Troubleshoot GKE

This page lists troubleshooting pages for common issues you might encounter when using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This page is for Admins and architects, Security specialists, Networking specialists, or Storage specialists who troubleshoot GKE configurations. To learn more about GKE roles, see Common GKE Enterprise user roles and tasks.

Use this page to diagnose and resolve issues you encounter across various stages of working with your GKE infrastructure:

This page also provides access to more general troubleshooting topics:

Cluster setup

Topic Description
Cluster creation Resolve issues with creating clusters.
Autopilot clusters Diagnose and troubleshoot GKE Autopilot clusters, including cluster creation, namespace deletion, scaling, and workload issues.
Kubectl command-line tool Troubleshoot the kubectl command-line tool in GKE, including issues with authentication, authorization. This page also includes advice on how to troubleshoot the Konnectivity proxy to check if it's causing the kubectl logs, attach, exec, or port-forward commands to stop responding.
Standard node pools Troubleshoot GKE Standard node pools, including issues with node pool creation, best-effort provisioning, corrupted instance metadata, and migrating workloads to new node pools.
Node registration Troubleshoot issues that occur when adding nodes to your GKE Standard cluster, such as node registration failures and missing prerequisites for successful node registration.
Container runtime Troubleshoot container runtimes in GKE, including issues with containerd and dockershim, and private registries.


Topic Description
Storage Troubleshoot storage, including issues with regional persistent disks, disk performance, and volume expansion.

Cluster security

Topic Description
Authentication Troubleshoot authentication in GKE, including issues with RBAC, Workload Identity Federation for GKE, and the GKE metadata server.
Service accounts Troubleshoot service accounts, including restoring the default service account and enabling the Compute Engine default service account.
Application-layer secrets Troubleshoot issues that can occur when configuring application-layer secrets encryption, including failed updates and errors where you're unable to use a Cloud KMS key.

Cluster's root Certificate Authority expiring soon

Topic Description
Root Certificate Authority (CA) expiring If your cluster's root Certificate Authority (CA) is expiring soon, learn how to perform a credential rotation to prevent normal cluster operations from being interrupted.


Topic Description
Deployed workloads Troubleshoot errors for workloads running in a GKE cluster, including CrashLoopBackOff and PodUnschedulable. Read the PodUnschedulable section for advice on errors like MatchNodeSelector and Does not have minimum availability.
Image pulls Troubleshoot image pulls. Learn what causes statuses like ImagePullBackOff and ErrImagePull and how to resolve these statuses by fixing common issues like authentication and network connectivity.
Arm workloads Troubleshoot issues with Arm workloads, including Pods on Arm nodes crashing.
TPUs Troubleshoot TPUs, including issues with quota, node auto-provisioning, workload configuration, and scheduling.
GPUs Troubleshoot GPUs, including issues with GPU driver installation, device plugin errors, and container images.

Cluster management

Topic Description
Upgrades Troubleshoot issues with GKE cluster upgrades, such as a kube-apiserver that's unhealthy after a control plane upgrade or workloads that are evicted after an upgrade.
Webhooks Understand how to troubleshoot and ensure the stability of your cluster control plane when using admission webhooks.
Namespace stuck in the Terminating state Troubleshoot issues with namespaces stuck in the Terminating state by identifying and removing the unhealthy components that are blocking deletion.


Topic Description
System metrics Troubleshoot system metrics not appearing in Cloud Monitoring.
Monitoring dashboards Troubleshoot monitoring dashboards, including issues with enabling monitoring, missing Kubernetes resources, and permissions.
Logging Troubleshoot logging, including issues with enabling logging, missing logs, and quotas.

4xx errors

Topic Description
4xx errors Troubleshoot some of the 400, 401, 403, and 404 errors that you might encounter when using GKE. This page also includes information on how to troubleshoot missing edit permissions on account errors.

Known issues

Topic Description
Known issues Identify and resolve known issues that might affect your use of GKE.