gcloud alpha backup-dr backup-vaults create

gcloud alpha backup-dr backup-vaults create - create a Backup and DR backup vault
gcloud alpha backup-dr backup-vaults create (BACKUP_VAULT : --location=LOCATION) --backup-min-enforced-retention=BACKUP_MIN_ENFORCED_RETENTION [--no-async] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--effective-time=EFFECTIVE_TIME] [--labels=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) Create a Backup and DR backup vault.
To create a new backup vault BACKUP_VAULT in location MY_LOCATION with minimum enforced-retention for backups of 1 month and 1 day, run:
gcloud alpha backup-dr backup-vaults create BACKUP_VAULT --location=MY_LOCATION --backup-min-enforced-retention="p1m1d"

To create a new backup vault BACKUP_VAULT in location MY_LOCATION with minimum enforced-retention for backups of 1 day and description DESCRIPTION, run:

gcloud alpha backup-dr backup-vaults create BACKUP_VAULT --location=MY_LOCATION --backup-min-enforced-retention="1d" --description=DESCRIPTION

To create a new backup vault BACKUP_VAULT in location MY_LOCATION with minimum enforced-retention for backups of 1 day and label key1 with value value1, run:

gcloud alpha backup-dr backup-vaults create BACKUP_VAULT --location=MY_LOCATION --backup-min-enforced-retention="1d" --labels=key1=value1

To create a new backup vault BACKUP_VAULT in location MY_LOCATION with minimum enforced-retention for backups of 1 day and effective-time "2024-03-22", run:

gcloud alpha backup-dr backup-vaults create BACKUP_VAULT --location=MY_LOCATION --backup-min-enforced-retention="1d" --effective-time="2024-03-22"
Backup Vault resource - Name of the backup vault to create. A vault name cannot be changed after creation. It must be between 3-63 characters long and must be unique within the project and location. The arguments in this group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource. (NOTE) Some attributes are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways.

To set the project attribute:

  • provide the argument backup_vault on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --project on the command line;
  • set the property core/project.

This must be specified.

ID of the Backup Vault or fully qualified identifier for the Backup Vault.

To set the name attribute:

  • provide the argument backup_vault on the command line.

This positional argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

The location of the Backup Vault.

To set the location attribute:

  • provide the argument backup_vault on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --location on the command line.
Backups will be kept for this minimum period before they can be deleted. Once the effective time is reached, the enforced retention period cannot be decreased or removed.
Wait for the operation in progress to complete.
Optional description for the backup vault (2048 characters or less).
The time at which the enforced retention period becomes locked. This flag is mutually exclusive with --unlock-backup-min-enforced-retention.
Optional resource labels to represent metadata provided by the user.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command uses the backupdr/v1 API. The full documentation for this API can be found at: https://cloud.google.com/backup-disaster-recovery
Creates a Backup and DR backup vault.
This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist.