gcloud storage insights inventory-reports create

gcloud storage insights inventory-reports create - create a new inventory report config
gcloud storage insights inventory-reports create SOURCE_BUCKET_URL [--destination=DESTINATION_URL] [--display-name=DISPLAY_NAME] [--metadata-fields=[METADATA_FIELDS,…]; default="project,bucket,name,location,size,timeCreated,timeDeleted,updated,storageClass,etag,retentionExpirationTime,crc32c,md5Hash,generation,metageneration,contentType,contentEncoding,timeStorageClassUpdated"] [--schedule-repeats=FREQUENCY; default="daily"] [--schedule-repeats-until=END_DATE] [--schedule-starts=START_DATE] [--parquet     | --csv-delimiter=DELIMITER --[no-]csv-header --csv-separator=SEPARATOR] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Create an inventory report config that defines how often inventory reports are generated, the metadata fields you want the reports to include, and a bucket/prefix in which to store the reports, also known as the destination.
To create an inventory report about "my-bucket" that will store report details in "report-bucket" with the prefix "save-path/".
gcloud storage insights inventory-reports create gs://my-bucket --destination=gs://report-bucket/save-path/
URL of the source bucket that will contain the inventory report configuration.
Sets the URL of the destination bucket and path where generated reports are stored. Defaults to <SOURCE_BUCKET_URL>/inventory_reports/.
Sets the editable name of the report configuration.
--metadata-fields=[METADATA_FIELDS,…]; default="project,bucket,name,location,size,timeCreated,timeDeleted,updated,storageClass,etag,retentionExpirationTime,crc32c,md5Hash,generation,metageneration,contentType,contentEncoding,timeStorageClassUpdated"
The metadata fields to be included in the inventory report. The fields: "project, bucket, name" are REQUIRED. Defaults to all fields being included. METADATA_FIELDS must be one of: project, bucket, name, location, size, timeCreated, timeDeleted, updated, storageClass, etag, retentionExpirationTime, crc32c, md5Hash, generation, metageneration, contentType, contentEncoding, timeStorageClassUpdated.
--schedule-repeats=FREQUENCY; default="daily"
Sets how often the inventory report configuration will run. Defaults to DAILY. FREQUENCY must be one of: daily, weekly.
Sets date after which you want to stop generating inventory reports. For example, 2022-03-30. Defaults to one year from --schedule-starts value.
Sets the date you want to start generating inventory reports. For example, 2022-01-30. Should be tomorrow or later based on UTC timezone. Defaults to tomorrow.
Report format configuration. Any combination of CSV flags is valid as long as the Parquet flag is not present.

At most one of these can be specified:

Generate reports in parquet format.
Flags for setting CSV format options.
Sets the delimiter that separates the fields in the inventory report CSV file. For example, ``,``
Indicates whether or not headers are included in the inventory report CSV file. Default is None. Use --csv-header to enable and --no-csv-header to disable.
Sets the character used to separate the records in the inventory report CSV file. For example, ``\n``. SEPARATOR must be one of: \n, \r\n.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This variant is also available:
gcloud alpha storage insights inventory-reports create