gcloud storage batch-operations jobs create

gcloud storage batch-operations jobs create - create a new batch operation job
gcloud storage batch-operations jobs create BATCH_JOB --bucket=BUCKET (--included-object-prefixes=[PREFIXES,…]     | --manifest-location=MANIFEST_LOCATION) (--put-metadata=KEY=VALUE,[KEY=VALUE,…]     | --rewrite-object=KEY=VALUE,[KEY=VALUE,…]     | [--delete-object : --enable-permanent-object-deletion]     | --[no-]put-object-event-based-hold --[no-]put-object-temporary-hold) [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--log-actions=[LOG_ACTIONS,…] --log-action-states=[LOG_ACTION_STATES,…]] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Create a batch operation job, allowing you to perform operations such as deletion, updating metadata, and more on objects in a serverless manner.
To create a batch job with the name my-job to perform object deletion on bucket my-bucket and the manifest file gs://my-bucket/manifest.csv specifies the objects to be transformed:
gcloud storage batch-operations jobs create my-job --bucket=my-bucket --manifest-location=gs://my-bucket/manifest.csv --delete-object

To create a batch job with the name my-job to update object metadata Content-Disposition to inline and Content-Language to en on bucket my-bucket where you want to match objects with the prefix prefix1 or prefix2:

gcloud storage batch-operations jobs create my-job --bucket=my-bucket --included-object-prefixes=prefix1,prefix2 --put-metadata=Content-Disposition=inline,Content-Language=en

To create a batch job with the name my-job to put object event based hold on objects in bucket my-bucket with logging config enabled for corresponding transform action and succeeded and failed action states:

gcloud storage batch-operations jobs create my-job --bucket=my-bucket --put-object-event-based-hold --put-metadata=Content-Disposition=inline,Content-Language=en --log-actions=transform --log-action-states=succeeded,failed
Batch job resource - The batch job to create. This represents a Cloud resource. (NOTE) Some attributes are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways.

To set the project attribute:

  • provide the argument batch_job on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --project on the command line;
  • set the property core/project.

To set the location attribute:

  • provide the argument batch_job on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • The default is global.

This must be specified.

ID of the batch-job or fully qualified identifier for the batch-job.

To set the batch-job attribute:

  • provide the argument batch_job on the command line.
Bucket containing the objects that the batch job will operate on.
Source specifying objects to perform batch operations on. Must be one of --manifest-location=``MANIFEST_LOCATION or --included-object-prefixes=``COMMA_SEPARATED_PREFIXES

Exactly one of these must be specified:

A comma-separated list of object prefixes to describe the objects being transformed. An empty string means all objects in the bucket.
An absolute path to the manifest source file in a Google Cloud Storage bucket. The file must be a CSV file where each row specifies the object details i.e. ProjectId, BucketId, and Name. Generation may optionally be specified. When generation is not specified, the live object is acted upon. Format: --manifest-location=gs://bucket_name/path/manifest_name.csv
Transformation to be performed on the objects.

Exactly one of these must be specified:

Sets object metadata. To set how content should be displayed, specify the the key-value pair Content-Disposition={VALUE}. To set how content is encoded (e.g. "gzip"), specify the key-value pair Content-Encoding={VALUE}. To set content's language (e.g. "en" signifies "English"), specify the key-value pair Content-Language={VALUE}. To set the type of data contained in the object (e.g. "text/html"), specify the key-value pair Content-Type={VALUE}. To set how caches should handle requests and responses, specify the key-value pair Cache-Control={VALUE}. To set custom time for Cloud Storage objects in RFC 3339 format, specify the key-value pair Custom-Time={VALUE}. To set custom metadata on objects, specify key-value pairs {CUSTOM-KEY}:{VALUE}. Note that all predefined keys are case-insensitive. Multiple key-value pairs can be specified by separating them with commas. For example, --put-metadata=Content-Disposition=inline,Content-Encoding=gzip
Rewrites object and the specified metadata. Currently only supports rewriting kms-key. A metadata field MUST be specified. For example, --rewrite-object=kms-key=projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/keyRings/KEY_RING/cryptoKeys/CRYPTO_KEY will rewrite the Cloud KMS key that will be used to encrypt the object.
Describes options to delete objects.
If this flag is set, objects specified in source will be deleted. When versioning is enabled on the buckets, live objects in versioned buckets will become noncurrent and objects that were already noncurrent will be skipped.

This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

If this flag is set and versioning is enabled on the buckets, both live and noncurrent objects will be permanently deleted.
Describes options to update object hold.
Sets or unsets object event based holds state. When object event based hold is set, object cannot be deleted or replaced. Use --put-object-event-based-hold to enable and --no-put-object-event-based-hold to disable.
Sets or unsets object temporary holds state. When object temporary hold is set, object cannot be deleted or replaced. Use --put-object-temporary-hold to enable and --no-put-object-temporary-hold to disable.
Description for the batch job.

Configure which transfer actions and action states are reported when logs are generated for this job. Logs can be viewed by running the following command: gcloud logging read "resource.type=storagebatchoperations.googleapis.com/Job"

Define the batch job actions to report in logs. (e.g., --log-actions=transform). LOG_ACTIONS must be (only one value is supported): transform.
The states in which the actions specified in --log-actions are logged. Separate multiple states with a comma, omitting the space after the comma (e.g., --log-action-states=succeeded,failed). LOG_ACTION_STATES must be one of: failed, succeeded.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This variant is also available:
gcloud alpha storage batch-operations jobs create