logged to a particular experiment run.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from typing import List, Union

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def get_experiment_run_models_sample(
    run_name: str,
    experiment: Union[str, aiplatform.Experiment],
    project: str,
    location: str,
) -> List["ExperimentModel"]:  # noqa: F821
    experiment_run = aiplatform.ExperimentRun(
        run_name=run_name, experiment=experiment, project=project, location=location

    return experiment_run.get_experiment_models()

  • run_name: Specify a run name.
  • experiment: Provide the name of your experiment. You can find your list of experiments in the Google Cloud console by selecting "Experiments" in the section nav.
  • project: Your project ID. You can find these IDs in the Google Cloud console welcome page.
  • location: See List of available locations.

Get model information

The get_model_info method returns the model's metadata of a given ExperimentModel instance, for example, model class, framework type.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from typing import Any, Dict

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def get_model_info_sample(
    artifact_id: str,
    project: str,
    location: str,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    experiment_model = aiplatform.get_experiment_model(
        artifact_id=artifact_id, project=project, location=location

    return experiment_model.get_model_info()

Load ExperimentModel

Load model

The load_experiment_model method helps you deserialize an ExperimentModel instance back to the original ML model.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from typing import Union

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def load_experiment_model_sample(
    artifact_id: str,
    project: str,
    location: str,
) -> Union["sklearn.base.BaseEstimator", "xgb.Booster", "tf.Module"]:  # noqa: F821:
    experiment_model = aiplatform.get_experiment_model(
        artifact_id=artifact_id, project=project, location=location

    return experiment_model.load_model()

  • artifact_id: (Required). The resource ID of the existing ExperimentModel. Example: artifact_id="my-sklearn-model"
  • project: Your project ID. You can find these IDs in the Google Cloud console welcome page.
  • location: See List of available locations.

Register ExperimentModel

Register saved model

The register_experiment_model API enables registering the model that was deemed the best, in Vertex AI Model Registry with a minimum amount of configuration. The API automatically chooses a prebuilt prediction container based on the model's framework and version.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def register_experiment_model_sample(
    artifact_id: str,
    project: str,
    location: str,
    display_name: str,
) -> aiplatform.models.Model:
    experiment_model = aiplatform.get_experiment_model(
        artifact_id=artifact_id, project=project, location=location

    return experiment_model.register_model(display_name=display_name)

  • artifact_id: (Required). The resource ID of the existing ExperimentModel.
  • project: Your project ID. You can find these IDs in the Google Cloud console welcome page.
  • location: See List of available locations.
  • display_name: Optional. The user-defined name of the registered model.

View experiment runs list in the Google Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Experiments page.
    Go to Experiments
    A list of experiments appears.
  2. Select the experiment that you want to check.
    A list of runs appears.

Vertex AI experiment list page

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