Configure the dashboard storage in the PA organization

This document contains instructions for the Platform Administrator (PA) to configure the storage size of dashboards for system monitoring.

Update the storage size by modifying the ObservabilityPipeline custom resource. These instructions override the default values for data observability on the project namespace.

The Observability pipeline of Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped manages the deployment and configuration of Observability stack components. The ObservabilityPipeline custom resource lets you reach the API of the Observability pipeline and configure the Observability service for your deployments. This custom resource includes customized settings for dashboards used in system monitoring.

Before you begin

To get the permissions you need to configure or view the storage size for dashboards, ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you one of the following roles in the platform-obs namespace:

  • Observability Pipeline PA Creator: creates ObservabilityPipeline custom resources. Request the Observability Pipeline PA Creator (observabilitypipeline-pa-creator) cluster role.
  • Observability Pipeline PA Editor: edits or modifies ObservabilityPipeline custom resources. Request the Observability Pipeline PA Editor (observabilitypipeline-pa-editor) cluster role.
  • Observability Pipeline PA Viewer: views ObservabilityPipeline custom resources. Request the Observability Pipeline PA Viewer (observabilitypipeline-pa-viewer) cluster role.

Before configuring the storage size for dashboards, work through the following steps:

  1. Set the path of the kubeconfig file as an environment variable:


    Replace KUBECONFIG_FILE with the path of the kubeconfig file of the org admin cluster.

  2. Deploy the ObservabilityPipeline custom resource with the name observability-config into the project namespace.

  3. View the current configuration of your Observability deployment:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} get observabilitypipeline -n PROJECT_NAMESPACE observability-config -o yaml

Update the storage size for dashboards

Work through the following steps to configure the storage size for dashboards in the project:

  1. Open your ObservabilityPipeline custom resource in a command-line editor:

    kubectl --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} -n PROJECT_NAMESPACE edit observabilitypipeline/observability-config
  2. Update the storageSize value nested in the monitoring field:

     # Configure observability pipeline
    kind: ObservabilityPipeline
      namespace: PROJECT_NAMESPACE
      name: observability-config
          storageSize: 1Gi # Configure the new storage size for dashboards in the project.
  3. Save the change and exit your command-line editor.

Sample configuration

The following YAML file shows a sample configuration of the ObservabilityPipeline custom resource:

# Configure observability pipeline
kind: ObservabilityPipeline
  name: observability-config
      storageSize: 1Gi