gcloud spanner instance-configs create

gcloud spanner instance-configs create - create a Cloud Spanner instance configuration
gcloud spanner instance-configs create INSTANCE_CONFIG (--base-config=BASE_CONFIG --replicas=location=LOCATION,type=TYPE:[…]     | [--clone-config=INSTANCE_CONFIG : --add-replicas=location=LOCATION,type=TYPE:[…] --skip-replicas=location=LOCATION,type=TYPE:[…]]) [--async] [--display-name=DISPLAY_NAME] [--etag=ETAG] [--labels=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--validate-only] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Create a Cloud Spanner instance configuration.
To create a custom Cloud Spanner instance configuration based on an existing Google-managed configuration (nam3) by adding a READ_ONLY type replica in location us-east4, run:
gcloud spanner instance-configs create custom-instance-config --clone-config=nam3 --add-replicas=location=us-east4,type=READ_ONLY

To create a custom Cloud Spanner instance configuration based on another custom configuration (custom-instance-config) by adding a READ_ONLY type replica in location us-east1 and removing a READ_ONLY type replica in location us-east4, run:

gcloud spanner instance-configs create custom-instance-config1 --clone-config=custom-instance-config --add-replicas=location=us-east1,type=READ_ONLY --skip-replicas=location=us-east4,type=READ_ONLY
Cloud Spanner instance configuration. The 'custom-' prefix is required to avoid name conflicts with Google-managed configurations.
Exactly one of these must be specified:
Command-line flags to setup a custom instance configuration replicas:
The name of the Google-managed instance configuration, based on which your custom configuration is created.

This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

The geographic placement of nodes in this instance configuration and their replication types.
The location of the serving resources, e.g. "us-central1".
The type of replica.

Items in the list are separated by ":". The allowed values and formats are as follows.

Read-only replicas only support reads (not writes). Read-only replicas:
  • Maintain a full copy of your data.
  • Serve reads.
  • Do not participate in voting to commit writes.
  • Are not eligible to become a leader.
Read-write replicas support both reads and writes. These replicas:
  • Maintain a full copy of your data.
  • Serve reads.
  • Can vote whether to commit a write.
  • Participate in leadership election.
  • Are eligible to become a leader.
Witness replicas don't support reads but do participate in voting to commit writes. Witness replicas:
  • Do not maintain a full copy of data.
  • Do not serve reads.
  • Vote whether to commit writes.
  • Participate in leader election but are not eligible to become leader.

This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

Command-line flags to setup a custom instance configuration using clone options:
The ID of the instance config, based on which this configuration is created. The clone is an independent copy of this config. Available configurations can be found by running "gcloud spanner instance-configs list"

This flag argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

Add new replicas while cloning from the source config.
Skip replicas from the source config while cloning. Each replica in the list must exist in the source config replicas list.
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.
The name of this instance configuration as it appears in UIs. Must specify this option if creating an instance-config with --replicas.
Used for optimistic concurrency control.
List of label KEY=VALUE pairs to add.

Keys must start with a lowercase character and contain only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters, and numbers. Values must contain only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters, and numbers.

If specified, validate that the creation will succeed without creating the instance configuration.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha spanner instance-configs create
gcloud beta spanner instance-configs create