gcloud alpha compute disks update

gcloud alpha compute disks update - update a Compute Engine persistent disk
gcloud alpha compute disks update DISK_NAME [--access-mode=ACCESS_MODE] [--add-guest-os-features=ADD_GUEST_OS_FEATURES] [--provisioned-iops=PROVISIONED_IOPS] [--provisioned-throughput=PROVISIONED_THROUGHPUT] [--size=SIZE] [--update-labels=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--append-licenses=[LICENSE,LICENSE…,…] --remove-licenses=[LICENSE,LICENSE…,…] --replace-license=OLD_LICENSE,NEW_LICENSE,…,[…]] [--clear-architecture     | --update-architecture=UPDATE_ARCHITECTURE] [--clear-labels     | --remove-labels=[KEY,…]] [--clear-user-licenses     | --update-user-licenses=[LICENSE,…]] [--region=REGION     | --zone=ZONE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) gcloud alpha compute disks update updates a Compute Engine persistent disk.
To update labels 'k0' and 'k1' and remove label 'k3' of a disk, run:
gcloud alpha compute disks update example-disk --zone=us-central1-a --update-labels=k0=value1,k1=value2 --remove-labels=k3
`_k0_` and `_k1_` are added as new labels if not already present.

Labels can be used to identify the disk. To list disks with the 'k1:value2' label, run:

gcloud alpha compute disks list --filter='labels.k1:value2'

To list only the labels when describing a resource, use --format to filter the result:

gcloud alpha compute disks describe example-disk --format="default(labels)"

To append licenses to the disk, run:

gcloud alpha compute disks update example-disk --zone=us-central1-a --append-licenses=projects/license-project/global/licenses/license-1,projects/license-project/global/licenses/license-2

To remove licenses from the disk, run:

gcloud alpha compute disks update example-disk --zone=us-central1-a --replace-licenses=projects/license-project/global/licenses/license-1,projects/license-project/global/licenses/license-2

To replace a license on the disk, run:

gcloud alpha compute disks update example-disk --zone=us-central1-a --replace-license=projects/license-project/global/licenses/old-license,projects/license-project/global/licenses/new-license
Name of the disk to update.
Specifies how VMs attached to the disk can access the data on the disk. To grant read-only access to multiple VMs attached to the disk, set access-mode to READ_ONLY_MANY. To grant read-write access to only one VM attached to the disk, use READ_WRITE_SINGLE. READ_WRITE_SINGLE is used if omitted. ACCESS_MODE must be one of: READ_ONLY_MANY, READ_WRITE_MANY, READ_WRITE_SINGLE.
Specifies guest OS features to add to the disk. Refer to https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/images/create-custom#guest-os-features for a list of available options. ADD_GUEST_OS_FEATURES must be (only one value is supported): GVNIC.
Provisioned IOPS of disk to update. Only for use with disks of type hyperdisk-extreme.
Provisioned throughput of disk to update. The throughput unit is MB per sec.
Size of the disks. The value must be a whole number followed by a size unit of GB for gigabyte, or TB for terabyte. If no size unit is specified, GB is assumed. For details about disk size limits, refer to: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks
List of label KEY=VALUE pairs to update. If a label exists, its value is modified. Otherwise, a new label is created.

Keys must start with a lowercase character and contain only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters, and numbers. Values must contain only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters, and numbers.

"A list of license URIs or license codes. These licenses will be appended to the existing licenses on the disk. Provided licenses can be either license URIs or license codes but not a mix of both.
A list of license URIs or license codes. If present in the set of existing licenses, these licenses will be removed. If not present, this is a no-op. Provided licenses can be either license URIs or license codes but not a mix of both.
A list of license URIs or license codes. The first license is the license to be replaced and the second license is the replacement license. Provided licenses can be either license URIs or license codes but not a mix of both.
At most one of these can be specified:
Removes the architecture or processor type annotation from the disk.
Updates the architecture or processor type that this disk can support. For available processor types on Compute Engine, see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/cpu-platforms. UPDATE_ARCHITECTURE must be one of: ARM64, X86_64.
At most one of these can be specified:
Remove all labels. If --update-labels is also specified then --clear-labels is applied first.

For example, to remove all labels:

gcloud alpha compute disks update --clear-labels

To remove all existing labels and create two new labels, foo and baz:

gcloud alpha compute disks update --clear-labels --update-labels foo=bar,baz=qux
List of label keys to remove. If a label does not exist it is silently ignored. If --update-labels is also specified then --update-labels is applied first.
At most one of these can be specified:
Remove all existing user licenses on a disk.
List of user licenses to be updated on a disk. These user licenses will replace all existing user licenses. If this flag is not provided, all existing user licenses will remain unchanged.
At most one of these can be specified:
Region of the disk to update. If not specified, you might be prompted to select a region (interactive mode only).

To avoid prompting when this flag is omitted, you can set the compute/region property:

gcloud config set compute/region REGION

A list of regions can be fetched by running:

gcloud compute regions list

To unset the property, run:

gcloud config unset compute/region

Alternatively, the region can be stored in the environment variable CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_REGION.

Zone of the disk to update. If not specified and the compute/zone property isn't set, you might be prompted to select a zone (interactive mode only).

To avoid prompting when this flag is omitted, you can set the compute/zone property:

gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE

A list of zones can be fetched by running:

gcloud compute zones list

To unset the property, run:

gcloud config unset compute/zone

Alternatively, the zone can be stored in the environment variable CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_ZONE.

These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. These variants are also available:
gcloud compute disks update
gcloud beta compute disks update