- gcloud compute instances update-access-config - update a Compute Engine virtual machine access configuration
gcloud compute instances update-access-config
; default="nic0"] [--zone
] [--no-ipv6-public-ptr
] [--public-ptr
] [--public-ptr-domain
gcloud compute instances update-access-config
is used to update access configurations for network interfaces of Compute Engine virtual machines. IPv4 and IPv6 access configurations cannot be updated together. - EXAMPLES
To update public PTR record in IPv4 access config in network interface 'nic0' of
an instance, run:
gcloud compute instances update-access-config example-instance --network-interface=nic0 --zone=us-central1-b --public-ptr --public-ptr-domain=exampledomain.com.
To update public PTR record in IPv6 access config in default network interface 'nic0' of an instance, run:
gcloud compute instances update-access-config example-instance --zone=us-central1-b --ipv6-public-ptr-domain=exampledomain.com.
- Name of the instance to operate on. For details on valid instance names, refer to the criteria documented under the field 'name' at: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/instances
; default="nic0"- Specifies the name of the network interface which contains the access configuration. If this is not provided, then "nic0" is used as the default.
Zone of the instance to operate on. If not specified, you might be prompted to
select a zone (interactive mode only).
attempts to identify the appropriate zone by searching for resources in your currently active project. If the zone cannot be determined,gcloud
prompts you for a selection with all available Google Cloud Platform zones.To avoid prompting when this flag is omitted, the user can set the
gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE
A list of zones can be fetched by running:
gcloud compute zones list
To unset the property, run:
gcloud config unset compute/zone
Alternatively, the zone can be stored in the environment variable
At most one of these can be specified:
- If provided, the default DNS PTR record will replace the existing one for external IPv6 in the IPv6 access configuration. Mutually exclusive with ipv6-public-ptr-domain.
Assigns a custom PTR domain for the external IPv6 in the access configuration.
Mutually exclusive with no-ipv6-public-ptr. This option can only be specified
for the default network interface,
At most one of these can be specified:
- Creates a DNS PTR record for the external IP in the access configuration. This option can only be specified for the default network-interface, "nic0".
- If provided, no DNS PTR record is created for the external IP in the access configuration. Mutually exclusive with public-ptr-domain.
At most one of these can be specified:
- Assigns a custom PTR domain for the external IP in the access configuration. Mutually exclusive with no-public-ptr. This option can only be specified for the default network-interface, "nic0".
- If both this flag and --public-ptr are specified, creates a DNS PTR record for the external IP in the access configuration with the PTR domain name being the DNS name of the instance.
These flags are available to all commands:
$ gcloud help
for details. - NOTES
These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha compute instances update-access-config
gcloud beta compute instances update-access-config
gcloud compute instances update-access-config
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Last updated 2024-05-21 UTC.