- gcloud beta run multi-region-services update - update environment variables, add/remove regions, and other configuration settings in Multi-Region Services
gcloud beta run multi-region-services update
] [--async
] [--breakglass
] [--clear-vpc-connector
] [--concurrency
] [--container
] [--[no-]cpu-boost
] [--[no-]cpu-throttling
] [--[no-]default-url
] [--[no-]deploy-health-check
] [--execution-environment
] [--gpu-type
] [--ingress
; default="all"] [--[no-]invoker-iam-check
] [--max-instances
] [--mesh
] [--min
] [--min-instances
] [--region
] [--remove-containers
,…]] [--revision-suffix
] [--scaling
] [--service-account
] [--[no-]session-affinity
] [--tag
] [--timeout
] [--no-traffic
] [--vpc-connector
] [--vpc-egress
] [--add-cloudsql-instances
,…] |--clear-cloudsql-instances
,…] |--set-cloudsql-instances
,…]] [--add-custom-audiences
,…] |--clear-custom-audiences
,…] |--set-custom-audiences
,…]] [--add-volume
,…]] [--add-volume-mount
,…] |--remove-env-vars
,…] |--remove-secrets
,…]] [--binary-authorization
] [--clear-encryption-key-shutdown-hours
] [--clear-key
] [--clear-labels
,…] |--update-labels
,…]] [--clear-network
,…]] [--clear-post-key-revocation-action-type
Update environment variables, add/remove regions, and other configuration settings in Multi-Region Services. - EXAMPLES
To update one or more env vars:
gcloud beta run multi-region-services update myservice --update-env-vars=KEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2
Service resource - Service to update the configuration of. The arguments in this
group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource.
- [
] -
ID of the service or fully qualified identifier for the service.
To set the
provide the argument
on the command line; - specify the service name from an interactive prompt.
provide the argument
Specific to Cloud Run for Anthos: Kubernetes namespace for the service.
To set the
provide the argument
on the command line with a fully specified name; - specify the service name from an interactive prompt with a fully specified name;
provide the argument
on the command line; -
set the property
; - For Cloud Run on Kubernetes Engine, defaults to "default". Otherwise, defaults to project ID.;
provide the argument
on the command line; -
set the property
provide the argument
- [
Service resource - Service to update the configuration of. The arguments in this
group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource.
- Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.
- Justification to bypass Binary Authorization policy constraints and allow the operation. See https://cloud.google.com/binary-authorization/docs/using-breakglass for more information. Next update or deploy command will automatically clear existing breakglass justification.
- Remove the VPC connector for this resource.
- Set the maximum number of concurrent requests allowed per container instance. Leave concurrency unspecified or provide the special value 'default' to receive the server default value.
Specifies a container by name. Flags following --container will apply to the
specified container.
Flags that are not container-specific must be specified before --container.
Whether to allocate extra CPU to containers on startup to reduce the perceived
latency of a cold start request. Enabled by default when unspecified on new
services. Use
to enable and--no-cpu-boost
to disable. --[no-]cpu-throttling
Whether to throttle the CPU when the container is not actively serving requests.
to enable and--no-cpu-throttling
to disable. --[no-]default-url
Toggles the default url for a run service. This is enabled by default if not
specified. Use
to enable and--no-default-url
to disable. --[no-]deploy-health-check
Schedules a single instance of the Revision and waits for it to pass its startup
probe for the deployment to succeed. If disabled, the startup probe runs only
when the revision is first started via invocation or by setting min-instances.
This check is enabled by default when unspecified. Use
to enable and--no-deploy-health-check
to disable. --execution-environment
Selects the execution environment where the application will run.
must be one of:gen1
- Run the application in a first generation execution environment.
- Run the application in a second generation execution environment.
- The GPU type to use.
; default="all"-
Set the ingress traffic sources allowed to call the service. For Cloud Run the
flag separately controls the identities allowed to call the service.INGRESS
must be one of:all
- Inbound requests from all sources are allowed.
- For Cloud Run, only inbound requests from VPC networks in the same project or VPC Service Controls perimeter, as well as Pub/Sub subscriptions and Eventarc events in the same project or VPC Service Controls perimeter are allowed. All other requests are rejected. See https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/securing/ingress for full details on the definition of internal traffic for Cloud Run.
- Only inbound requests from Google Cloud Load Balancing or a traffic source allowed by the internal option are allowed.
Optionally disable invoker IAM checks. This feature is available by invitation
only. More info at https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/securing/managing-access#invoker_check.
to enable and--no-invoker-iam-check
to disable. --max-instances
- The maximum number of container instances for this Revision to run or 'default' to remove. This setting is immutably set on each new Revision and modifying its value will deploy another Revision.
- Enables Cloud Service Mesh using the specified mesh resource name. Mesh resource name must be in the format of projects/PROJECT/locations/global/meshes/MESH_NAME or MESH_NAME. Will default to the current project if only MESH_NAME is provided.
- The minimum number of container instances to run for this Service or 'default' to remove. These instances will be divided among all Revisions receiving a percentage of traffic and can be modified without deploying a new Revision.
- The minimum number of container instances to run for this Revision or 'default' to remove. This setting is immutably set on each new Revision and modifying its value will deploy a another Revision. Consider using --min to set the minimum number of instances across all revisions of the Service which may be modified dynamically.
- Region in which the resource can be found. Alternatively, set the property [run/region].
,…]- List of containers to remove.
- Specify the suffix of the revision name. Revision names always start with the service name automatically. For example, specifying [--revision-suffix=v1] for a service named 'helloworld', would lead to a revision named 'helloworld-v1'. Set empty string to clear the suffix and resume server-assigned naming.
- The scaling mode to use for this resource. Flag value could be either "auto" for automatic scaling, or a positive integer to configure manual scaling with the given integer as a fixed instance count.
- the email address of an IAM service account associated with the revision of the service. The service account represents the identity of the running revision, and determines what permissions the revision has.
Whether to enable session affinity for connections to the service. Use
to enable and--no-session-affinity
to disable. --tag
- Traffic tag to assign to the newly created revision.
- Set the maximum request execution time (timeout). It is specified as a duration; for example, "10m5s" is ten minutes, and five seconds. If you don't specify a unit, seconds is assumed. For example, "10" is 10 seconds.
True to avoid sending traffic to the revision being deployed. Setting this flag
assigns any traffic assigned to the LATEST revision to the specific revision
bound to LATEST before the deployment. The effect is that the revision being
deployed will not receive traffic.
After a deployment with this flag the LATEST revision will not receive traffic on future deployments. To restore sending traffic to the LATEST revision by default, run the
gcloud run services update-traffic
command with--to-latest
. --vpc-connector
- Set a VPC connector for this resource.
Specify which of the outbound traffic to send through Direct VPC egress or the
VPC connector for this resource. This resource must have Direct VPC egress
enabled or a VPC connector to set this flag.
must be one of:all
- (DEPRECATED) Sends all outbound traffic through Direct VPC egress or the VPC connector. Provides the same functionality as 'all-traffic'. Prefer to use 'all-traffic' instead.
- Sends all outbound traffic through Direct VPC egress or the VPC connector.
Default option. Sends outbound traffic to private IP addresses (RFC 1918 and
Private Google Access IPs) through Direct VPC egress or the VPC connector.
Traffic to other Cloud Run services might require additional configuration. See https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/securing/private-networking#send_requests_to_other_services_and_services for more information.
These flags modify the Cloud SQL instances this Service connects to. You can
specify a name of a Cloud SQL instance if it's in the same project and region as
your Cloud Run service; otherwise specify
<project>:<region>:<instance> for the instance.
At most one of these can be specified:
,…]- Append the given values to the current Cloud SQL instances.
- Empty the current Cloud SQL instances.
,…]- Remove the given values from the current Cloud SQL instances.
,…]- Completely replace the current Cloud SQL instances with the given values.
These flags modify the custom audiences that can be used in the audience field
of ID token for authenticated requests.
At most one of these can be specified:
,…]- Append the given values to the current custom audiences.
- Empty the current custom audiences.
,…]- Remove the given values from the current custom audiences.
,…]- Completely replace the current custom audiences with the given values.
Adds a volume to the Cloud Run resource. To add more than one volume, specify
this flag multiple times. Volumes must have a
key. Only certain values are supported fortype
. Depending on the provided type, other keys will be required. The following types are supported with the specified additional keys: --clear-volumes
- Remove all existing volumes from the Cloud Run resource, including volumes mounted as secrets
,…]- Removes volumes from the Cloud Run resource.
If the --container or --remove-containers flag is specified the following arguments may only be specified after a --container flag.
Adds a mount to the current container. Must contain the keys
where NAME is the name of a volume on this resource and PATH is the path within the container's filesystem to mount this volume.--args
,…]- Comma-separated arguments passed to the command run by the container image. If not specified and no '--command' is provided, the container image's default Cmd is used. Otherwise, if not specified, no arguments are passed. To reset this field to its default, pass an empty string.
- Remove all existing mounts from the current container.
,…]- Entrypoint for the container image. If not specified, the container image's default Entrypoint is run. To reset this field to its default, pass an empty string.
Set a CPU limit in Kubernetes cpu units.
Cloud Run supports values fractional values below 1, 1, 2, 4, and 8. Some CPU values requires a minimum Memory
value. --depends-on
,…]- List of container dependencies to add to the current container.
Name of the container image to deploy (e.g.
). --liveness-probe
Comma separated settings for liveness probe in the form KEY=VALUE. Each key
stands for a field of the probe described in https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/reference/rest/v1/Container#Probe.
Currently supported keys are:
For example, to set a probe with 10s timeout and HTTP probe requests sent to 8080 port of the container:+ initialDelaySeconds: integer + timeoutSeconds: integer + periodSeconds: integer + failureThreshold: integer + httpGet.port: integer + httpGet.path: string + grpc.port: integer + grpc.service: string
To remove existing probe:
- Set a memory limit. Ex: 1024Mi, 4Gi.
- Container port to receive requests at. Also sets the $PORT environment variable. Must be a number between 1 and 65535, inclusive. To unset this field, pass the special value "default". If updating an existing service with a TCP startup probe pointing to the previous container port, this will also update the probe port.
,…]- Removes the volume mounted at the specified path from the current container.
Comma separated settings for startup probe in the form KEY=VALUE. Each key
stands for a field of the probe described in https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/reference/rest/v1/Container#Probe.
Currently supported keys are:
+ initialDelaySeconds: integer + timeoutSeconds: integer + periodSeconds: integer + failureThreshold: integer + httpGet.port: integer + httpGet.path: string + grpc.port: integer + grpc.service: string + tcpSocket.port: integer
For example, to set a probe with 10s timeout and HTTP probe requests sent to 8080 port of the container:
To remove existing probe:
Whether to use HTTP/2 for connections to the service. Use
to enable and--no-use-http2
to disable. -
At most one of these can be specified:
- Remove all environment variables.
Path to a local YAML file with definitions for all environment variables. All
existing environment variables will be removed before the new environment
variables are added. Example YAML content:
KEY_1: "value1" KEY_2: "value 2"
,…]- List of key-value pairs to set as environment variables. All existing environment variables will be removed first.
Only --update-env-vars and --remove-env-vars can be used together. If both are
specified, --remove-env-vars will be applied first.
,…]- List of environment variables to be removed.
,…]- List of key-value pairs to set as environment variables.
Specify secrets to mount or provide as environment variables. Keys starting with
a forward slash '/' are mount paths. All other keys correspond to environment
variables. Values should be in the form SECRET_NAME:SECRET_VERSION. For example:
'--update-secrets=/secrets/api/key=mysecret:latest,ENV=othersecret:1' will mount
a volume at '/secrets/api' containing a file 'key' with the latest version of
secret 'mysecret'. An environment variable named ENV will also be created whose
value is version 1 of secret 'othersecret'.
At most one of these can be specified:
- Remove all secrets.
,…]- List of key-value pairs to set as secrets. All existing secrets will be removed first.
Only --update-secrets and --remove-secrets can be used together. If both are
specified, --remove-secrets will be applied first.
,…]- List of secrets to be removed.
,…]- List of key-value pairs to set as secrets.
At most one of these can be specified:
- Binary Authorization policy to check against. This must be set to "default".
- Remove any previously set Binary Authorization policy.
At most one of these can be specified:
- Remove any previously set CMEK key shutdown hours setting.
- The number of hours to wait before an automatic shutdown server after CMEK key revocation is detected.
At most one of these can be specified:
- Remove any previously set CMEK key reference.
- CMEK key reference to encrypt the container with.
At most one of these can be specified:
Remove all labels. If
is also specified then--clear-labels
is applied first.For example, to remove all labels:
gcloud beta run multi-region-services update --clear-labels
To remove all existing labels and create two new labels,
gcloud beta run multi-region-services update --clear-labels --update-labels foo=bar,baz=qux
List of label keys to remove. If a label does not exist it is silently ignored.
is also specified then--update-labels
is applied first.
At most one of these can be specified:
List of label KEY=VALUE pairs to add.
An alias to --update-labels.
,…]- List of label KEY=VALUE pairs to update. If a label exists, its value is modified. Otherwise, a new label is created.
At most one of these can be specified:
- Disconnect this Cloud Run service from the VPC network it is connected to.
Direct VPC egress setting flags group.
- The VPC network that the Cloud Run service will be able to send traffic to. If --subnet is also specified, subnet must be a subnetwork of the network specified by this --network flag. To clear existing VPC network settings, use --clear-network.
The VPC subnetwork that the Cloud Run service will get IPs from. The subnetwork
must be
or larger. If --network is also specified, subnet must be a subnetwork of the network specified by the --network flag. If --network is not specified, network will be looked up from this subnetwork. To clear existing VPC network settings, use --clear-network. -
At most one of these can be specified:
- Clears all existing Compute Engine tags from the Cloud Run service.
- Applies the given Compute Engine tags (comma separated) to the Cloud Run service. To clear existing tags, use --clear-network-tags.
At most one of these can be specified:
- Remove any previously set post CMEK key revocation action type.
Action type after CMEK key revocation.
must be one of:prevent-new
- No new instances will be started after CMEK key revocation.
- No new instances will be started and the existing instances will be shut down after CMEK key revocation.
These flags are available to all commands:
$ gcloud help
for details. - NOTES
This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. This variant
is also available:
gcloud alpha run multi-region-services update
gcloud beta run multi-region-services update
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2025-03-18 UTC.