gcloud alpha resource-config terraform generate-import

gcloud alpha resource-config terraform generate-import - generate Terraform import script for exported resources
gcloud alpha resource-config terraform generate-import INPUT_PATH [--output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR     | --output-module-file=OUTPUT_MODULE_FILE --output-script-file=OUTPUT_SCRIPT_FILE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) Generate Terraform import script for exported resources.
To generate an import script named import.sh and a module file named modules.tf based on exported files in my-dir/, run:
gcloud alpha resource-config terraform generate-import my-dir/ --output-script-file=import.sh --output-module-file=modules.tf

To generate an import script with the default terraform_import_YYYYMMDD-HH-MM-SS.cmd and gcloud-export-modules.tf names on Windows, based on exported files in my-dir/, run:

gcloud alpha resource-config terraform generate-import my-dir
Path to a Terrafrom formatted (.tf) resource file or directory of files exported via. gcloud alpha resource-config bulk-export or resource surface specific config export command.
Specify the destination of the generated script.

At most one of these can be specified:

Specify the output directory only for the generated import script. If specified directory does not exists it will be created. Generated script will have a default name of the form terraform_import_YYYYMMDD-HH-MM-SS.sh|cmd
Specify the exact filenames for the output import script and module files.
Specify the full path path for generated terraform module file. If not set, a default filename of gcloud-export-modules.tf will be generated.
Specify the full path path for generated import script. If not set, a default filename of the form terraform_import_YYYYMMDD-HH-MM-SS.sh|cmd will be generated.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. This variant is also available:
gcloud beta resource-config terraform generate-import