Discover Private Offers

With Cloud Marketplace Private Offers, you can create a custom offer for a Kubernetes app, software as a service (SaaS) product, or virtual machine (VM) image for a specific customer. The offer enables your customer to purchase your Cloud Marketplace product at a discount.

When the customer opens their offer, they're taken to a purchase page on Cloud Marketplace. The customer confirms the purchase, and signs up for your product. After they sign up, they use your product as if they signed up for a plan directly through Cloud Marketplace. If a customer is already paying for your product using a public plan, they convert to the private offer pricing as soon as the offer contract starts.

For VM products, the customer can deploy or configure the VM. Usage is discounted for the existing and new VM instances as soon as the offer contract starts.

For Kubernetes apps, usage is discounted for existing and new Kubernetes apps as soon as the offer contract starts.

Overview of Private Offers capabilities

Private Offers gives you the following capabilities:

  • You can create offers for SaaS, VM, and Kubernetes products.

  • You can offer discounts on usage and flat fee (SaaS) pricing models.

  • You can support installment-based prepay or monthly payment schedules.

  • You can set up automatic offer approvals and scheduled start dates for new offers or amendments to offers.

Private Offer requirements

Offers that you send with Private Offers must meet the following requirements:

  • Your private offer must not contain any services or fees that aren't previously-approved offerings listed on Cloud Marketplace, or that aren't supported by the Marketplace Vendor Agreement.

  • Your private offer must be complete and accurate to the services and terms being sold to the customer.

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