Step 5: Test your IAP-secured app

In this section, you test the app that you've deployed to Cloud Run by viewing it in your browser. You can view the app only after the status of the Google-managed certificate becomes ACTIVE. Provisioning a Google-managed certificate might take up to 60 minutes. For more information about Google-managed SSL certificates, see Use Google-managed SSL certificates.

Check the status of your certificate

  1. Go to the Classic Certificates tab in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Classic Certificates

  2. In the Status column, check the status of the my-genai-app-certificate certificate.

    You can proceed with the rest of the tutorial after the status changes to Active. Note that certificate provisioning might take up to 60 minutes.

View the deployed app

  1. Sign in with a principal's account that you configured in IAP.

  2. In your browser, open the following URL:


    Replace DOMAIN_NAME with domain name provided during certificate creation.